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Letters of Advice and Response

Letters of Advice   Government Response
2008   2008

05/15/08 Letter (PDF) (9pp, 2.3MB, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2008-1 (April 17,2008): Response to EPA's request on North American Symposia on Assessing the Environmental Effects of Trade
  • Advice 2008-2 (April 17,2008): Response to EPA's request on Economic and Environmental Sustainability
  • Advice 2008-3 (April 17,2008): Response to EPA's request on Import Safety and the CEC
  • Advice 2008-4 (April 17,2008): On Article 13 Report "Green Building in North America."

08/28/2008 Government Response - NAC (PDF) (3pp, 1.4M, About PDF)

2007   2007

11/19/07 Letter (PDF) (12pp, 250K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2007-4 (November 19, 2007): Response to EPA’s request on the need for a
    communications strategy for the CEC
  • Advice 2007-5 (November 19, 2007): Response to EPA’s request on the emerging trends
  • Advice 2007-6 (November 19, 2007): Response to EPA’s request on the Operational Plan
  • Advice 2007-7 (November 19, 2007): status of the citizen's submission process
  • Advice 2007-8 (November 19, 2007): other miscellaneous issues

05/24/07 Letter (PDF) (20pp, 147K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2007-1 (May 24, 2007): Response to EPA’s request on potential projects for consideration by the CEC with emphasis on their relevance to US audiences
  • Advice 2007-2 (May 24, 2007): Article 13 topics for consideration
  • Advice 2007-3 (May 24, 2007): Response to EPA on Council Session priorities


Government Response Letter to November 2007 Letter (4pp, 6.9MB, About PDF)
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Response to EPA's request on the need for a communications strategy for the CEC
  • Response to EPA's request on the emerging trends
  • Response to EPA's request on the Operational Plan
  • Status of the citizen's submission process
  • Other miscellaneous issues
Government Response Letter to May 2007 Letter (3pp, 3.9MB, About PDF)
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Response to EPA's request on potential projects for consideration by the CEC with emphasis on their relevance to US audiences
  • Article 13 topics for consideration
  • Response to EPA on Council Session priorities

2006   2006

11/15/06 Letter (PDF) (14 pp, 179K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2006-6 (November 15, 2006): response to EPA on general issues for
    consideration related to the Operational Plan
  • Advice 2006-7 (November 15, 2006): response to EPA on Tracking Pollutant
    Releases and Transfers in North Americas
  • Advice 2006-8 (November 15, 2006): response to EPA on Mapping
    North American Environmental Issues
  • Advice 2006-9 (November 15, 2006): response to EPA on Sound
    Management of Chemicals (SMOC)
  • Advice 2006-10 (November 15, 2006): response to EPA on Building Local
    Capacity for Integrated Ecosystem Management and to Conserve Critical
    Species and Spaces (Biodiversity)
  • Advice 2006-11 (November 15, 2006): response to EPA on Encouraging
    Green Purchasing


02/5/2007 Letter
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • General issues related to the Operational Plan
  • Tracking Pollutant Releases and Transfers in North America
  • Mapping North American Environmental Issues
  • Sound Management of Chemicals
  • Building Local Capacity for Integrated Ecosystem Management and to Conserve Critical Species and Spaces

05/05/06 Letter (PDF) (12 pp, 169K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2006-1 (April 11, 2006): On Expanding Partnerships with the Private Sector and Other Stakeholders Initiative
  • Advice 2006-2 (May 5, 2006): Response to EPA on CEC publications and information products
  • Advice 2006-3 (May 5, 2006): Response to EPA on working groups
  • Advice 2006-4 (May 5, 2006): On Articles 14 & 15
  • Advice 2006-5 (May 5, 2006): On Procedures for Hiring the CEC Executive Director
  • Advice 2006-6 (May 5, 2006): National Advisory Committee expertise and responsibilities

Government Response to May letter
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • On Expanding Partnerships with the Private Sector and Other Stakeholders Initiative
  • CEC Publications and Information Products
  • Working Groups
  • On Articles 14 & 15
  • Procedures for Hiring the CEC Executive Director
  • Quality Assurance Policy and Procedures
2005   2005

Advice Letter - 11/16/2005 (PDF) (9 pp, 134K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2005-5(November 16, 2005): Response to EPA on private sector involvement
  • Advice 2005-6 (November 16, 2005): Response to EPA on budget reform
  • Advice 2005-7 (November 16, 2005): Response to EPA on the future role of working groups
  • Advice 2005- 8 (November 16, 2005): Response to the EPA on publications reform
  • Advice 2005-9 (November 16, 2005): Status of the CEC Secretariat operational plan for 2005-2006, and budgets for 2005 and 2006

Government Response to November letter - 3/7/2006
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Private Sector Involvement
  • Working Groups
  • CEC Publications
  • 2005-2006 Operational Plans and Budgets

Advice Letter - 5/20/2005
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2005-1 (May 20, 2005): Facilitating Private Sector Contributions to Capacity-Building in Mexico
  • Advice 2005-2 (May 20, 2005): Report of the Ten-Year Review and Assessment Committee
  • Advice 2005-3 (May 20, 2005): The CEC Reporting Process
  • Advice 2005-4 (May 20, 2005): EPA Attention to CEC Matters

Government Response to May letter - 7/15/2005
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Facilitating Private Sector Contributions to Capacity-Building in Mexico
  • Report of the Ten-Year Review and Assessment Committee (TRAC) Report
  • CEC Reporting Procedures
  • EPA attention to CEC Matters
  • NAC Terms Nearing Expiration

2004   2004

Advice Letter 10/22/2004
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2004-6 (October 22, 2004): Response to EPA Draft Strategic Plans
  • Advice 2004-7 (October 22, 2004): General Procedural Issues Relevant to the Evaluation of CEC Activities
  • Advice 2004-8 (October 22, 2004): Response to the Draft Criteria for the Three Pillars
  • Advice 2004-9 (October 22, 2004): Response to the Draft Template for Reorganization under New CEC Pillars
  • Advice 2004-10 (October 22, 2004): Status of the Maize Report

Government Response 2/2/2005
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Proposed Projects under the Puebla Pillars
  • Evaluation and Criteria for CEC Activities
  • Publication of the Maize Report

Advice Letter 5/07/2004
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2004-1 (May 5, 2004): Response to EPA Draft Strategic Plan
  • Advice 2004-2 (May 5, 2004): Response to the Draft Report of the Ten-Year Review and Assessment Committee
  • Advice 2004-3 (May 5, 2004): Reinvigoration of the Article 10(6) Process
  • Advice 2004-4 (May 5, 2004): The Ontario Logging Submission
  • Advice 2004-5 (May 5, 2004): Disclosure of Environmental Information and the Financial Sector
2003   2003
Advice Letter 10/29/2003
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • Advice 2003-10:Long-Term Planning
  • Advice 2003-11: NAFTA Harmonization Working Groups
  • Advice 2003-12: The Ten-Year Review
  • Advice 2003-13: The Article 14/15 Citizen Submissions Procedure
  • Advice 2003-14: Work of the National Advisory Committee

Advice Letter 05/27/2003


Government Response 2/6/2004
Topics addressed within this letter are:

  • CEC Operational Plan
  • U.S. Strategic Approach to the CEC
  • NAFTA Technical Working Groups
  • The Ten-Year Review
  • Article 14/15 Citizens Submissions Procedure
  • Work of the National Advisory Committe

Advice Letter 06/11/2002 (PDF) (16 pp, 30K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347

Minority Position 4/30/2002 (PDF) (3 pp, 18K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347

Advice Letter on Review of Workplans for Factual Records 04/29/2002 (PDF) (3 pp, 10K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347

Letters of Advice and Agency Responses 10/15/2001 (PDF) (2 pp, 52K, About PDF) For more information about this document please contact Oscar Carrillo at 202-564-0347
Article 17 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (the environmental side accords to the North American Free Trade Agreement) authorizes the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to each ". . . convene a national advisory committee, comprising members of its public, including representatives of non-governmental organizations and persons, to advise it on the implementation and further elaboration of this Agreement." The U.S. NAC produces Letters or Advice and Meeting Reports on a periodic basis to fulfill its mandate. For a printed copy of the documents listed below, contact the U.S. EPA Office of Cooperative Environmental Management GAC publishes Letters of Advice, responses from EPA or the Administration as well as meeting reports. For a printed copy of the documents listed, contact OCEM.

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