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MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath Version 2.1

MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath (MRTSwath) Version 2.1 is now available via the distribution site. This release includes numerous enhancements as described in the release notes.

The MRTSwath software tool provides the capability to transform MODIS Level-1B and Level-2 land products from HDF-EOS swath format to a uniformly gridded image that is geographically referenced according to user-specified projection and resampling parameters. Correction for oversampling between scans as a function of increasing (off-nadir) scan angle is performed (correction for bow-tie effect).

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/news/mrtswath_update_020106.asp
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Last Update: Wednesday, February 01, 2006
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