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Precipitation Retrievals at Mid to High Latitudes: Technique Development and Validation Studies

Principal Investigator

Christopher Kidd
The University of Birmingham



The primary aim of the research in this proposal is to improve our knowledge and accuracy of global precipitation estimates. This will be done through the improvement of current rainfall estimation techniques, in particular paying special attention to mid- to high-latitudes. The performance of rainfall estimates will be tested by comparison with surface data in near real-time. Improvements to the techniques that produce the rainfall estimates include improving the identification of features that current are mis-classified as rainfall, such as snow and ice; the retrieval of light rainfall and the ability to identify and estimate the full range of precipitation types, from rainfall through snowfall. In addition, the improvement in the use of rainfall estimates using multiple satellites will be investigated so that all available information can be fully utilized to improve the estimates. The proposed research is seen as a key component of Global Precipitation Measurement studies, building upon the success of TRMM by the refinement of techniques in the more challenging mid- to high-latitude regions. In addition, the validation of precipitation products, as part of the International Precipitation Working Group activities, is seen as a key part of the development and assessment of new techniques for future global precipitation retrievals.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 17, 2008
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