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+ Earth Observing System > Who's Who > EOS Investigations

A   A   A

Cloud Radiation Simulation in Support of Global Constellation-Based Precipitation Measurement

Principal Investigator

Gregory J Tripoli
University of Wisconsin Madison
1225 W. Dayton St
Madison, WI 53706

Phone: 608-262-3700


The proposal is to continue our Cloud Resolving Modeling (CRM) work in support of the improvement of precipitation measurement using TRMM (TMI/PR) and GPM (GMI/DPR) and Aqua (AMSR) microwave sensors. The proposed work consists of 3 primary thrusts:

  1. Refinement and Validation of New Microphysics Simulation System
    -Build to facilitate for Microwave Cloud Radiation Simulation
    -New (paradigm-shifting) approach to 3D microphysics modeling
    -Develop microwave forward models to simulate radiative transfer through evolved hydrometeor shapes and structures
    -Validation against TRMM GV studies, including Kwajalein, LBA , SCMEX and a high latitude site
  2. Cloud Dynamics Radiation Database (CDRD)
    -Populate the CDRD with Cloud Radiation Simulations (CRSs) centered at randomly chosen locations around the globe.
    -Make the CDRD containing results from all CRS runs available to all PMM team members via on line web site.
    -Use cloud radiation data sets to develop TRMM/GPM/AMSR precipitation retrieval schemes
    -Coordinate the selection of CRS sites with TRMM/AMSR overpasses and include observed brightness temperatures in database
    -Research on the use of dynamics "tags" included with the cloud/radiation profiles depicting the general weather conditions of the profile.
    -Determine how "tag" information can be used to improve precipitation retrieval by conducting validation studies.
  3. Precipitation Analysis from Cloud Resolving Constellation-based Ensemble Data Assimilation
    -Apply Cloud-resolving EnKF to assimilation of (TMI/PR,AMSR, SSM/I)
    -Use forward models of microwave radiation to enable the direct assimilation of brightness temperature
    -Perform regional validation studies to test the concept of assimilation based probabilistic analysis
    -Assess potential of this technique as a future alternative to retrieval for precipitation measurement
  4. This proposed research activity satisfies NASA's 3rd Strategic goal and in particular subgoal 3A and is responsive to ROSES amendment 8, sections 1.2 and 1.3. This work will strongly impact the atmospheric science community and the public through the quality of forecasts and warnings it receives, by introducing ground breaking new technologies to simulate, diagnose and predict precipitation and its radiative signature. Proposed new technologies, to assimilate the suite of diverse observations from satellite constellations such as the present TRMM constellation (TMI/PR/AMSR/SSMI) and planned GPM constellation will finally realize the full potential of the EOS. Our cloud-resolving assimilation work represents ground-breaking research into a technology that we anticipate will dominate satellite analysis within two decades. Our ensemble analysis will also appropriately facilitate "probabilistic forecasting" which will make important strides toward the warm season forecast problem that is a well known limitation of modern weather prediction.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 17, 2008
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