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Protection of Stratospheric Ozone; Launch of Electronic Reporting System

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[Federal Register: March 24, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 57)]
[Page 15520-15521]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


[EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-001; FRL-8545-8]

Protection of Stratospheric Ozone; Launch of Electronic Reporting System

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: EPA is prepared to receive, in electronic form, certain
documents required under the regulations at 40 CFR Part 82 for the
Stratospheric Ozone Protection Program. EPA is launching an electronic
reporting system that will allow producers, importers, and exporters of
Class I ozone-depleting substances (except methyl bromide) and Class II
ozone-depleting substances to submit quarterly reports electronically.
EPA believes that, for many users, electronic reporting will allow
reporting to occur with greater ease, speed, and accuracy than the
paper-based reporting systems.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jennifer Bohman, Stratospheric
Protection Division, Office of Air and Radiation (6205J), Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460;
telephone number: (202) 343-9548; fax number: (202) 343-2338; e-mail
address: bohman.jennifer@epa.gov. Additional information, including the
electronic reporting forms, training and guidance documents are found
at http://www.epa.gov/ozone/record/ereport.html.


I. General Information

A. What Action is the Agency Taking?

    EPA is launching an electronic reporting system that will allow the
electronic submission of certain quarterly reports. Over the past year,
EPA has conducted a pilot effort to use and evaluate an electronic
reporting system. EPA has refined the system based on recommendations
from the pilot participants. EPA is now launching the electronic
reporting system and providing an opportunity for all eligible
participants to use the system.

B. What Is the Agency's Authority for Taking This Action?

    EPA is establishing this electronic reporting system under section
603(b) of the Clean Air Act which states that ``on a quarterly basis,
or such other basis (not less than annually) as determined by the
Administrator, each person who produced, imported, or exported a class
I or class II substance shall file a report with the Administrator. * * *''
    EPA offers the electronic reporting system as an alternative to the
existing paper-based reporting system. The electronic reporting system
does not contain any new or additional requirements. The electronic
reporting system is compliant with EPA's Cross Media Electronic
Reporting Rule.

C. What Reports Can Be Submitted Electronically?

    The electronic reporting system currently allows producers,
importers, and exporters of Class I ozone-depleting substances (except
methyl bromide) and Class II ozone-depleting substances to submit
quarterly reports electronically. These quarterly reports, among
others, are required under our regulations at 40 CFR 82.13 and 82.24.
In addition to the quarterly report data, participants will also be
able to submit supporting documents that would have been attached to
hard copy reports under the previous system.
    EPA anticipates expanding the electronic reporting system to
include additional reports required by the Stratospheric Ozone
Protection Program's regulations.

D. Am I Required To Submit Reports Electronically?

    EPA strongly encourages companies to use the electronic reporting

[[Page 15521]]

EPA believes that electronic submission of data will be easier, faster,
and more accurate. However, EPA will continue to accept paper reporting

E. How Is EPA Protecting Information Submitted Electronically?

    This electronic reporting system is compliant with the Cross Media
Electronic Reporting Rule, a base standard that ensures the security of
electronic data submissions. In addition, because reporting companies
typically claim the quarterly report information as confidential, EPA
has implemented robust measures to ensure protection of data submitted
electronically, including digital electronic signatures and an
encryption and decryption process that meets Agency and industry
standards for data security.

F. How Will I Know if EPA Received Information Submitted Electronically?

    EPA recognizes the importance of a smooth transition from a paper-
based reporting system to an electronic reporting system. Submitters of
electronic data will receive e-mail confirmation that EPA has received
an electronic data submission. In addition, to ensure the new
electronic process is established correctly on users' networks, EPA is
requiring participants in electronic reporting to continue submitting
hard-copy forms for the first two quarters they are submitting data

G. How Do I Find Out More About Electronic Reporting?

    EPA is providing a number of training resources to assist companies
who may wish to transition to the electronic reporting system.
Interested companies will be able to download electronic reporting
forms, training and guidance documents from EPA's Stratospheric Ozone
Protection Program Web site at http://www.epa.gov/ozone/record/
ereport.html. EPA will also host online training sessions to provide
detailed instructions, demonstrations, and an open forum to discuss the
online reporting system. Information on such outreach will be available
on EPA's Web site. In addition, EPA will provide help desk assistance
for companies as they develop and submit electronic reporting packages.

    Dated: March 18, 2008.
Brian J. McLean,
Director, Office of Atmospheric Programs.
[FR Doc. E8-5879 Filed 3-21-08; 8:45 am]


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