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Environmental Justice Program

Collage of Pictures,  a little boy runnning through a field, a native american in full dress, some children by a stream, houses from above, and some workers

EJ Grants Workshop

The EPA Region 7 Environmental Justice Program will be hosting a FREE Environmental Justice Grants Workshop for interested stakeholders and organizations. The workshop will be held Dec. 3, 2008, in Kansas City, Kan. Please plan to attend this valuable workshop and learn how to apply for and manage EJ grants. More information and Registration Form. Space is limited.

On April 8, 2008, a new announcement for the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program (EJSG) titled Environmental Justice Small Grants Program - Application Guidance FY 2008 (PDF) (42 pp, 541K About PDF) was released. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities and nonprofit organizations working on, or planning to work on, a project that addresses a local environmental and public health issue within an affected community. The EJSG Program is a multi-statute program designed to help communities understand and address their exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. This notice is also available in Spanish. News Release

Pesticide Sales Concerns Addressed:

Protect Your Business and Your Customers - Do NOT Buy or Sell Illegal Pesticides! (1 page, 94 KB) [PDF] en EspaƱol Chinese (Simplified) (PDF) (1 page, 220K About PDF) Chinese (Traditional)(PDF) (1 page, 231K About PDF) Vietnamese(PDF) (1 page, 172K About PDF)  Korean(PDF) (1 page, 220K About PDF) Laotian text(PDF)(1 page, 139K About PDF)

Region 7 has developed a flier to inform and educate marketplaces about the risks involved in selling unregistered pesticide products, which might be hazardous to human health, and about the laws associated with knowingly selling such products. Special emphasis has been placed on markets that sell imported goods. This flier has been translated into 6 different languages. The goal is that unregistered pesticides are removed from store shelves.

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