IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA _________________________________ ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., ) Plaintiffs, v. ) ) ) ) ) GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., ) )) ) Defendants. _________________________________) NOTICE OF FILING OF THE EIGHTEENTH QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY The Department of Treasury has prepared its Eighteenth Quarterly Report on Action Taken By the Department of the Treasury to Retain IIM-Related Documents Necessary For an Accounting and submits it to the Court in accordance with the Order of December 21, 1999. A copy of the report is attached hereto. Dated: June 1, 2004 Case No. 1:96CV01285 (Judge Lamberth) Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. McCALLUM, JR. Associate Attorney General PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFER Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN Director SANDRA P. SPOONER Deputy Director DC Bar No. 261495 /s/ John T. Stemplewicz JOHN T. STEMPLEWICZ Senior Trial Counsel Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 2 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 (202) 307-1104 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on June 1, 2004 the foregoing Notice of Filing of the Eighteenth Quarterly Report for the Department of the Treasury was served by Electronic Case Filing, and on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by facsimile: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 Fax (406) 338-7530 /s/ Kevin P. Kingston Kevin P. Kingston Julie 1. 2004 MEMOKANDUM FOR: FROM: S1 JRJECT: Included Lvith this cover memorandum is the "Eighteenth Quarterlj. Report on Actions Taken by the Department of the Ireasury to Ketain IIM-Related Documents Necessary for an Accounting" (the "Report'.). The Report has been prepared bq the Department of the l'rcasury pursuant to the Court Order and Opinion in ('ohell. c/ trl. 1'. Bcrhhitt, et cil (D.D.C. CV No. 96-1355). filed December 3 1. 1 c)9c>. lhe Report includes information coiiceriiiiig the Iinaiicial Management Scr\ ice, ("FbIS"). B~ireaii of tlie Public Debt ('*BPD") atid certain Departmental Offices ("DO"). The Report ~ v a s prepared based on in forination provided by a number of program offices from the abox e-described organiations. The 171-eparation or the Report included circulation of drafts of the Report to program offices that are responsible Ihr the actions described in tlie Report. Comments izerc rcccivcd from those ofikes and incorporated in the Report. Prior to submitting the Report to the Department of Justice. senior officials of FMS. BPD and DO revieLved a final draft of the Report. The Department of the Treasury stands ready, in accordance with the Court's order. to respond to any questions or concerns tlie Court may have after reviewing the Report and WASHINGTON. D C 20239-0001 ROBERT D. McCALLUM. JR. ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY GENERAL LJ.S. DEPARTMENT OF JIJSTTCE CIVIL DIVISION A &' FERREL~J?~ BRIAN I.. CHIEF COUNSEL' ,,,' B~JREAI T OF T F T ~ ~ J ~ J R L I C DEBT DEPAKTMENT OF THE TREASURY EIGI ITEENTH QUAK'I'EKLY KEPORT C'ORELL, ETAL. I?. h'OK7'O~V. LT.4L. attachments thereto. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU OF THE P U B L I C DEBT EIGHTEENTH QUARTERLY REPORT ON ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY TO RETAIN IIM-RELATED DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR AN ACCOUNTING Cobell, et al. v. Norton, et al. D.D.C. CV No. 96-1285 June 1, 2004 This is the Department of the Treasury’s (“Treasury”) Eighteenth Quarterly Report, filed pursuant to the Court’s December 21, 1999 Order (“Order”) in the above-captioned case. It covers activities occurring over a three-month period from March 1, 2004 through May 31, 2004. The Order requires Treasury to report on the steps it has taken since the last quarterly report to rectify a single breach of its trust responsibilities, namely the destruction of IIM trust materials after their age exceeded six years and seven months. Cobell, et al. v. Babbitt, et al., 91 F. Supp. 2d 1, 50, 59 (D.D.C. 1999). Treasury continues to preserve IIM-related documentation pursuant to the Court’s August 12, 1999 Order, which defines the trust records that Treasury must retain. Treasury also continues to supply payment information to support Interior’s ongoing historical accounting projects. As previously reported in Treasury’s Fourteenth Quarterly Report filed June 2, 2003, Treasury notified Justice and the Special Master, on May 27, 2003, of the possibility of some data loss in a Microsoft Exchange database because of a hardware failure in the email system used by Departmental Offices (DO). Since then, Treasury has provided the Court with several updates and other information about the work being done to address this event, in Treasury’s Fifteenth and Sixteenth Quarterly Reports filed September 2, 2003 and December 1, 2003. Since the September 2, 2003 quarterly report, Treasury’s IT staff has worked with a consultant to identify a viable technical solution, ordered two 1TB Firewire cards and external disk drives, and prepared its servers to run these utilities. The Firewire cards and disk drives have been installed and the target servers have been configured to support the data restore and the ESEUTIL and ISINTEG utility processes. Before the ESEUTIL and ISINTEG utilities can be run, Treasury must load a pristine copy of the Exchange database from a backup tape onto a storage area network (SAN). While this is technically possible, Treasury must first address an unexpected situation. Treasury recently determined that its copy of the Microsoft Exchange database contains some classified information. The rules governing the handling of classified information strictly limit the ability to use the SAN, because the SAN is not secure enough for storage of classified information, even temporarily. DO’s IT staff has developed a proposal to address the situation. The proposal is being reviewed by Treasury officials with responsibility for ensuring compliance with the rules for handling classified information. As we have in the past, we will keep the Court informed of our progress. On March 5, 2004, Financial Management Service (FMS) issued a reminder letter to each bank that formerly acted as Treasury’s financial agent, reminding them to continue to retain, indefinitely, records associated with Interior’s deposits to Treasury’s General Account. A copy of the letter is annexed hereto as Attachment A. 1 On March 22,2004, the Treasury Relations and Support Office of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis issued an email to its Treasury business leaders, district liaisons and product office contacts, throughout the Federal Reserve System, instructing them to remind their staffs to continue following established record retention procedures for this litigation and to review their procedures to ensure that any Treasury records transferred among offices continue to be retained. The email also confirmed that each Federal Reserve Bank has a process in place for reminding new employees of the retention requirements. In April 2004, Treasury hosted a series of records and information management briefings and training events attended by senior executive managers and employees. The series included briefings on electronic records preservation and discovery and The Sedona Principles. 2 INDEX TO ATTACHMENTS The Department of the Treasury’s Eighteenth Quarterly Report June I , 2004 Attachment A Example of March 5,2004 letter sent by FMS to all banks that formerly acted as Treasury’s financial agents, reminding them to continue to retain, indefinitely, records associated with Interior’s deposits to Treasury General Accounts at those banks. .- FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20227 Dear Sir: Attachment A Please continue to follow t h e instructions stated i n FMS' letters to YOUK financial institution dated July 9, 1999, August 2, 1999, December 16, 1999, September 7, 2000, February 15, 2001, August 17, 2001, February 15, 2002, August 15, 2002, January 2 2 , 2003, a n d August 11, 2003 regarding document retention. Due to ongoinq al. v. Norton, et al,, Civ. No. 1- litisation [Cobell, et 96CV01285 D . C . ) 1 , your financlal institution must retain, until f u r t h e r notice: ( D . S t a n d a r d Form 215, Standard F o r m 5515 and a n y supporting documentation, IN ALL FORMS AND MEDIA, associated with t r a n s a c t i o n s relating t o deposits received from the Department of t h e I n t e r i o r for credit to t h e Treasury's General Account (TGA). This includes paper, electronic, microfilm, microfiche, or any other media. If you have n o t already done s o , please designate a p o i n t o f contact at your financial institution to disseminate these record retention instructions t o appropriate personnel a t your organization (including records management personnel). Please ensure that an appropriate dissemination process is in place and is b e i n g followed at your financial institution. If t h e s e r e t e n t i o n instructions create a problem for your operations, please send your c o n c e r n s in w r i t i n g to the Fi2lanciaL Services Division at 401 14th S t r e e t , S . W . , Room 3048, Washington, DC 20227, as soon as possible. Thank you for your continuing cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, you may contact Leo Warring a t ( 2 0 2 ) 874-7148 or me at (202) 874-6762. F i n a n c i a l Services Division A/C Federal Finance DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY March 05, 2004 Sincerely, Alexa Urban, Director