2nd announcement: First West and Central African Agricultural Scientific Week and CORAF/WECARD General Assembly

Producers and Users at the centre of Research

June 9-13 , 2008

Mont Fébé Hotel

Yaoundé , Cameroon


Due to a conflicting calendar with some international events involving Research and
Development stakeholders of the sub region, the First West and Central African Agricultural
Scientific Week initially scheduled for May 26-31, 2008 will finally take place June 09-13,
2008 at Mont Fébé Hôtel, Yaoundé, Cameroon back to back with CORAF/WECARD 8th
General Assembly.

***online registration form


The Ministry of Innovation & Scientific Research of Cameroon will host the eight (8 th ) General Assembly of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research & Development (CORAF/WECARD). The General Assembly will draw together representatives of CORAF/WECARD's constituents from African and non-African institutions involved in West and Central African agricultural research and development. Such institutions will include Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Sub-Regional Organizations (SROs) such as ASARECA, SADC/FANR and Northern Africa - AARINENA, sub-regional agricultural research institutions, universities, NGOs and private enterprises that comprise the national agricultural research systems (NARS), partner research institutions such as the international agricultural research centers (IARCs), advanced research institutions (ARIs), international NGOs, policy makers, private sector, farmers' organizations, and development partners.


•  To hold the 1 st West & Central African Agricultural Science Week and the 8th biennial CORAF/WECARD General Assembly.

•  To provide a forum where CORAF/WECARD's constituents can meet to review progress since the 7 th biennial General Assembly in April 2006 and, based on lessons learnt since then, determine the West and Central African agenda for agricultural research for development for the next biennium.

•  Within the West and Central African Agricultural Scientific Week, to hold a Cameroon Agricultural Science day at which agricultural innovations will be exhibited to raise awareness amongst participants and the public about the relevance and impact of agricultural research in alleviating poverty, promoting food security and protecting the environment.

Expected Outputs

•  Increased knowledge of the problems, opportunities and successes in West and Central African agricultural research and development

•  Greater awareness of the roles and contributions of different stakeholders and enhanced networking and interaction between them

•  Greater awareness of the roles and contributions of Regional Economic Communities such as ECOWAS, UEMOA, CEEAC, & CEMAC in the promotion and support of the West and Central African Agricultural Research and Development

•  Greater appreciation amongst the participants and the public of the important contributions of agricultural research for development in West and Central Africa , especially in Cameroon

•  Endorsement of CORAF/WECARD's Plan of Action for the next two years

•  Adoption of the new CORAF/WECARD statutes and governance manual

•  Renewal of CORAF/WECARD Governing Board

The Program

There is an inexhaustible list of potential topics for discussions on West and Central African agricultural research for development. However, reflections on past CORAF/WECARD General Assemblies, trends in West and Central African agriculture, and continuing consultations with stakeholders during the development process of a revised strategic plan (2007-2016) and operational plan (2007-2011) indicate that the following main theme and sub-themes warrant particular attention by CORAF/WECARD's stakeholders at the 8th General Assembly.

1. Theme

Producers and End Users at the centre of Agricultural Research and Development

2. Sub-themes

•  Agricultural productivity in West and Central Africa faced with climate changes, the challenges of biocarburants and food security

•  Biotechnology and biosecurity

•  Agricultural research marketing

•  Knowledge Management

•  Breeding in the struggle against poverty.

The above sub-themes are intended to address issues which are of the utmost importance at this time in ways which will produce concrete suggestions for actions by CORAF/WECARD's constituents. The pre-plenary meetings and poster sessions will be organized to make optimal use of the participants' limited time during the West and Central Africa Agricultural Science Week and at the CORAF/WECARD General Assembly.


The program will be divided into three parts: pre-plenary meetings for each sub-theme; a West and Central African agricultural scientific week; and finally the CORAF/ WECARD General Assembly meeting.

1. Pre-plenary meetings

This provides opportunities for in-depth discussions on the sub-themes. An open call for papers/presenters will be issued by CORAF/WECARD. Due to the limited time available, requests for pre-plenary meetings will be considered and selected by the CORAF/WECARD Scientific & Technical Committee. Each session will be convened by an agricultural research institution specializing in or has particular responsibility for the selected topic. Interested institutions are encouraged to invite other institutions or organizations to join them in their requests for holding pre-plenary meetings. This will enable the CORAF/WECARD Executive Secretariat to identify the most suitable facilitator(s) for each session.

Each session is expected to summarize their recommendations and present them to plenary at times that will be allocated by the organizers. Presenters are encouraged to direct and focus their recommendations to add value to CORAF/WECARD and West and Central African NARS priorities and initiatives.

2. West and Central African agricultural scientific week

All stakeholders and actors in West and Central African agriculture such as NARS, farmers' organizations, development agencies, small and medium enterprises etc., from the host country and the sub region are invited to participate as exhibitors in the West and Central African Agricultural Scientific Week. This will provide them with an opportunity to raise awareness of their roles and products at designated booths. There will also be posters sessions at which participants will be able to set out their contributions to the theme of the week.

There will be a special Cameroon Agricultural Science Day aimed at raising awareness of agricultural research outputs from the Cameroonian NARS, through exhibits or field visits. This will be held in the middle of the week between the pre-plenary and plenary meetings.

3. General Assembly Meeting

The General Assembly will be opened by a keynote address on the theme Producers and Users at the centre of Research and a report by the Executive Secretary of CORAF/WECARD on the progress on the recommendations and outcomes of the 7 th General Assembly.

Two days will be allocated for the presentation of the outcomes of the pre-plenary meetings to plenary sessions of the General Assembly. The General Assembly will review the recommendations and determine how they will be taken up by CORAF/WECARD and its appropriate constituent institutions.

The CORAF/WECARD Executive Secretariat will publish all information regarding the plenary meeting on its website ( www.coraf.org ).


Date and Venue

The General Assembly will be held from the 26 th – 31 st May, 2008 at the Mont Fébé Hotel, Yaoundé , Cameroon


Invitations to the General Assembly will be issued by the CORAF/WECARD Executive Secretariat and the Ministry of Innovation and Scientific Research of Cameroon. Interested Parties should contact CORAF/WECARD at ;


Executive Secretariat

BP 48

Dakar RP, Senegal

Tel: 221 33 869 96 18

Fax: 221 33 869 96 31

Email: secoraf@coraf.org

Hotel Accommodation

All the participant will be accommodated at Mont Fébé Hotel. The negotiated rate is 50 000 FCFA/night including breakfast


Transportation between the hotels and the airport will be provided. Shuttle services are also being arranged and details will be conveyed as soon as possible.


Cameroon visas are issued at Cameroon High Commissions and Embassies. Entry permits can only be issued on arrival to visitors from countries where there is no Cameroon High Commissions or Embassy.

However, it is advised to cross check with the Cameroon High Commission or Embassy in your country before making the trip.

Information about Cameroon

Guideline of the participant for CORAF/WECARD 8th General Assembly Yaounde , Cameroon ,9-13 June 2008

Arrival and departure

Entry visa formalities : participants should take their entry visa to Cameroon at the Cameroon embassy or consulate of their country. The entry visa can be delivered upon arrival at airport to participants coming from countries with no Cameroon embassy or consulate. To that effect, please send the information to the Local Organising Committee (LOC) in Yaounde at least three weeks before the date of arrival. Departing participants will pay an airport tax of 10 000 CFA.


It is recommended that participants arrive either by Douala International Airport or Nsimalen Yaounde Airport . In either case, the Local Organising Committee (LOC) will welcome participants.

Participants arriving from Douala International Airport will be welcome and driven to Yaounde (roughly 240 Kms, duration of the whole trip: 3 hours).

Local transport

Shuttles from Mont FEBE airport will ensure displacements of participants from hotel to town and on their way back during the General Assembly Meeting. Furthermore, there is a local public transportation by taxi (yellow cabs) or by bus (blue colored) at a convenient rate.


Participants will accommodate at Mont FEBE a 4**** hotel with a panoramic view of Yaounde .


The average temperatures in Yaounde in May will turn around 28-29°C with possible rains.

Time Difference

Cameroon is at GMT + 1. For instance, Senegal is one our behind Cameroon .


Cameroon belongs to the Franc Zone with Central Africa FCFA as monetary unit linked to Euro by fix parity : 1 Euro = 655,957 FCFA. Several change shops are available within airports, banks and big hotels. If necessary, you can revert to the LOC.


Circulation is free. However, participants are advised to bear their ID Card for displacements in town.


Land lines and mobile services are available and provided by several operators at the hotel, in cybercafés and on mobile phone.


Yaounde has many facilities in terms of food with restaurants providing various meals (African and international) day and night. In case of need, participants can seek advice from the LOC.


The town has private or public hospitals or clinics. If need be, participants can get back the LOC.


Yaounde has entertainment and sport places for everybody. In case of need, participants can seek advice from the LOC.

For further information on Cameroon , please get in touch with the Local Organising Committee to the following address:

Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD)

BP 2123 ou 2067 Yaoundé Cameroun

Tél/Fax : (237) 22 22 33 62 / 22 22 59 24 / 22 23 26 44

e-mail : iradpnrva@yahoo.com

Site web : www.irad-cameroon.org