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Validation, Improvement and Applications of MODIS Global Terrestrial Primary Production MOD 17 and a Test MODIS Evapotranspiration Product.

Principal Investigator

Steven W Running
University of Montana
NTSG/School of Forestry
32 Campus Drive Science Complex 428
Missoula, MT 59812-1063

Phone: 406-243-6311 or 5521
Fax: 406-243-4510


Daily gross primary production (GPP) and annual net primary production (NPP) are the global MODIS datasets most directly relevant to the global carbon cycle. The MOD 17 GPP/NPP data product was originally selected in 1989, and �4.2 (d) Vegetation Productivity and Related Properties� is listed as a core Earth System (ESDR) and Climate (CDR) Data Record in the NASA ROSES announcement. This renewal proposal documents the current status, validation and applications of the MOD 17 algorithm and dataset. A 6 year, 2000-2005 MOD 17 dataset now exists, and has been validated with FLUXNET flux tower data extensively. Corrections and improvements in the MOD 17 algorithm are identified, and extensive testing of the global meteorology (GMAO) used for driving the algorithm is summarized. We propose incorporating updates of MOD12 (Landcover) and MOD15 (LAI/FPAR) into next generation MOD17. We propose to solve a key weakness of MOD 17, insufficient water stress control of vegetation in arid regions, by generating a new global MODIS Evapotranspiration dataset, similar to the original never-produced MOD 16 but with an improved algorithm. When the MOD 17 + ET integrated algorithm is complete, NTSG will reprocess a continuous 2000-2010 new MOD 17 dataset with the global ET to provide the most consistent interaction of the carbon and water cycles currently possible from MODIS data. Finally, NTSG will continue to host and participate in global vegetation workshops for outreach, and explore local scale applications of MODIS GPP and NPP for land management.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 17, 2008
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