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An interactive approach to improve the qualities of CALIPSO data and global aerosol transport model for climate and air quality studies

Principal Investigator

Mian Chin
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 613.3
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Phone: 301-614-6007
Fax: 301-614-5903


We propose a 3-year project using an interactive approach to improve the retrieval qualities of the CALIPSO extinction profile and the aerosol processes in the Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model. In particular, we will:

  1. Enhance the CALIPSO lidar retrieval quality. (a) We will provide the CALIPSO retrieval team with a complete global coverage of aerosol optical thickness (?) distribution to constrain the CALIPSO lidar retrieval of aerosol vertical profile. The global product is produced by an optimal integration of the ? from the GOCART model with that from observations by MODIS on the EOS-Aqua satellite and by ground-based sunphotometer network AERONET. (b) We will provide vertically resolved information of aerosol type, composition, and extinction-to- backscatter ratio (Sa) from the GOCART model to help select appropriate lidar parameters in the CALIPSO lidar retrieval. The results will be evaluated with the aerosol extinction vertical profiles directly measured by the airborne lidar and sunphotometer instruments and compared with those from the ground-based lidar data.
  2. Improve the GOCART model. (a) We will improve the GOCART calculation of dust optical properties by incorporating non-spherical dust model into GOCART. We will use the spheroid method used in the AERONET retrieval and the grain/spheroid method in the MISR satellite retrieval to replace the spherical dust particle scheme currently used in GOCART to better simulate dust backscattering. (b) Aerosol vertical distributions measured by CALIPSO and plume stereo height retrieval from the MISR will be used to model the biomass burning emission height and to evaluate the model convection and advection processes.
  3. Study the aerosol effects on air quality and climate. We will use the GOCART model and data from satellite (A-train and related satellite), ground-based measurements (lidar, sunphotometer, and in-situ), and aircraft observations to investigate (a) the roles of emission, long-range transport, and vertical mixing in determining the atmospheric distribution of aerosols, (b) the link between the aerosol column optical thickness and the surface concentrations of particulate matter by the vertical structure, and (c) the aerosol radiative forcing and the atmospheric heating profile.

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Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 17, 2008
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