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Ocean Color Study of Plumes and Blooms in the Santa Barbara Channel

Principal Investigator

David A Siegel
University of California Santa Barbara
6842 Ellison Hall
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060

Phone: 805-893-4547
Fax: 805-893-2578


We propose to continue our coordinated time series program of oceanographic and atmospheric observations, ocean color analysis and modeling and satellite imagery analyses aimed at understanding the spatial and temporal structure of sediment plumes and phytoplankton blooms in the Santa Barbara Channel. Our goals for the Plumes and Blooms (PnB) project are to 1) develop a predictive understanding of ocean color variability in a Case II regions through the development and validation of the next generation of semi-analytical ocean color algorithms, 2) assess the validity of MODIS ocean color product retrievals using in situ oceanographic and aerosol observations as well as available data products of aerosol and atmospheric chemical species from MODIS, AURA and CALIPSO, 3) implement new means for quantifying phytoplankton carbon dynamics, colored DOM and DOC cycling and phytoplankton community structure using MODIS imagery, and 4) apply this knowledge to understand the impacts of phytoplankton blooms and sediment plumes in the Santa Barbara Channel and its surrounding waters. Ship time for the PnB field program will be provided at low cost from the NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary as it has since 1996. At each of the 7 PnB stations, a complete verification bio-geo-optical data set is collected including water-leaving radiance and diffuse attenuation spectra, as well as in situ profiles of spectral absorption, beam attenuation and backscattering coefficients. Water samples are analyzed to determine particulate and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, component absorption spectra, phytoplankton pigment, inorganic nutrient and biogenic and lithogenic silica concentrations. All data will available to all interested investigators via the world wide web as they are today (

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 17, 2008
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