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EOSDIS Core System (ECS) Equipment

LP DAAC is a key member of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data archival and distribution system. EOSDIS is a NASA-sponsored open, distributed information system that manages the data and information from a variety of pre-EOS and EOS-era Earth observation satellites, as well as data from related Earth science field measurement programs and other data essential for the interpretation of these measurements. EOSDIS provides end-to-end services from EOS instrument data collection to science data processing to full access to EOS and other Earth science data holdings. ECS, the infrastructure of EOSDIS, provides scientists and other users a broad range of desktop services from a number of science data centers and through the World Wide Web.


A wide variety of state-of-the-art equipment has been assembled at LP DAAC to perform required communication, processing and archival functions. This includes hardware from several leading vendors. Several robotic tape library systems provide about a thousand terabytes of near on-line storage for science data. High data transfer rates are made possible through advanced network connectivity solutions. These support administrative and system control as well as transfers of bulk science data as it is ingested from the data provider and staged for distribution to science users. Internal movement of science data between science production hardware and the archive also takes place.


About thirty commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software products and 1.5 million lines of custom software are used to operate the system. The software enables science data to be ingested, archived and distributed to science users. Science teams supply additional software used to produce science data products. The system is constantly being updated and tested at the DAAC using an advanced computer science concept referred to as modes of operation. Special emphasis is placed on reliability and safe execution with respect to the archive of science data which is considered a national treasure. State of the art computer science has been applied to this highly distributed system to maximize system performance and stability.


A diverse team of men and women has been gathered to assemble and maintain the system. These include information system managers, configuration managers, system operators, systems engineers, software maintenance engineers, system administrators, database administrators, data managers, science data specialists, and hardware maintenance personnel. A wide range of academic degrees and experience is found within the staff profile.

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/ecs.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Monday, July 11, 2005
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