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Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Picture of NCC entrance.

This facility features the following green attributes:
Leed 2.0 Silver certified Leed 2.0 Silver
green power Green Power
Re-commissioned Re-commissioned

National Computer Center (NCC)

Total Facility Area: 95,322 gross square feet (GSF)
Estimated Personnel: 200 persons
Energy Consumption: 39,574,917,989 Btu per year
Btu per GSF per Year: 415,171
Total Water Consumption: 3,720,597 gallons per year
Gallons per GSF per Year: 39

All energy and water data are reported as of FY 2007.

In December 2005, EPA completed the installation of a new, Web-based advanced metering system at the Main Building and NCC in an effort to improve the quality of reported energy data and enhance overall energy management. Instead of immediately transitioning to the new advanced metering data for reporting purposes, EPA decided to take a phased approach in order to ensure the integrity of the new data stream and to determine the most appropriate method for normalizing historical energy data previously reported using engineering estimates. As a result, at the outset of FY 2006, EPA continued to report energy consumption for the Main Building and NCC using the engineering estimates used since FY 2003 until the new advanced metering data was online for a full year. As part of its phased approach, EPA initiated a comprehensive analysis and adjustment of historically reported FY 2003-06 energy consumption data for the Main Building and NCC on the RTP campus. In FY 2007, EPA synchronized historical energy consumption data using a single consistent methodology for each reported energy commodity during the FY 2003 – FY 2006 period.


EPA's NCC, one of the largest computer centers in the United States, provides large-scale computing services for EPA nationwide. NCC also supports regulatory program offices and administrative activities, as well as advanced supercomputing for scientific research in air quality protection and other environmental studies. The building opened in January 2002.

In addition to this facility, EPA occupies several other buildings in the Research Triangle Park area, including:

Unique Environmental Features

Energy Conservation

Green Power

Photo of solar lighting that stretches along the facility roadways of RTP.

Green Building

For More Information

Steve VanHorn (vanhorn.steve@epa.gov)
Mail Code: C604-02
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Phone: (919) 541-5446

Web site: www.epa.gov/rtp

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