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EDG Data Set Name Granule Shortname
MODIS/Terra Land Cover Types Yearly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG MOD12C1

Version Acquisition Range Science Quality Status
V003 Oct 15 2000 (2000289) - Oct 15 2001 (2001288) Validated Stage 1
V004 2001 Validated Stage 1

2001 image of MOD12C1 IGBP Land Cover classification scheme.
2001 image of MOD12C1 IGBP Land Cover classification scheme.
Legend follows in table "MOD12C1 Land_Cover_Type_1 (IGBP)" below

This subset of the global MOD12C1 product shows the Land_Cover_Percentage SDS for Land_Cover_Type_1 (IGBP classification scheme, see Product Description and table below) over the North American Great Lakes region for the year 2001.  Displayed is the percentage of each 0.05 degree pixel containing water.  Dark blue indicates 100% of the pixel is covered with water, cyan highlights at least 50% water, light green marks less than 50% of the pixel contains water, and dark green equals 0%. MOD12C1 includes a percentage data set for each of the Land Cover classes.  This three dimensional data set was visualized using ENVI to open the file as a band interpolated (BIP) data layer. This subset of the global MOD12C1 product shows the Land_Cover_Percentage SDS for Land_Cover_Type_1 (IGBP classification scheme, see Product Description and table below) over the North American Great Lakes region for the year 2001. Displayed is the percentage of each 0.05 degree pixel containing water. Dark blue indicates 100% of the pixel is covered with water, cyan highlights at least 50% water, light green marks less than 50% of the pixel contains water, and dark green equals 0%. MOD12C1 includes a percentage data set for each of the Land Cover classes. This three dimensional data set was visualized using ENVI to open the file as a band interpolated (BIP) data layer.

Data Set Characteristics

Image Dimensions = 2D LC Type (row/column)
Image Dimensions = 3D LC Percent (row/column/# of LC Classes)
Area = Global
Size = 3600 x 7200 rows/columns
Average File Size = 1200 MB
Resolution = 0.05 degree (~5600m)
Projection = GCTP_GEO
Data Type = 8-Bit Unsigned Integer
Data Format = HDF-EOS
Science Data Sets (SDS) = 10

Product Description The MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Cover Classification products contain multiple classification schemes describing land cover properties. The primary land cover scheme identifies 17 classes of land cover defined by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) which include 11 natural vegetation classes, 3 developed land classes, one of which is a mosaic with natural vegetation, permanent snow or ice, barren or sparsely vegetated, and water. The MOD12 classification schemes are multitemporal classes describing land cover properties as observed during the year (12 months of input data). Successive production at quarterly intervals of this "annual" product creates new land cover maps with increasing accuracies as both classification techniques and the training site database mature.

The MODIS/Terra Land Cover Types Yearly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG product, MOD12C1, includes IGBP classification and two additional classification schemes at a 0.05 degree (~5600m) spatial resolution. One is specific to MODIS Land Product development at the University of Maryland and is a version of the IGBP modified to exclude wetlands, vegetation mosaic, and snow information. The third Land Cover classification scheme is input to the MODIS LAI/fPAR product, MOD15A2, and emphasizes vegetation classes.

The images displayed represent a global image of the IGBP Land Cover Science Data Set (SDS), with a subset of the Land Cover Percentage SDS over the Great Lakes region of the United States. Land Cover Percentage is a multidimensional SDS that displays what percentage of each pixel is covered by a given Land Cover type, ie., there is a data layer identifying how much of a pixel contains water, another data layer identifying how much of a pixel contains grasslands, etc.. MOD12C1 also contains Land Cover Quality Control which marks each pixel with bit-encoded, high-level QC information related to production input (*see below). The Land Cover Assessment SDS imparts a confidence value to the classification each pixel.

NOTE: This product is "Validated Stage 1." Product accuracy has been estimated using a small number of independent measurements obtained from selected locations and time periods and ground-truth/field program effort.

MOD12C1 Land_Cover_Type_1 (IGBP)
Land Cover Class Color
Fill Value 255  
Water 0  
Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 1  
Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 2  
Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 3  
Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 4  
Mixed Forest 5  
Closed Shrubland 6  
Open Shrubland 7  
Woody Savannas 8  
Savannas 9  
Grasslands 10  
Permanent Wetlands 11  
Croplands 12  
Urban and Built-Up 13  
Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaic 14  
Snow and Ice 15  
Barren or Sparsely Vegetated 16  
Unclassified 254  

MOD12C1 Land_ Cover_ Type_2 (UMD)
Land Cover Class
Fill Value 255
Water 0
Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 1
Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 2
Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 3
Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 4
Mixed Forest 5
Closed Shrubland 6
Open Shrubland 7
Woody Savannas 8
Savannas 9
Grasslands 10
Croplands 12
Urban and Built-Up 13
Barren or Sparsely Vegetated 16
Unclassified 254
MOD12C1 Land_ Cover_ Type_3 (LAI/FPAR Biomes)
Land Cover Class
Fill Value 255
Water 0
Grasses/Cereal 1
Shrubs 2
Broadleaf Crops 3
Savannah 4
Broadleaf Forest 5
Needleleaf Forest 6
Unvegetated 7
Urban 8
Unclassified 254

Majority_Land_Cover_Type_1 class number 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Majority_Land_Cover_Type_1_Assessment flags 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Land_Cover_Type_1_Percent percent in integers 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
*Majority_Land_Cover_Type_1_QC concatenated flags 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Majority_Land_Cover_Type_2 class number 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Majority_Land_Cover_Type_2_Assessment flags 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Land_Cover_Type_2_Percent percent in integers 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Majority_Land_Cover_Type_3 class number 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Majority_Land_Cover_Type_3_Assessment flags 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254
Land_Cover_Type_3_Percent percent in integers 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0, 254

*Land_Cover_Type_1_QC Bit Index
Bit 1-2 Mandatory QA
processed, good quality 0
processed, see other quality 1
not processed due to cloud 2
not processed due to other 3

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Data Center: LPDAAC
Sensor: MODIS
Dataset: MODIS/Terra Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
Geographic Extent: Global
Temporal Extent: 2001

Product Information
Product Description
User Guide
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
MODIS Standard Data Products Catalog
EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 1 (2000)

Contact Information
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U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
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Last Update: Thursday, August 03, 2006
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