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U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 Indicators - Project Summary

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      Project Website: U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 Indicators

The U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 indicators project provides information on the state of the U.S.-Mexico Border Region. Launched in 2003, the Border Indicators Task Force was created through a bi-national communique developed within the U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 program. The State of the Border Region 2005 report covers all environmental media of the border region, including air, water, land, and human health. Data were gathered from various partner organizations, including EPA, SEMARNAT, CDC, PAHO, USGS, border states and tribes, and academic literature.

The report is used by EPA, SEMARNAT, and border stakeholders to track Border 2012 program progress and develop more comprehensive environmental information to share with residents of the border region. Future planned Task Force activities include developing an online Border Gateway for sharing cross-border environmental information, and working toward more real-time indicator products culminating in a formal report release in 2010.

Primary Product: State of the Border Region 2005

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