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Environmental Management System

Going Green at Region 2
At Region 2 we take Environmental Management Systems Policy seriously, implementing EMS at our facilities. More....
EMS Resources
Available tools and programs that can help facilities develop, implement, and continuously improve an EMS. 
EPA's EMS Action Plan
In a July 1999, EPA made a commitment to encourage organizations to use EMSs that improve compliance, pollution prevention, and other measures of environmental performance. More
Environmental Performance Track
Environmental Performance Track - designed to motivate and reward top environmental performance.  In order to be eligible for the program, a facility must have an EMS in place.

An environmental management system (EMS) provides a framework for managing environmental responsibilities in more systematic way, thereby enabling organizations to continuously improve their environmental performance.  Overview...

In the Spotlight

Healthcare Guide to Pollution Prevention Implementation through Environmental Management Systems [DOC] Exit EPA disclaimer - The Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center developed this manual, under a grant from EPA, to provide hospitals with guidelines for the reduction of persistent, bioaccumulative toxics and pollution prevention through an EMS approach.

Understanding and Implementing an Environmental Management System Exit EPA disclaimer - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Pollution Prevention Unit has developed, through a grant from EPA Region 2, a step-by-step EMS guide for small and medium-sized organizations.

The Public Entity Environmental Management System Resource Center Exit EPA disclaimer (PEER Center) is a virtual clearinghouse specifically designed to aid local, county, and state governments that are considering implementing or have implemented an EMS and want to access the knowledge and field experience of other public entities that have done so.  The PEER Center is an outgrowth of two successful U.S. EPA projects involving EMS implementation in 23 municipal, county, and states entities across the country.

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