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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)


Frequently Asked Questions


Do you have any classes or workshops for undergraduate or graduate students or practitioners of international affairs?
No. However, the Education Program may make this type of program available in the future. For practitioners, please contact the Training Program.

Do you have scholarship opportunities for undergraduate college students?
We do not have a scholarship program for college students. We only have the National Peace Essay Contest, which awards college scholarships to high school students.

I am interested in coming to the United States to study peace and conflict resolution. Will the Institute sponsor me?
The Education Program does not sponsor students or academics to come to the United States. However, the Institute has a Fellowship program which enables outstanding scholars, policymakers, journalists, and other professionals from around the world to conduct research at the Institute..

We are an organization involved in fostering peace and conflict resolution. Will you work with us in partnership?
It depends on the type of partnership. The Education Program often co-hosts programs with high schools, colleges, and universities. If you need help in funding your programs, the Education Program does NOT engage in this function. However, the Institute has a Grants program.

National Peace Essay Contest

When is the National Peace Essay Contest deadline?
The deadline changes every year. The next deadline and other details are on our contest page and in the guidebook.

Who is eligible?

  • All high school students attending school in the United States regardless of citizenship.
  • Foreign exchange and visiting students attending high school in the U.S. may enter.
  • Only U.S. citizens if attending high school in countries other than United States.
  • Age is not a factor; Grade level is.

What is the Scholarship amount?
How many awards do you give each year? Potentially 53 Winners in all.

  • $10,000 1 National First Place Winner
  • $5,000 1 National Second Place Winner
  • $2,500 1 National Third Place Winner
  • $1,000 1 State Winner per each state plus 1 winner for U.S. territories and 1 winner for American Students abroad.

If the quality of the essays from a state or region does not meet our minimum standards, that state or region may not have a winner at all. However, we evaluate the essays with an eye toward choosing a winner, rather than looking for a perfect paper. Note: These are college scholarships that can be applied when the student enters college.

What do I need to do to start on my essay?
The contest has strict guidelines for entries. Make sure you have a guidebook. It contains all the rules and forms. You can download the guidebook from this Web site or request a printed guidebook from us.

Do I have to send in the forms before I begin writing?
No. The forms must accompany your essay submission.

Should I send recommendation letters?
Please do not include recommendation letters, personal statements, grade point average or a resume. We only look at the essay in our evaluation process.

How can I be sure that my essay got to you in time, or that you have received it at all?
Due to the large quantity of applications, we CANNOT give confirmation of receipt. If you are concerned, use certified mail or other such service so that you can follow up with the delivery service.

Is this an annual contest?
Yes. We have winners every year!

How do I find out if I won or not?
We contact the coordinators first. We send out the announcement by mail in the second or third week of April.

How many students entered the 2003-2004 contest?
Over 1100.

Can I ask a teacher or parent to review my work?
Yes. Every student must have a contest coordinator. The coordinator is the person who would guide the student in their research and makes sure that the student has followed all the guidelines. Any adult can be a coordinator--a parent, teacher, neighbor, etc-- and there is no formal process in becoming a coordinator except signing the coordinator form.

Can one organization or coordinator submit more than one entry?
Definitely. In fact, a bulk of the essays we receive are club or classroom projects.

Can a group work together to write one essay?
No. Each essay must have only one author; Each essay must be the work of one student.

Summer Institute

When is the deadline for application for the Summer Institute for Secondary School Teachers?
The deadline changes every year. Please refer to the Summer Institute page for the latest information.

Is this program only for high school social studies teachers?
This program is designed for high school social studies teachers, and this is the group that we expect would benefit the most from the experience. However, we have in the past accepted people in the education field, who do not fit the candidate description exactly. If you are not a high school social studies teacher, but you have a strong background and demonstrated interest in international peace and conflict resolution, and you feel that high school(s) and/or high school students would benefit from you attending the Summer Institute, we encourage you to apply.

How much does the program cost?
There is no tuition or materials fee. Accepted applicants will have initial out-of-pocket costs for travel, but are reimbursed at the end of the program with a specified stipend. We pay for and provide lodging at a nearby hotel.

How many applicants are accepted and how many apply?
What is your selection process?
While our pool of applicants is small, the applicants are always of the highest caliber. This makes the selection process difficult. Applications go through a "peer review" process, as well as a review by a small in-house panel. We accept about 25 applicants to participate after considering all background information. We try to have mixed years of experience, teaching environment, and geographic location represented in the Summer Institute.

Is there an application form that I have to fill out?
Yes. You must include an Applicant Information Form with the other elements of your application. This form is conveniently downloadable online and on the brochure. Please carefully follow the directions for putting together the application packet and submit all the elements together.

Zones of Conflict

The country I live in would qualify as a zone of conflict. How do I go about doing a program here with United States Institute of Peace's Education Program?
We choose and schedule programs in Zones of Conflict with specific issues in mind. Currently, we have on our agenda programs in the following areas: Middle East, South Asia, and South East Asia. Due to budget constraints we can only consider very few programs that we feel converge with our mission and objectives. However, we are always open to new program ideas, so please contact us if you are interested in bringing together academics from your region of conflict with a specific focus.

I am a specialist in the U.S. who would like to join your meeting abroad. Would I be able to join your group?
Often, we invite one or two specialists who fit the focus and the dynamics of the group to travel to the meeting from the United States. These invitees, along with the Education Program's representatives, work together prior to the meeting to create the content and direction for the meeting. We work with a number of specialists from various fields of international affairs on regular basis and welcome the opportunity to review your possible contribution to our programs. If you wish to travel at your own expense as a participant rather than a speaker, please contact us to find out whether or not you may attend a particular meeting.

Could I attend one of your meetings if I live in the city of your meeting?
Generally, the programs are by invitation only, and are not open to the general public.
Many of our programs are organized with a co-hosting organization of the meeting city, and often our co-host generates most of the general invitee list while we generate the core group list. Review the descriptions of our future Zones of Conflict meetings, and contact us to find out whether or not you may attend a particular meeting.

Faculty Seminars and Workshops

Our university wants to put together a faculty seminar to bring faculty members from our area. How if in any way, could you assist us or work with us?
The role that we can play in your program varies with what you are trying to do and how you are organizing the program. Above all, it is limited by our staff and budget. Please contact us with the details of your objective and plans and we will try our best to assist you in some way.

I am a university professor who is interested in attending your faculty seminar. How do I get an invitation?
Please review our upcoming faculty seminars and workshops and contact us to find out if the sessions are closed or open to the specialized public.

Do you offer certificates to the participants of the Faculty Seminars and Workshops?
No. We do not, but our cohosting organization may.


For High School Students


For High School Teachers


For College and University Faculty


For Practitioners


Resources and Tools



United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)