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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

photo: Region 3 Office in Philadelphia

This facility features the following green attributes:
green power Green Power

Region 3 Office

Total Facility Area: 307,847 rentable square feet (RSF)
Estimated Personnel: 1,300 persons
Energy Consumption: 37,225,690,038 Btu per year
Btu per RSF per Year: 120,923
Total Water Consumption: 7,498,847 gallons

All energy and water data are reported as of 2004.


EPA's Mid-Atlantic regional office is responsible for programs in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Headquartered in Philadelphia, the region has field operations and laboratories in Wheeling, West Virginia; Annapolis and Fort Meade, Maryland; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The region's major program divisions are Air Protection, Environmental Assessment and Innovation, Hazardous Site Cleanup, Waste and Chemicals Management, Water Protection, and the Chesapeake Bay Program.

Unique Environmental Features

In 1996, Region 3 developed green lease language for renovating 300,000 square feet of space for the EPA Regional Office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The next lease extension date for the Region 3 Office was May 1, 2008. For more information, read the Report on the Impact of EPA Region III's Green Building Lease Philadelphia, PA (PDF) (16 pp, 257K, About PDF). The green lease language included the following environmental features:

Energy Conservation

Green Power

Green Building

Water Conservation

Waste Reduction

Alternative Transportation

Other Features

For More Information


Donna Sutsko (sutsko.donna@epa.gov)
U.S. EPA Region 3 (3PM20)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
Phone: (215) 814-5616

Web site: www.epa.gov/region3

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