The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
US EEOC Performance and Accountability Report FY 2006


Integration of Elements in the Strategic Plan

EEOC implemented its Strategic Plan for FYs 2004 through 2009 at the beginning of FY 2004. The plan described our overall framework for 6 years, including FY 2006. As noted in the previous section of this report, the agency’s Strategic Plan has been substantially revised, including its performance measures. It was issued on October 1, 2006, and covers FY 2007 through FY 2012. This section of the report summarizes the results achieved in FY 2006 for the 24 performance measures described in the Strategic Plan in effect during FY 2006. We identify whether a measure is continued in our new Strategic Plan as currently written or with modifications.

The framework for the Strategic Plan in effect for FY 2006 represented an improvement in our overall strategic planning and measurement approach because it was results oriented, customer centered, and performance driven. The plan melded our strategic objectives, the Chair’s Five-Point Plan, performance measures, and important program initiatives, all of which were integral to the accomplishment of our mission. The figure here illustrates the integration of these elements that enabled us to achieve and evaluate our results, including those for FY 2006.

Our performance measures and the results achieved are organized in this report by the three overarching strategic objectives in the Strategic Plan in effect for FY 2006 and in the Chair’s Five-Point Plan. We briefly outline the key interrelationships using this organization.

This page was last modified on December 7, 2006

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