Protecting wildlife for our children's future
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It's so easy! Gardening for wildlife means you'll get to see beautiful butterflies and birds as well as have a vibrant yard filled with native plants. Start your own wildlife habitat today with our help.

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It is easy to garden for wildlife

National Wildlife Federation Certifies the Nation's 100,000th Habitat

It is with great pride and excitement that National Wildlife Federation announces the certification of the US Botanic Garden's National Garden as the 100,000 Certified Wildlife Habitat™.

Located in our nation's capital, the National Garden contains a Regional Garden that is a showcase for native plants from both the Piedmont and Atlantic Coastal Plain geographical areas. In arranging the plantings, great emphasis was placed on "right plant, right place," in order to reduce the need for supplemental irrigation.

The National Garden officially received its certification by National Wildlife Federation on Saturday, September 27.

For more information about the National Garden, go to

Learn about the four basic elements that wildlife need and how you can create a Certified Wildlife Habitat right in your own backyard. Join the more than 100,000 others who have certified their yards!

Tip sheets Get useful information and tips for creating and maintaining a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

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Gardener's Guide to Global Warming
Learn how climate change is affecting plants and what you can do to confront global warming.

Habitats for Learning
Ideas and resources for educators on how to incorporate gardening for wildlife into activities with kids.

Get your Community Involved
It's exciting when you certify your own backyard and it's even more exciting when your whole community joins in!

Play and Observe Outside
Get more inspiring ideas for ways you and your family can connect with nature.

EPA GreenScaping
The EPA GreenScaping program gives a set of landscaping practices that can improve the health and appearance of your lawn and garden while protecting and preserving natural resources.

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