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ASTER Data Products

ASTER instrument characteristics are summarized on a separate page. Additional information regarding Terra ASTER products can be found on LP DAAC Links page.

$ ASTER Pricing Policy

ASTER Re-Distribution Policy

ASTER SWIR User Advisory

Routine Products
AST_L1A ASTER L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data$ L1A 15, 30, 90 m November 10, 2000 View the ASTER Product NotesDownload Adobe Acrobat Reader
AST_L1AE ASTER Expedited L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data* L1A 15, 30, 90 m April 27, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_L1BE ASTER Expedited L1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor* L1B 15, 30, 90 m April 27, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
On-Demand Products
AST_L1B ASTER L1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor$ L1B 15, 30, 90 m November 10, 2000 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_04 ASTER On-Demand L2 Brightness Temperature at the Sensor $ L2 90 m December 22, 2000 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_05 ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Emissivity $ L2 90 m April 9, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_06VD ASTER On-Demand L2 Decorrelation Stretch VNIR $ L2 15 m December 22, 2000 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_06SD ASTER On-Demand L2 Decorrelation Stretch SWIR $ L2 30 m December 22, 2000 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_06TD ASTER On-Demand L2 Decorrelation Stretch TIR $ L2 90 m December 22, 2000 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_07V ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance VNIR $ L2 15 m January 24, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_07S ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance SWIR $ L2 30 m January 24, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_07XTV ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance VNIR $ L2 15 m October 18, 2006  
AST_07XTS ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance SWIR Crosstalk-Corrected  $ L2 30 m October 18, 2006  
AST_08 ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Kinetic Temperature $ L2 90 m April 9, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_09V ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance VNIR $ L2 15 m January 24, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_09S ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance SWIR $ L2 30 m January 24, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST_09XTV ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance VNIR $ L2 15 m October 18, 2006  
AST_09XTS ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance SWIR Crosstalk-Corrected  $ L2 30 m October 18, 2006  
AST_09T ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance TIR $ L2 90 m March 28, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST13POL ASTER On-Demand L2 Polar Surface and Cloud Classification $ L2 30 m October 26, 2001 View the ASTER Product Notes
AST14DEM ASTER On-Demand L3 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) $ L3 30 m March 16, 2001 Relative DEM
AST14OTH ASTER On-Demand L3 Orthorectified Images $ L3 15, 30, 90 m March 05, 2007  
AST14DMO ASTER On-Demand L3 DEM and Orthorectified Images $ L3 15, 30, 90 m
DEM: 30 m
March 05, 2007  

  * Acquisition date and time for all ASTER Level-1A and Level-1B data sets (and all the derived Level-2 and -3 products) starts March 4, 2000 at 20:34:04.

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Last Update: Thursday, October 09, 2008
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