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Content Last Revised: 1/11/01

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 645  

Provisions Governing Welfare-to-Work Grants




Subpart C  

Additional Formula Grant Administrative Standards and Procedures

20 CFR 645.300 - What constitutes an allowable match?

  • Section Number: 645.300
  • Section Name: What constitutes an allowable match?

    (a) A State is entitled to receive two (2) dollars of Federal funds 
for every one (1) dollar of State match expenditures, up to the amount 
available for allotment to the State based on the State's percentage 
for WtW formula grant for the fiscal year. The State is not required to 
provide a level of match necessary to support the total amount 
available to it based on the State's percentage for WtW formula grant. 
However, if the proposed match is less than the amount required to 
support the full level of Federal funds, the grant amount will be 
reduced accordingly (section 403(a)(5)(A)(i)(I)).
    (b) States shall follow the match or cost-sharing requirements of 
the ``Common Rule'' Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and 
Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments (codified for DOL 
at 29 CFR 97.24). Paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii), (b)(3), and (b)(4) and 
(c)(1) of this section are in addition to the common rule requirements. 
Also, paragraphs included in the common rule which relate to the use of 
donated buildings and other real property as match have been excluded 
from this provision.
    (1) Only costs that would be allowable if paid for with WtW grant 
funds will be accepted as match.
    (i) Because the use of Federal funds is prohibited for construction 
or purchase of facilities or buildings except where there is explicit 
statutory authority permitting it, costs incurred for the construction 
or purchase of facilities or buildings shall not be acceptable as match 
for a WtW grant.
    (ii) Because the costs of construction or purchase of facilities or 
buildings are unallowable as match, the donation of a building or 
property as a third party in-kind contribution is also unallowable as a 
match for a WtW grant.
    (2) A match or cost-sharing requirement may be satisfied by either 
or both of the following:
    (i) Allowable costs incurred by the grantee, subgrantee or a cost 
type contractor under the assistance agreement. This includes allowable 
cost borne by non-Federal grants or by others and cash donations from 
non-Federal third parties.
    (ii) The value of third party in-kind contributions applicable to 
the FY period to which the cost-sharing or matching requirement 
    (3) No more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total match 
expenditures may be in the form of third party in-kind contributions.
    (4) Match expenditures must be recorded in the books of account of 
the entity that incurred the cost or received the contribution. These 
amounts may be rolled up and reported as aggregate State level match.
    (c) Qualifications and exceptions--
    (1) The matching requirements may not be met by the use of an 
employer's share of participant wage payments (e.g., employer share of 
OJT wages).
    (2) Costs borne by other Federal grant agreements. A cost-sharing 
or matching requirement may not be met by costs borne by another 
Federal grant. This prohibition does not apply to income earned by a 
grantee or subgrantee from a contract awarded under another Federal 
    (3) General revenue sharing. For the purpose of this section, 
general revenue sharing funds distributed under 31 U.S.C. 6702 are not 
considered Federal grant funds.
    (4) Cost or contributions counted towards other Federal cost-
sharing requirements. Neither costs nor the values of third party in-
kind contributions may count towards satisfying a cost-sharing or 
matching requirement of a grant agreement if they have been or will be 
counted towards satisfying a cost-sharing or matching requirement of 
another Federal grant agreement, a Federal procurement contract, or any 
other award of Federal funds.
    (5) Costs financed by program income. Costs financed by program 
income, as defined in 29 CFR 97.25, shall not count towards satisfying 
a cost-sharing or matching requirement unless they are expressly 
permitted in the terms of the assistance agreement. (This use of 
general program income is described in 29 CFR 97.25(g)).
    (6) Services or property financed by income earned by contractors. 
Contractors under a grant may earn income from the activities carried 
out under the contract in addition to the amounts earned from the party 
awarding the contract. No costs of services or property supported by 
this income may count toward satisfying a cost-sharing or matching 
requirement unless other provisions of the grant agreement expressly 
permit this kind of income to be used to meet the requirement.
    (7) Records. Costs and third party in-kind contributions counting 
towards satisfying a cost-sharing or matching requirement must be 
verifiable from the records of grantees and subgrantee or cost-type 
contractors. These records must show how the value placed on third 
party in-kind contributions was derived. To the extent feasible, 
volunteer services will be supported by the same methods that the 
organization uses to support the allocability of regular personnel 
    (8) Special standards for third party in-kind contributions.
    (i) Third party in-kind contributions count towards satisfying a 
cost-sharing or matching requirement only where, if the party receiving 
the contributions were to pay for them, the payments would be allowable 
    (ii) Some third party in-kind contributions are goods and services 
that, if the grantee, subgrantee, or contractor receiving the 
contribution had to pay for them, the payments would have been an 
indirect costs. Cost sharing or matching credit for such contributions 
shall be given only if the grantee, subgrantee, or contractor has 
established, along with its regular indirect cost rate, a special rate 
for allocating to individual projects or programs the value of the 
    (iii) A third party in-kind contribution to a fixed-price contract 
may count towards satisfying a cost-sharing or matching requirement 
only if it results in:
    (A) An increase in the services or property provided under the 
contract (without additional cost to the grantee or subgrantee) or
    (B) A cost savings to the grantee or subgrantee.
    (iv) The values placed on third party in-kind contributions for 
cost-sharing or matching purposes must conform to the rules in the 
succeeding sections of this part. If a third party in-kind contribution 
is a type not treated in those sections, the value placed upon it must 
be fair and reasonable.
    (d) Valuation of donated services.
    (1) Volunteer services. Unpaid services provided to a grantee or 
subgrantee by individuals must be valued at rates consistent with those 
ordinarily paid for similar work in the grantee's or subgrantee's 
organization. If the grantee or subgrantee does not have employees 
performing similar work, the rates must be consistent with those 
ordinarily paid by other employers for similar work in the same labor 
market. In either case, a reasonable amount for fringe benefits may be 
included in the valuation.
    (2) Employees of other organizations. When an employer other than a 
grantee, subgrantee, or cost-type contractor furnishes free of charge 
the services of an employee in the employee's normal line of work, the 
services must be valued at the employee's regular rate of pay exclusive 
of the employee's fringe benefits and overhead costs. If the services 
are in a different line of work, paragraph (d)(1) of this section 
    (e) Valuation of third party donated supplies and loaned equipment 
or space.
    (1) If a third party donates supplies, the contribution must be 
valued at the market value of the supplies at the time of donation.
    (2) If a third party donates the use of equipment or space in a 
building but retains title, the contribution must be valued at:
    (i) the fair rental rate of the equipment or space for property 
donated by non-governmental entities, or
    (ii) a depreciation or use-allowance based on the property's market 
value at the time it was donated for property donated by governmental 

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