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Field Course on "Carbonate Geology of Florida Bay, the Keys and Reef Tract"

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Gene Shinn lectures to participants
Gene Shinn (standing, fifth from right) lecturing to participants "resting" on Rodriguez Bank adjacent to Rodriguez Key.
Gene Shinn, Bob Halley, and Al Hine (University of South Florida) taught a field course on "Carbonate Geology of Florida Bay, the Keys and Reef Tract" April 19th-22nd for 25 participants. The course was sponsored by SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) and was run in conjunction with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting in New Orleans. The class consisted of about half graduate students and half employed professionals from the United States, Canada, England, and Germany. Course topics included ecology and sedimentology of lagoons, shelves and reefs, geology of the Florida Keys, and sequence stratigraphy of carbonate shelf margins. The group spent a day in Florida Bay (the lagoon day), a day on the Florida Keys (the rocks day), and a day on shelf (the reef day). Despite the fact that coral reefs in the Florida Keys have declined steadily during the past two decades, participants still found the reef day the highlight of the trip. That is because the weather was good and the water was clear and regardless of the condition of the corals, the Florida reef tract is a spectacular place.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)