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Boston, Massachusetts

Photo: Boston Regional Office

This facility features the following green attributes:
green power Green Power

Region 1 Office

Total Facility Area: EPA in 225,000 square feet of 633,032 square foot building
Estimated Personnel: 875
Btu per GSF per year: 50,000 to 55,000 (estimated)


The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is planning to renovate the historic 1932 John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse Federal Building in downtown Boston. EPA Region 1 will be the primary tenant in the building, occupying approximately 225,000 square feet of space in the 633,032 square foot building.

GSA plans major building envelope upgrades, including new energy-efficient windows and the addition of insulation behind the building’s skin. Major mechanical system improvements include the addition of high-efficiency chillers and replacing and repositioning the building's cooling towers, which currently dominate the views of the U-shaped building's interior courtyard. An accessible green roof will be installed where the old cooling towers are located. Interior spaces will be upgraded, brought up to code, and refurbished. Completion of the renovation is currently projected for 2009. Occupancy is expected in 2010.

Starting Early and Setting Goals

From the initial stages of the project, EPA partnered with GSA to make the building an energy-efficient and sustainable facility. GSA worked with EPA to include sustainable design and energy efficiency experience as a criterion, along with historic preservation and basic design capabilities, when prospective architecture/engineering teams were evaluated. EPA and GSA also set the project goals of making the building an ENERGY STAR® -labeled building (i.e., performs in the top 25 percent of similar office buildings vis-à-vis energy use), and achieving Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ( LEED®)Exit EPA Disclaimer rating system. GSA and EPA have monitored energy use estimates and the other environmental aspects of the design throughout the design process. A green roof will serve as a signature environmental and design feature of the project.

Anticipated Environmental Features

Green Roof

Sketch of cross section of proposed green roof plan.

Cross section of proposed green roof plan

Energy Conservation

Green Power

Water Conservation


LEED Scorecard

Other Features

Extensive Green Roof System

Sketch of extensive green roof system layers.

Overhead View of Green Roof Layout

Sketch of overhead view of green roof layout.

Schematic of Rainwater and AC Condensate Collection and Irrigation System

Schematic of rainwater and AC condensate collection and irrigation system.

For More Information


David Austin (austin.dave@epa.gov)
1 Congress St.
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: (617) 918-1919

Web site: www.epa.gov/region1/

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