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Jan 31, 2001 Letter Transmitting Proposed FY-2001 IUP Jan 31, 2001 Letter Transmitting Proposed FY-2001 IUP

Date: January 31, 2001

Subject: Indian Nation Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Program - Proposed Fiscal Year 2001 Intended Use Plan (45 Day Comment Period)

Dear Interested Party:

Enclosed please find a copy of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2001 Intended Use Plan (IUP) for the Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant, Tribal Set-Aside (DWIG TSA) Program. Fiscal Year 2001 Grant funds are now available. The Proposed IUP explains the Grant Program and contains EPA's plan for distribution of Fiscal Year 2001 funding. The Proposed IUP and other information about EPA's Grant Program are on the EPA Region 2 Internet Site.

There will be a 45 day comment period on the Proposed IUP. The comment period will begin on the day this letter is dated.Indian Nations and other interested parties are welcome to comment on the Proposed IUP and how EPA is proposing to distribute Fiscal Year 2001 Grant Funds. Comments must be sent to EPA in writing or by electronic mail. Please send any comments to Mr. Gerard McKenna of my staff at the following address:

Gerard McKenna
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
Drinking Water Section
290 Broadway, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10007-1866

The Proposed IUP gives details on how to apply for future grant funds and explains how new projects will be added to future project priority lists. EPA Region 2 administers the DWIG TSA Program for all of the federally recognized Indian Nations that are located within EPA Region 2 (the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, the Seneca Nation of Indians, Oneida Nation, Tuscarora Nation, the Tonawanda Band of Senecas, Onondaga Nation and Cayuga Nation). EPA Region 2 is authorized to award grants to these federally recognized Indian Nations. For details on who is eligible to receive assistance through an Indian Nation, please see the Proposed IUP or contact Mr. McKenna of my staff at the phone number below.

EPA would like to encourage Indian Nations that are interested in applying for future grant funds, to begin assessing water system needs as soon as possible. EPA has other drinking water grant funds that can be used to do assessments for projects. If you would like to find out more about the DWIG TSA Grant Program or you are interested in finding out more about other types of EPA drinking water grants, please contact Mr. McKenna of EPA at the number below.

The Indian Health Service (IHS) has provided financial and engineering support to Indian Nations for drinking water systems for many years. EPA encourages Indian Nations to work with IHS on the development and implementation of their projects.

If you have any questions concerning the above or we can assist you in any way, please contact me at (212) 637-3880 or Mr. McKenna of my staff at (212) 637-3838. For assistance from IHS, please contact Mr. Phillip Rapp at (207) 941-8744.


Sincerely yours,

Walter E. Andrews, Chief
Water Program Branch


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