UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA _________________________________ ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., Plaintiffs, v. ) ) ) ) ) ) GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of the ) Interior, et al., ) ) ) Defendants. _________________________________) DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO STRIKE PLAINTIFFS' "EMERGENCY NOTICE" Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(f), Defendants respectfully move to strike Plaintiffs' "Emergency Notice of Individual Indian Trust Records in Imminent Risk of Destruction and Loss" (filed April 28, 2004) ("Plaintiffs' Notice").1 In a case in which it has become customary for Plaintiffs to dispense with even the most basic evidentiary requirements, their latest filing lacks even a pretense of legal competence. Through their notice, Plaintiffs purport to "inform" the Court that Defendants have placed trust records "in imminent risk of loss, corruption, and destruction." Plaintiffs offer no competent evidence in support of this now boilerplate allegation. They include with their submission no affidavit, declaration, or qualified documentary proof of the statements they seek to make part of the public record. Rather, they rely solely on two letters that contain a laundry list of allegations from sources unknown, as well as unseemly personal slurs directed at Interior officials. The filing of these unsupported and derogatory materials is improper on its face, and they should be stricken from the record. 1 Defense counsel has consulted with Plaintiffs' counsel, who state that they oppose this motion. Case No. 1:96CV01285 (Judge Lamberth) ARGUMENT Plaintiffs seek to place in the record assertions from unidentified sources that are neither supported nor verifiable. In dramatic fashion, Plaintiffs announce that they have received "extremely disturbing information concerning the current status of records retention" at the Department of the Interior ("Interior").2 But they provide no evidence at all for this "information." Instead, Plaintiffs accuse Interior of wrongdoing based entirely on accusations from secret sources. Only in a Star Chamber proceeding could the submission of such charges as evidentiary fact be taken seriously.3 The allegations Plaintiffs seek to make part of the record are contained in two letters they attach to their notice. The sources of the charges in neither letter are identified, much less supported by sworn testimony from individuals with knowledge of the matters asserted. In the first, which purports to be written by some Interior employees, not only are the authors unidentified, but they promise to deny ever having written the letter if asked. Letter from unidentified sources to Elouise Cobell of 3/21/04, attached to Plaintiffs' Notice as Exhibit 1, at 2 Plaintiffs' characterization of their filing as an "emergency notice" is dubious on its face, given that they waited well over a month after receiving the subject letters to file their notice. 3 The relaxed evidentiary standards to which the Plaintiffs hold themselves stand in stark contrast to their insistence that Defendants not only provide sworn jurats attesting to matters relevant to information technology security, but that such jurats not be limited to matters within the affiant's knowledge, information or belief. See Plaintiffs' Comments on Interior Secretary Gale Norton's and Acting Assistant Secretary Aureen [sic] Martin's Proposed Procedures to Reconnect Information Technology Systems Which House or Access Individual Indian Trust Data (filed Sept. 10, 2003) (arguing that Interior's "understanding of 'adequate evidence' consists of . . . defective jurats, rendering the purported 'certification' evidentially incompetent and patently unreliable."); see also Mem. Op. (Mar. 15, 2004) at 8-11. 2 1.4 Thus, the allegations are neither supported nor verifiable.5 The second letter, written by a union representative, repeats allegations purportedly conveyed to her by union members, none of whom is identified. Letter from Susan Sandoval, Field Representative, Indian Educators Federation, AFT, AFL-CIO to Michael M. Billings, Labor Relations Officer, U.S. Department of the Interior, of 3/14/04, attached to Plaintiffs' Notice as Exhibit 3. Thus, it consists entirely of hearsay derived from anonymous sources. These facially incompetent letters and Plaintiffs' repetition of their contents have no legal pertinence nor, therefore, a place in the public record. See Pigford v. Veneman, 215 F.R.D. 2, 3 (D.D.C. 2003) (striking papers filed by class counsel alleging racism against Government counsel where it "provided no factual basis or evidence in support of its charges."); Alexander v. FBI, 186 F.R.D. 21, 53 (D.D.C. 1998) (finding "no evidence to support the claim made by plaintiffs" and, accordingly, striking it from the record). Plaintiffs' Notice and its attachments should be stricken. 4 The anonymous letter submitted by Plaintiffs appears to be motivated, at least in part, by labor issues relating to the potential relocation of jobs from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Interior's new facility in Lenexa, Kansas. See Plaintiffs' Notice, Ex. 1 at 2-3 (suggesting the facility should have instead been built in Albuquerque); id. at 6 ("A facility needs to be constructed in Albuquerque for the records."). This litigation is not the proper forum in which to raise such issues, regardless of the manner in which they are framed. 5 Aside from being barren of evidentiary support, the anonymous letter also includes derogatory slurs (including race-based remarks) against certain Interior officials, see Plaintiffs' Notice, Ex. 1 at 2, providing an additional ground for striking the material. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(f) (court may strike from any pleading "any insufficient defense or any redundant, immaterial, impertinent, or scandalous matter"); Pigford v. Veneman, 215 F.R.D. 2, 4 (D.D.C. 2003) ("The word 'scandalous' in Rule 12(f) 'generally refers to any allegation that unnecessarily reflects on the moral character of an individual or states anything in repulsive language that detracts from the dignity of the court.'") (quoting 2 Moore's Federal Practice § 12.37[1] at 12-93 - 12-94 (3d ed. 2002)); Johnson v. McDow, 236 B.R. 510, 523 (D.D.C. 1999) (striking "scandalous and highly insulting allegations" from the record). 3 As Plaintiffs have put forth no evidence, nor sought any relief (bringing into question their motives for filing these materials), no substantive response to the accusations contained in their notice is required. However, it warrants mention that, shortly after receiving the letter from the union representative, and well before Plaintiffs filed that letter with the Court, Interior provided a detailed response to the concerns she raised. See Letter from Michael M. Billings to Susan Sandoval of 3/25/04, attaching Letter from Ethel Abeita, Director, Office of Trust Records, to Michael Billings of 3/23/04 (a copy of the letter, which Plaintiffs did not attach to their notice, is attached hereto as Exhibit 1). For example, in response to questions concerning the condition of boxes in which records are being kept, Interior explained that, while some boxes received from the field were in poor condition, the vast majority of records are being stored in boxes that are in satisfactory condition, and any damaged records that are discovered are repaired and placed in protective sleeves. Id. at 2. With respect to a concern that there is no protocol to guarantee that contractors do not place original documents in a "shred box," Interior explained that there is, in fact, a protocol for reviewing such boxes and that, in any event, no documents currently are being shredded. Id. at 3. Interior also informed the union representative, in response to a complaint that employees lack sufficient time to verify the contents of boxes against inventories, that the contents of boxes are being indexed, archives technicians will be assigned to randomly check boxes being shipped, and upon receipt, NARA performs random quality assurance checks of the boxes to determine if the series are correctly identified and the dates accurate. Id. Interior responded in like fashion to each issue raised in the union's letter and, while the procedures it described may change at Interior's discretion, as necessary to effectively implement records management and protection, 4 its response to the union letter demonstrates that Interior is taking appropriate steps in this regard. CONCLUSION For all of the foregoing reasons, Defendants respectfully request that the Court issue an Order granting their motion to strike Plaintiffs' "Emergency Notice." Dated: May 12, 2004 Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. McCALLUM, JR. Associate Attorney General PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFER Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN Director /s/ John T. Stemplewicz SANDRA P. SPOONER D.C. Bar No. 261495 Deputy Director JOHN T. STEMPLEWICZ Senior Trial Counsel Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 (202) 514-7194 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on May 12, 2004 the foregoing Defendants' Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' "Emergency Notice" was served by Electronic Case Filing, and on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by facsimile: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 Fax (406) 338-7530 /s/ Kevin P. Kingston Kevin P. Kingston IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA __________________________________________ ) ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., ) Plaintiffs, v. Case No. 1:96CV01285 (Judge Lamberth) ) ) ) ) ) GALE NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., ) Defendants. ) ) __________________________________________) ORDER This matter comes before the Court on the Defendants' Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' "Emergency Notice". (Dkt. # ______ ). Upon consideration of the Defendants' Motion, any opposition, and any reply thereto, the applicable law and the entire record of this case, it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion to Strike is, GRANTED and; It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of the Court is directed to strike said Emergency Notice of Individual Indian Trust Records in Imminent Risk of Destruction and Loss (Dkt. # 2564) from the docket and the record of this case. SO ORDERED ___________________________________ Hon. Royce C. Lamberth UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE United States District Court for the District of Columbia Date:______________ cc: Sandra P. Spooner John T. Stemplewicz Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 Fax (202) 514-9163 Dennis M Gingold, Esq. Mark Brown, Esq. 607 - 14th Street, NW, Box 6 Washington, D.C. 20005 Fax (202) 318-2372 Keith Harper, Esq. Paul A. Guest, Esq. Native American Rights Fund 1712 N Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036-2976 Fax (202) 822-0068 Elliott Levitas, Esq. 1100 Peachtree Street, Suite 2800 Atlanta, GA 30309-4530 Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 (406) 338-7530