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Recent Additions

October 15, 2008

  • Urban Stormwater Management in the United States (PDF) (529 pp, 10.8MB) - On October 15, 2008, the National Research Council Water Sciences and Technology Board released the report Urban Stormwater Management in the United States (Committee on Reducing Stormwater Discharge Contributions to Water Pollution, National Research Council, National Academies Press). The report is the product of a 2-year process undertaken by the 15-member committee. The 513 page report provides a description of the history of stormwater management in the United States; an overview of stormwater regulations and the federal regulatory program; and information on a number of relevant scientific and technological issues such as hydrology, geomorphology, biology, monitoring and modeling. The report also provides a number of significant findings and recommendations on how stormwater management in the United States should be improved to achieve better environmental outcomes. A Report in Brief fact sheet (PDF) (4 pp, 425K) is also available.

September 23, 2008

  • Final 2008 Multi-Sector General Permit - The new Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) covers an estimated 4,100 industrial facilities that require NPDES permit coverage. EPA’s MSGP applies to facilities in states and territories not authorized to implement the NPDES permit program, including Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, most U.S. territories, most Indian country lands, and several other locations. The new permit offers several improvements from the previous MSGP, including easy to understand discharge requirements; fast and easy electronic filing of Notices of Intent (NOIs) and monitoring reports; and several new web-based tools.

July 01, 2008

  • Final 2008 Construction General Permit - On June 30, EPA issued a final 2008 Construction General Permit (CGP) that covers discharges of stormwater from certain construction sites. Because EPA is in the process of developing a national regulation (called an Effluent Limitations Guideline) for the construction and development industry, this permit contains substantially the same terms and conditions as the 2003 CGP and has been issued for a two-year time period. The new permit applies only to “new” construction sites (e.g., those that have started construction on or after June 30, 2008 or those that started previously, but did not obtain permit coverage under the 2003 CGP).

June 12, 2008

  • Ninth Circuit Issues Opinion to Vacate 2006 Oil and Gas Rule - On May 23, 2008, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion in Natural Resources Defense Council v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 06-73217, vacating EPA's 2006 oil and gas construction stormwater regulation. This regulation effectively exempted from NPDES permit requirements stormwater discharges of sediment from construction activities associated with oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations or transmission facilities unless the relevant facility had a discharge of stormwater resulting in a discharge of a reportable quantity of oil or hazardous substances. 40 C.F.R. §122.26(a)(2)(ii) (citing §122.26(c)(1)(iii)(C)). EPA promulgated this regulation to implement an amendment to the CWA enacted in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

May 15, 2008

  • Proposed 2008 Construction General Permit (CGP) - EPA has issued a proposed 2008 Construction General Permit (CGP) for public comment. This public comment period will close on June 16, 2008. The 2008 CGP applies to discharges of stormwater from construction sites that disturb 1 acre or more of land, and from smaller sites that are part of a larger, common plan of development. Because EPA is also in the process of developing a national regulation (called an Effluent Limitations Guideline) for the construction and development industry, the Agency is proposing to issue this 2008 CGP for a period of two years and using the same terms and conditions as the 2003 CGP (which expires on July 1, 2008). Upon completion of the Effluent Guideline, the Agency will develop and issue a new (and improved) CGP that incorporates the provisions of the Effluent Guideline as soon as possible and not later than July 2010.

March 01, 2008

  • Region III Stormwater Fact Sheets Assisting Municipalites - These four fact sheets were developed to assist municipalities in understanding issues critical to the implementation of their stormwater program. These fact sheets include: evaluating the effectiveness of municipal stormwater programs, funding stormwater programs, incorporating environmentally sensitive development, and understanding impaired waters and total maximum daily load (TMDL) requirements.

January 25, 2008

  • Low Erosivity Waiver (LEW) Calculator - Some state construction general permits allow construction operators in more arid climates to apply for a waiver from NPDES permitting requirements. EPA has developed the LEW calculator to help small construction sites determine whether they qualify for this waiver. The calculator provides assistance to operators estimating the rainfall erosivity factor (R factor) to determine whether the R factor is low enough to justify a waiver from NPDES permitting requirements. The R factor can easily be calculated by using the construction site latitude/longitude or address and estimated start and end dates of construction. NOTE: Authorized states might have requirements different from EPA’s, and you should review your general permit for specific requirements.

January 17, 2008

  • Green Infrastructure Action Strategy [PDF - 938 KB - 38 pp] - Developed by the Partners for Green Infrastructure (American Rivers, Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators, Low Impact Development Center, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, Natural Resources Defense Council, and EPA) this Action Strategy details a wide variety of efforts that will be pursued over the years by the partner organizations to reduce stormwater runoff, combined sewer overflows, and nonpoint source pollution. The Action Strategy covers seven broad categories, including research, outreach, demonstration projects, and more.

January 09, 2008

  • Urban BMP Performance Tool - This tool has been developed to provide stormwater professionals with easy access to approximately 220 studies assessing the performance of over 275 BMPs. The tool provides access to studies covering a variety of traditional and low impact BMP types, including retention and detention ponds, biofilters, grassed filter strips, porous pavement, wetlands, and others. Users will also find a series of essays aimed at improving understanding of BMP performance and the importance of volume reduction/infiltration in these assessments. EPA plans to add more studies to this tool over the coming year, focusing on expanding the collection of studies of low impact development or green infrastructure BMPs.

June 18, 2007

  • Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Sites - This guidance document is intended as a helpful reference for construction site operators who must comply with an NPDES stormwater permit. It describes the SWPPP development process and provides helpful guidance and tips for developing an effective SWPPP. A customizable SWPPP template and sample inspection report, in Microsoft Word format, are also available.

April 19, 2007

  • Agreement to Promote Green Infrastructure - EPA and four national groups signed a statement of intent to promote the use of green infrastructure to help solve stormwater runoff and sewer overflow problems. The statement of intent pledges cooperation among these groups to promote the use of various green infrastructure techniques such as rain gardens, bioretention cells, infiltration swales, green parking lot design, rain barrels, and many others. Today's agreement supplements an early statement supporting green infrastructure that has been signed by over 30 national groups.

March 28, 2007

February 13, 2007

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Evaluation Guidance - The MS4 Evaluation Guide is primarily for use by NPDES authorities to evaluate the quality of Phase I and Phase II MS4 programs, for permit compliance, technical assistance, and other purposes. It can be used for comprehensive program evaluations, or for certain components. It can also be used by MS4 program managers to evaluate their own programs.

June 07, 2006

May 24, 2006

  • New and Revised National Menu of Stormwater BMPs - EPA has completed a significant revision of the National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs). The new menu will be easier to browse and search and includes approximately 20 new fact sheets that highlight innovative practices. We also invite knowledgeable experts in the stormwater field to provide comments and supply additional information that can improve the fact sheets contained in the Menu.

August 14, 2006

  • The Role of Local Governments in Implementing the NPDES Stormwater Program for Construction Sites [PDF Format] - This new brochure provides local governments with a brief overview of the NPDES Stormwater Program on construction sites. Local governments can then provide this information to people in the construction industry who might need NPDES permit coverage. Stormwater permits require many operators of construction sites to implement steps to prevent sediment and other pollutants from washing off into nearby streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.

May 11, 2006

  • Stormwater Qualifying Local Programs - Memorandum encouraging the further use of the Qualifying Local Programs (QLP) concept - QLP is part of the Phase II regulations that recognizes strong existing local sediment and erosion control programs, provide the opportunity to recognize other communities as they develop local sediment and erosion control programs in the future, and provide opportunities to streamline the regulatory process for construction site operators. A letter was sent to the EPA Regions and state permitting authorities to encourage the further use of this provision. This document includes a sample letter and attachment that was sent to EPA Region 1 and the state of Alabama.

May 10, 2006

  • EPA is sponsoring a series of stormwater webcasts - The second webcast titled, "Construction 101 with Barry Tonning" will be held on May 10th at 1:00 pm ET. The first webcast, "Post Construction 101 with Nikos Singelis of EPA’s NPDES Stormwater Program" is available for viewing at any time. As each webcast is completed, it will be available for viewing in its entirely on the NPDES training page.

March 07, 2006

  • Post Construction 101 Webcast - EPA is sponsoring a series of stormwater-related webcasts to help Phase II municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) get started on or improve their stormwater management programs. The first webcast is Post Construction 101 and will be held on March 8, 2006.

January 23, 2006

  • New Menu of BMPs Composting Fact Sheets - These fact sheets are intended to provide guidance on the minimum measure 'Construction Site Storm Water Runoff' to regulated small MS4s as to the types of practices they could use to develop and implement their stormwater management programs through this minimum measure. To address runoff control by stabilizing drainage ways, Compost Filter Berms and Compost Filter Socks can be useful. Compost Blankets can help erosion control by stabilizing exposed soils.

January 19, 2006

  • New Stormwater Case Studies - These case studies are designed to help Phase II municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) get started on or improve their stormwater management programs. To address its high growth rate, Douglas County, Colorado developed a successful permit review, issuance and inspection process, and wrote a comprehensive Grading, Erosion and Sediment (GESC) Control manual. The State of Maine developed a public education campaign based exclusively on social marketing principles which raised stormwater pollution awareness.

December 30, 2005

December 01, 2005

May 05, 2005

  • Joint NPS/Stormwater Outreach and Education Conference, October 17-20, Chicago, IL - We are pleased to announce the first joint stormwater and nonpoint source outreach and education conference. This conference will bring together experts and practitioners from both programs to share and discuss successful outreach strategies and public education efforts. We want to extend an invitation to all municipal, state, and federal stormwater professionals with an interest in public education and outreach to join us for this event. If you would like to present at this conference, the deadline for papers/proposals was June 17, 2005.

October 31, 2005

  • EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP-2000) - MSGP-2000 expired at midnight on October 30, 2005. A new permit has not been issued at the present time. For more detailed information, please click here [PDF - 73 KB - 1 p]. At this time, EPA expects the new MSGP to be finalized in early 2006. Please check this site for updates and new information.

April 28, 2005

August 30, 2005

  • 4th National Conference: Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Pollution Education Programs - EPA sponsored this national conference to help professional staff and volunteers at the local, state, regional, and federal levels increase public awareness of stormwater runoff through creative outreach programs. Examples of successful programs were shared, focusing on projects that are "process oriented" to learn how to effectively change public behavior and perception of watershed protection. This conference focused on the topics of nonpoint source, stormwater (MS4s), watershed protection, and TMDLs.

June 28, 2005

  • NPDES Oil and Gas Public Meeting - Presentation materials, a full transcript, and a registration list are available from this May 10, 2005 meeting that was held in Dallas, Texas.

March 07, 2005

  • EPA Extends Permit Deadline for Stormwater Discharges from Oil and Gas Construction Activities [PDF - 172 KB - 15 pp] - EPA extended the regulatory deadline that requires stormwater permit coverage for oil and gas construction activities that disturb between one and five acres of land to June 12, 2006. The additional time was used to consider comments raised by stakeholders and to consider the economic, legal, and procedural implications related to controlling stormwater discharges from these sites. The extension also describes our intent to develop and propose a regulation by September 12, 2005 that would address stormwater discharges from these oil and gas construction sites. We also plan to hold at least one public meeting with stakeholders to exchange information on current industry practices and their effectiveness in protecting water quality.

February 21, 2005

  • MSGP eNOI is Now Available - You can use the eNOI System to submit NOIs and NOTs for industrial facilities under EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP). You can also prepare draft Industrial NOIs for signature by an appropriate official and you can save your work and return later. You can also use the eNOI System to submit an NOT even if you submitted a paper NOI. View Industrial NOI data from states and territories covered by EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit. You can use this page to search, sort, and view NOIs.

January 13, 2005

  • EPA Proposes to Extend Permit Deadline for Stormwater Discharges from Oil and Gas Construction Activities [PDF - 70 KB - 5 pp] - EPA proposed to extend the regulatory deadline that would require stormwater permit coverage for oil and gas construction activities that disturb between one and five acres of land to June 12, 2006. The additional time was used to consider comments raised by stakeholders and to consider the economic, legal, and procedural implications related to controlling stormwater discharges from these sites. The proposed extension also describes EPA's intent to develop and propose a regulation that would address stormwater discharges from these oil and gas construction sites. The public was able to provide comments on the proposed extension for oil and gas construction activities disturbing one to five acres of land for thirty (30) days from publication in the Federal Register. This document provided information on how to provide comments.

November 12, 2004

  • Stormwater Case Studies - EPA has developed a series of stormwater case studies to help Phase II municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) get started on or improve their stormwater management programs. You can search the case studies by minimum measure, case study location, or by keyword search. Additional resources and tools for each case study and minimum measure are provided.

October 20, 2004

  • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Guidance Manual (Final) Exit EPA Site - Center for Watershed Protection's comprehensive manual that outlines practical, low cost, and effective techniques for stormwater program managers and practitioners. The guidelines include details on creating and managing a program, timelines that estimate how long program implementation will take, information on estimating program costs in terms of capital and personnel expenses, and types of testing used to detect stormwater illicit discharges. This manual provides valuable guidance for communities and others seeking to establish Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) programs.

August 11, 2004

  • Does Your Construction Site Need a Stormwater Permit? A Construction Site Operator's Guide to EPA's Stormwater Permit Program - This new brochure provides construction companies with a brief overview of EPA's Construction General Permit (CGP) and its requirements. It is being sent to construction companies to inform them of the need to obtain permit coverage for sites disturbing one acre or more. The brochure contains a summary of the major provisions of the CGP, including areas of coverage, using EPA's new electronic notice of intent system for obtaining permit coverage, developing a stormwater pollution prevention plan, and more.

August 06, 2004

  • Resource List for Stormwater Management Programs [PDF - 6 pp] - Resources to help stormwater program managers start developing or improve their stormwater programs. This list is divided into six sections: general stormwater information, public education and outreach, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site runoff control, post-construction site runoff control, and pollution prevention/good housekeeping.

April 30, 2004

  • Getting in Step with Phase II: A Workshop for Stormwater Program Managers - EPA is sponsoring eight workshops that will provide state and local stormwater program managers with innovative tools and real-world examples that can be used to address the six minimum control measures called for by the NPDES Permit Program Phase II requirements. The workshops will include lively group exercises and many opportunities for discussion.

April 16, 2004

  • Guidance on the Ninth Circuit Court Decision for MS4s [PDF Format] - This memo provides interim guidance on implementing the Stormwater Phase II program for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in light of the recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Environmental Defense Center, et. al. v. EPA, September 15, 2003). The guidance covers several issues related to the implementation of the MS4 program, including public availability of NOIs, opportunities for public hearings, and review of NOIs by permitting authorities.

January 21, 2004

  • Stormwater Program Questions and Answers [PDF Format] - Contains numerous questions and answers about the stormwater program. General stormwater questions address items such as best management practices, TMDLs, endangered species, and individual versus general permits. Construction questions cover who's regulated, stormwater pollution prevention plans, stabilization, and waivers. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and Industrial questions and answers will be available in Spring 2004.

November 25, 2003

  • Electronic Notice of Intent (eNOI) - EPA just announced this new electronic stormwater water permit application system, also known as eNOI, which allows construction operators to quickly obtain permit coverage under EPA's Stormwater Construction General Permit.

August 08, 2003

July 01, 2003

  • 2003 Construction General Permit - EPA reissued its NPDES general permit for storm water discharges associated with construction activity. This permit is effective for five years and is available everywhere EPA is the NPDES permitting authority, except EPA Region 4. The permit provides coverage for large (>5 acres disturbed) and small (1-5 acres disturbed) construction activities, the latter being added as a result of the Phase II Storm Water Rule that was promulgated on December 8, 1999. Copies of the permit and permit fact sheet, federal register announcement, background information, and procedures on how to comply with the permit requirements are included.

April 01, 2003

  • April is Stormwater Month! - A CD-based outreach kit to help communities implement the new requirements of the Phase II NPDES stormwater regulations. The kit includes a wide variety of materials for homeowners, construction site operators, children, and businesses. Local officials can use the Stormwater Month CD to customize these materials with their agency's name, address, and phone number so that citizens will know where to turn for more information.

March 13, 2003

March 07, 2003

  • Postponement of the NPDES Storm Water Permit Deadline for Oil and Gas Construction Activity Disturbing 1 to 5 Acres of Land - On March 5, 2003, the Administrator signed the final rule that postpones until March 10, 2005, the NPDES storm water permit deadline for oil and gas construction activity disturbing 1 to 5 acres of land. The NPDES storm water regulations (Phase II), finalized on December 8, 1999, include coverage for such facilities. At that time, EPA believed that few of these facilities would be affected by the rule. Since that time, EPA has become aware that as many as 30,000 facilities could be affected. During the two-year postponement, EPA will analyze and evaluate this information and its potential impact.

February 10, 2002

February 01, 2003

  • EPA Construction General Permit (CGP) - The CGP for large construction (disturbing five or more acres) for Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 expired on February 17, 2003. EPA is in the process of developing a new permit and expects that it will be finalized in May 2003. In the interim, large construction activities are encouraged to utilize the existing Notice of Intent (NOI) form [PDF Format] and submit it to EPA (complete instructions are included in the form). Large construction activities are also encouraged to comply with the permit conditions of the expired CGP and develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and implement erosion and sedimentation controls (best management practices) on their sites. The Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance has made enforcement for lack of permit coverage a low priority until the new CGP is finalized.

January 01, 2003

  • Proposal to Extend NPDES Storm Water Permit Deadline for Oil and Gas Construction Activity Disturbing One to Five Acres of Land [PDF Format] - This proposed rule seeks to extend the NPDES storm water permit authorization deadline by two years (until March 10, 2005) for oil and gas construction activity disturbing one to five acres of land. The NPDES storm water regulations (Phase II), finalized on December 8, 1999, include coverage for such facilities. At that time, EPA believed that few of these facilities would be affected by the rule. Since that time, information has become available indicating that as many as 30,000 facilities could be affected. EPA is proposing the two-year extension to analyze and evaluate this information and its potential impact. The comment period closed on January 29, 2003.

October 01, 2002

  • Storm Water Urbanized Area Maps - Under Phase II of the National Storm Water Regulations, all MS4s in urbanized areas will need to develop and implement controls to prevent polluted storm water from entering rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. These digitized maps will assist in determining the boundaries of the urbanized areas.

October 01, 2002

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Last updated on January 24, 2006 11:00 AM