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Content Last Revised: 4/15/99

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 652  

Establishment and Functioning of State Employment Services




Subpart C  

Wagner-Peyser Act in a One-Stop Delivery System Environment

20 CFR 652.210 - What are the Act's requirements for administration of the work test and assistance to UI claimants?

  • Section Number: 652.210
  • Section Name: What are the Act's requirements for administration of the work test and assistance to UI claimants?

    (a) State UI law or rules establish the requirements under which UI 

claimants must register and search for work in order to fulfill the UI 

work test requirements.

    (b) Staff funded under the Act must assure that:

    (1) UI claimants receive the full range of labor exchange services 

available under the Act that are necessary and appropriate to 

facilitate their earliest return to work;

    (2) UI claimants requiring assistance in seeking work receive the 

necessary guidance and counseling to ensure they make a meaningful and 

realistic work search; and

    (3) UI program staff receive information about a UI claimant's 

ability or availability for work, or the suitability of work offered to 

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