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Drinking Water Drinking Water

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Setting Standards for Safe Drinking Water

Drought/Water Conservation - This site contains links to regional drought information and drought management.

Drinking Water for kids

Current Issues

Agreement With Major Airlines to Protect Drinking Water
EPA announced commitments from 12 major U.S. passenger airlines to implement new aircraft water testing and disinfection protocols. The action follows testing that found water quality problems on 12.6 percent of domestic and international passenger aircraft tested at U.S. airports. EPA also announced a new round of airline water testing.

Regional Drinking Water Program Highlights

SDWA 25th Anniversary LogoSafe drinking water is a shared responsibility, involving water suppliers, local, state, tribal and federal governments and other stakeholders. In EPA Region 2, we work with our partners to ensure that the water supplied by public water systems meets health-based standards.

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was passed in 1974 to ensure the safety of public drinking water supplies. In 1986, amendments to the Act were passed to further strengthen the drinking water program by establishing a timetable for EPA to develop additional drinking water regulations.

The 1996 Amendments to the SDWA contain a significant number of new provisions for EPA, the States, water suppliers, and the public. The 1996 Amendments emphasize sound science and risk-based standard setting, small water supply system flexibility and technical assistance, community-empowered source water protection, consumer awareness/right-to-know, and water system infrastructure assistance through a multi-billion-dollar Drinking Water State Revolving Fund(DWSRF).


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