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Center for Coastal Geology Participates in Marine Quest

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Amanda Frick and Marci Marot
Amanda Frick and Marci Marot with display
On April 29th, the St. Petersburg Center for Coastal Geology participated in Marine Quest, the Florida Marine Research Institute's annual open house. The event was open to the general public and was well attended all day. Visitors were able to attend talks about various marine topics, invited to check out the Institute's facilities, and could talk with experts in many fields.

Many local scientific organizations were invited to participate. The volunteers staffing the USGS booth were Tracy Enright, Kathy Pegram, Amanda Frick, Marci Marot, Mike Stallings, Jason Greenwood, Mike Gray, Heather Mounts, and Amy Streck.

Marci Marot helps a child with a microscope
Marci Marot helping a child look at sand under the microscope
  Heather Mounts and Amy Streck
Heather Mounts showing off the SHARQ, Amy Streck in background

Both children and adults loved a chance to look into a microscope to get a closer look at sands from beaches around the world. The USGS display also gave the public a glimpse of Kim Yates' SHARQ (Submerged Habitat for Assessing Reef Quality) model and Ann Tihansky's (WRD-Tampa) underground aquifer demonstration model.

Related Web Sites
Center for Coastal Geology
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI)
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)