* i d kJ, L7 PI1 5: 35 IN THX UNITED STATES DISTRlCT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., Plaintiffs, V. ) ) ) ) 1 - 7 I t r- h Case No. 1:96CV01285 (Judge Lamberth) GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., ) 1 1 ) ) Defendants. INTERIOR DEFENDANTS' SUBMISSION PURSUANT TO THE JULY 28,2003 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION REGARDING RECONNECTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS On July 28, 2003, the Court issued a Preliminary Injunction that required the Department of the Interior ("Interior") to immediately disconnect from the Internet all information technology (YT") systems that house or access individual Indian trust data, subject to exceptions for systems that are essential for protection against fires or other threats to life or property, systems that do not house or access individual Indian trust data, and systems that are secure from Internet access by unauthorized users.' Preliminary Injunction at 3-4. The Court further required Interior Defendants to submit a proposed method for reconnection of disconnected computer systems and of determining whether reconnected systems remain secure: ' The Preliniinary Injunction requircd lnterior Defendants to submit certifications regarding systems that were subject to these exceptions. Those certifications were filed on August 11, 2003. Within thirty (30) days of the date of entry of this Order, the Interior defendants shall file with the Court a proposal setting forth a method of approving individual reconnections of disconnected Interior computer systems, and of determining whether the Reconnected Systems should stay reconnected. The proposal should demonstrate a method of providing to the Court adequate evidence that the Reconnected Systems and the Information Technology Systems disconnected pursuant to this Order are secure against Internet access by unauthorized users, and provide a means to verify the representation that the Reconnected Systems and the Information Technology Systems disconnected pursuant to this Order are secure against Internet access by unauthorized users. Preliminary Injunction at 7 B.3 .2 In compliance with the foregoing provision, Interior Defendants respectfully submit their method for approving individual reconnections of disconnected bureau or office IT systems and ascertaining whether reconnected systems should stay connected. Interior Defendants reiterate that this and other submissions they make in connection with the Preliminary Injunction and any related orders the Court may issue should not be construed as a waiver of objections they have asserted or may assert, their right to pursue an appeal, or their right to seek modification or vacatur with respect to the Preliminary Injunction and any related orders. ' Paragraph B.3 of the Court's Order, relating to the submission of reconnection and monitoring plans, does not explicitly exclude systems that do not house or access individual Indian trust data. However, because Interior Defendants understand those systems to be beyond the intended scope of the Preliminary Injunction (see Paragraph B.l), the reconnection and monitoring plans set forth herein do not encompass such systems. 2 Procedures for Reconnection of Disconnected Systems The Preliminary Injunction requires that the method for determining whether disconnected Under the procedures provided herein, the Department of the Interior will provide reconnection The Court explained in its Memorandum Opinion that "[tlhe nature of such independent tests 3 I. bureau or office IT systems3 should be reconnected include two basic elements. First, the Order provides that the submission should demonstrate a method of providing the Court with "adequate evidence" that the bureau or office IT system is sccure against Internet access by unauthorized users. Preliminary Injunction at 1 B.3; Memorandum Opinion at 33 (July 28,2003). Second, the Order states that the submission should provide the Court with the "means to verify the representation" that the bureau or office IT system is secure against unauthorized Internet a c ~ e s s . ~ Preliminary Injunction at 7 B.3; Memorandum Opinion at 33-34. The Department of the Interior proposal set forth herein satisfies those two requirements. submissions to the Court describing the analysis undertaken by the bureau or office and the basis for the Interior believes that four bureaus or offices hosting fiduciary trust IT systems fall into this category: the Office of the Special Trustee ("OST"); the Office of Hearing and Appeals ("OHA"); the trust portion of the Bureau of Indian Affairs ("BIA"); and the Office of the Solicitor ("SOL"). Proposals for the reconnection of OHA and OST were submitted to the Special Master under the terms of the December 17,2001 Consent Order, and the Special Master's IT experts tested those systems on a number of occasions. In reports dated April 23,2003, the Special Master's experts recommended that OHA be allowed to reconnect to the Internet, but the Special Master failed to act on this report. OST corrected certain minor personnel-related objections raised by the Special Master's experts and provided this information to the Special Master on May 16,2003, thereby resolving all outstanding objections. However, no final action was taken by the Special Master in response to the May 16, 2003 communication. may either be borrowed from an existing set of testing standards, such as that developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or determined by either an independent contractor with whom the Court is satisfied or a separate government agency, such as computer experts from the Department of the Treasury." Memorandum Opinion at 34. conclusion that the subject IT system is secure from Internet access by unauthorized users. In addition to the analysis, the submission will summarize the security testing undertaken by the bureau or office to verify the representation that the individual Indian trust data housed by the IT system is secure from Internet access by unauthorized users. Interior intends to utilize a testing program that will include relevant testing procedures sufficient to support and verify its representation that the systems are secure from unauthorized Internet a c c e ~ s . ~ A bureau or office that makes a reconnection submission would be entitled to reconnect to the Internet, absent an order to the contrary, 14 days after the filing of the submission. Any judicial review would take place on a highly expedited basis, in view of the harm to the government and the public interest that result from disconnection of Interior's IT systems. A. Adequate Evidence that the Information Technology System Is Secure fiom Internet Access by Unauthorized Users There is no fixed test or set of standards, guidelines, or technologies that distinguish between a secure IT system and one that is deemed not secure, nor is there a uniformly accepted minimum The detailed results of the testing (i.e., the "raw data") will not be included in Interior's Court submission because of the extremely sensitive nature of some of this material. The "raw data" and detailed results of the testing would be maintained by the agency and be available for inspection in camera or pursuant to an appropriate protective order. As the Court is aware, on August 4,2003, Interior Defendants filed a motion for a protective order as to IT security materials required to be submitted in connection with the Preliminary Injunction. Interior Defendants' Motion For A Protective Order With Regard To Lnformation Technology Security Materials To Be Submitted Pursuant To July 28, 2003 Preliminary Injunction (Aug. 4, 2003). 4 standard within the federal government for IT system information security.6 Instead, various standards and policies identify mechanisms and types of technology that can be utilized to increase the security of IT system infomation. As is explained below, the decision whether to connect government IT systems to the Internet is committed by federal law to the respective agencies, to be made after considering appropriate factors. The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 ("FISMA") vests in the heads of federal agencies the responsibility to provide information security protections. 44 U.S.C. 4 3544 (2003). FISMA provides for agencies to develop programs under which the agency conducts periodic assessments of the risk and magnitude of the harm that could result from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency. 44 U.S.C. 8 3544(b)(l). Accordingly, Interior's bureau and office heads and Chief Information Officers, when determining whether an IT system is "secure" for purposes of deciding whether or not to connect to the Internet, consider the significant benefits and advantages to the agency or office and to the public in being connected to the Internet, as well as the risk of harm that could result from unauthorized access. The Office of Management and Budget has issued Circular A-130, which establishes policy for the management of federal information resources, including procedural and analytical guidelines for implementing specific aspects of the policy. The National Institute of Standards and Technology ("NIST") provides guidance for information security that is used by federal agencies to assess and improve IT security. Although neither Circular A-130 nor NET guidance establishes a single defined standard for determining if a government IT system is secure for purposes of connecting to the Internet, lnterior considers both sets of guidelines in assessing the security status of its IT systems. 5 Each submission for reconnection of a disconnected bureau or office IT system to the Internet will contain a summary of information relied upon by the bureau or office head in making the determination that such IT system is adequately secure from unauthorized access to permit connection to the Internet. IT security will be considered by the bureau or office head in the context of its mission, the role that Internet access plays in the accomplishment of the mission, and the nature of the sensitive information in the possession of the bureau or office. Recognizing that no IT system connected to the Internet can be made impregnable from every potential risk of unauthorized access, the head of the bureau or office will balance the need for the access against the security features built into the IT system before making a determination that the system is adequately secure to permit Internet connection. The bureau or office submission for reconnection to the Internet will include a discussion of these factor^.^ The submissions generally would include information regarding (1) the bureau or officels mission and its need for Internet access; (2) the nature of the individual Indian trust data it possesses; and (3) the bureau or office's current security status, including the use of firewalls and other defenses, identification The procedure proposed by the Department of the Interior is similar to that employed in the certifications submitted to the Court on August 1 1,2003 concerning the secure status of the IT systems housing or accessing individual Indian trust data (Minerals Management Service ("MMS"), Bureau of Land Management ("BLM"), National Business Center ("NBC"), and the Office of the Inspector General ("OIG")). The submissions to the Court for reconnection will contain the same general type of information; more detailed information will be maintained by Interior for inspection if required by the Court, as public disclosure of this sensitive information would seriously endanger the security of the IT systems. Under the Consent Order, this information was not publicly disclosed, and was provided to the Special Master's experts under various protective orders, culminating in the Special Master's May 2,2002 Revised Order. 6 and authentication, filtering, personnel security, vulnerability assessments and remediation, response plans, and testing done to the IT systems.8 B. Means to Verify Representation that System is Secure from Internet Access bv Unauthorized Users Each bureau or office for which reconnection is intended will take steps to verify its representation that the IT system is secure from Internet access by unauthorized users. The documentation will incorporate the data necessary to support a risk-based decision on Internet reconnection. The assessment may include, as appropriate: (1) network mapping and enumeration; (2) SANSFBI Top 20 Vulnerability List Comparison; (3) vulnerability assessment; and (4) penetration testing.' Alternative comparable methods may also be utilized in the assessment, depending on the characteristics of the particular system being tested. A report which provides a detailed summary of the procedures and the results of the system tests will be provided." Determinations of whether IT systems are adequately secure are, by their nature, system- specific. Accordingly, the foregoing is intended to provide an illustration of the factors that may be considered by the agency in making such determinations, rather than an exhaustive or mandatory list to be followed by the bureau or office in every situation. ' In performing the assessment, Interior or its contractor will draw from a variety of tools, including some of those identified by NIST in its security testing guidelines. See. e.g, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sp. Pub. No. 800-42, Draft Guideline on Network Security Testing 5 4.C ("Common Testing Tools"). A copy of the relevant excerpt is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. The entire publication is presently available through the Internet at http//csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/security - testing.pdf. lo The raw data gathered as a result of the testing programs will not be attached to the submission because of the sensitive nature of this information. 7 Network Mapping and Enumeration 1. These tests are designed to accurately map all active devices and systems connected to the target network. Interior or its contractor'' will use various tools to discover active network devices to create an accurate baseline of the target network. Target networks are network segments that are or will be accessible to the Internet. Such segments will include network "Demilitarized Zones" or "DMZs." The baseline created from these tests will be utilized to identify target systems for ensuing assessment phases. SANSFBI Top 20 Vulnerability List Comparison 2. These tests are designed to identify vulnerabilities listed in the SANS/FBT Top 20 Vulnerability List. This is a list of the most common exploitable and critical vulnerabilities prioritized by the security experts of the SANS Institute and the FBI. l 2 Assessment tools that are specifically configured to identify any vulnerability found on the list may be employed. Vulnerability Assessment 3. Vulnerability testing is designed to determine vulnerabilities on all external facing hosts or hosts made accessible to the Internet. Interior or its contractor will make use of open-source tools and various techniques to accurately determine and verify the security status for such hosts. The vulnerability testing program will assist the IT staff at each site to analyze tool output, to prioritize vulnerabilities, and to eliminate both real and false positives. Interior's current contractor is Science Applications International Corporation ("SAIC?). l 2 The SANS Institute refers to the System Administration, Network and Security Institute. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 is a description of the SANS/FBI Top 20 List extracted from a document available at http://www. sans.org/top20/. 8 Penetration Testing 4. Penetration testing involves the attempt to identify, exploit, or expose high risk, configuration- specific vulnerabilities that are found. The purpose of such testing is to evaluate further the security controls implemented at the target site by allowing the penetration test engineer to use techniques and tools utilized by real-world malicious intruders to launch attacks. To simulate such attacks, Interior or its contractor will use proprietary and publicly available tools to attempt to gain access to systems that may be vulnerable to attack. Tools will be selected based upon their applicability to the IT system andlor the threat circumstance being emulated. Evidence of exploited vulnerabilities will be collected and documented. This will include objects such as screenshots, log files, and file notations. Reporting 5. Interior or its Contractor will assess all data gathered, including information collected from IT staff, tool output, observations, and any other notes collected during the overall assessment. At the conclusion of the analysis, a detailed report regarding the security posture of the system will be provided to the system owner. This summary will describe the effectiveness of the security controls, processes, and procedures in place. The summary, along with the other data, forms the basis for a decision by Interior regarding the system's security posture. 11. Procedures for Monitoriw the Security of Reconnected Systems In its Memorandum Opinion, the Court stated that Interior's proposal must provide for continued monitoring of systems that have been reconnected to the Internet to ascertain whether such systems remain secure. Memorandum Opinion at 34. Consistent with this instruction, bureaus and offices with reconnected systems that house or access individual Indian trust data will file a status report 9 with the Court on an annual basis with approximately one quarter of the agencies reporting each quarter.13 Each status report filed with the Court will consist of a report from the bureau or office, and may also include supplemental information from the Department. The bureau or office report will include the steps taken in the previous twelve-month period to monitor and improve the security of the IT system. Specifically, it may include a discussion of the security measures in place; any tests that were performed and the results of those tests (e.g., NESSUS scans, password cracking, vulnerability testing); and any improvements to IT security, including new hardware or software and training developments. Supplemental information fi-om the Department may include a description of IT security oversight activities and any testing conducted by the Department on the bureau or office's IT system including, for example, the SANSEBI Top 20 vulnerabilities testing. In addition, the Inspector General has informed the Office of the Chief Information Officer that it intends to pursue independent testing or auditing of various IT systems, and of its willingness to make available the results of such testing to further inform the Court. Dated: August 27,2003 l 3 The bureaus or agencies that will be on this reporting schedule are MMS, BLM, NBC and OIG. Once approval for reconnection is obtained for OST, OHA, SOL and the trust portion of BIA, those agencies will be integrated into the reporting schedule. The first report would be filed approximately six months after the Court rules on the monitoring plan, and may be filed as part of Interior's Quarterly Reports to the Court. Thus, for example, if the monitoring plan were implemented next month, BLM and MMS would report in the first quarterly filing in 2004, followed by BIA and OST in the second quarter, OKA and M3C in the third quarter, and SOL and OIG in the fourth quarter. If the Court wishes to verify the present security status of the Reconnected Systems, it can review the SANSEBI Top 20 vulnerability scans performed on these systems since January 2003. Additionally, the Special Master and his experts have the results of other testing done on these systems. 10 Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. McCALLUM, JR. Associate Attorney General PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHFFER Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN vD.C. Bar NoY6 I495 Deputy Director JOHN T. STEMPLEWICZ Senior Trial Counsel GLENN D. GILLETT JOHN WARSHAWSKY D.C. Bar No. 417170 GIN0 D. VISSICCHIO Trial Attorneys Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 Telephone: (202) 5 14-7 194 Facsimile: (202) 5 14-9 163 11 6E DRAFT GUIDE TO NETVVORK SELF-TEST password h~://~~~~~~~.sun.rhbnc.ac.~~-phac107/ J Description Imp is a Netware password cracking utility with a GUI (Win95/NT). It loads account information directly from NDS or Bindely files and allows the user to attempt to compromise the account J Linux win32 cost Free Free Capabilities Unix cracker Windows Unix cracker Lopht Website Novell Netware h t t r > : / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ v a s t e l ~ i ~ . gen. nz password cracker passwords with various attack methods. and httr>://www own\\ all com/iohn/ password Novell Netware h ttp:llwww .nmrc . ordfdesl password cracker currenily milable f i r nmflavors of U t e DOS, FVin32, and BeOS. Its primary purpose is to dztect weak Unixpc*muords, buf a number qfother hash typs an? suppo+ledas well. I J I J I Free I I Free J Tool Crack 5 Description Cmck is a password guessing progrm thnt is &signed lo quick& locate insecurities in Unir (or othm) parswordfiles by scmming ihe cmtents of a p w o d j l e , looking for users who have nrisguickdly chasen a weak login pasnvord. IMP 2.0 John the Ripper Description John the Ripper is a f d pussword c&r, Description Nwpcrack Description Tool Elitewrap Getadmin Hunt Description Eliie Wrap is mi EIE wrapper, w d lo pack files into un amhive twcutable thul can atruct and execute them in specijied J J J Lmux win32 Cost Free Free Free J $ Capabilities Trojan delivery wqs when thepackjle is run Windows NT privi- httr,://T~~~~~.nmrc.or~~iles/ lege escalation Description Albws a localuser to ercdaie iheirprivileges on an UnpuichedNTlmt 10 Ahnistrutor. TCP session hi- http:/llin.fsid.c~~t.cz/-kra/index.htnll jacking Description H W i s a toolfir exploiting well-hwn weahsses in the TCPLP protocol suite. Lnvisible Key - Key stroke logger stroke Logger Website l t t p : / l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . n i e ~ a a s e c ~ i ~ .ord littu://ww. amecisco . comliksnl . h i 40 DRAFT G U M TO N E W R K SELF-TEST Website Tool Description A stealth keyboadlqtqer that can captun? rn NTs "hwtedpath" (e.g the alt-ctrl-del logon). Netcat Linux win32 cost J Free Pwdump2 Capabilities Back door Port redirector Description A simpk utility which re& and writes &a across network cmctiom, wing TCP or UDP protocols It is &signed to be a reliable '%backend" twl thrrl can be usedahctly or ea$v &en by other pmgnamy mldscriph Windows NTl2000 htt~.//~~~~~.~~ebspan.neli-tas/p~-dunip2 password collector Description Pwdirmp2 b p s the p m o r d Imhes jknn the M/.2KZP SAM &tabaye, whether or not SYSKEE' ir; enabled on the sys- tent control h t ~ : l / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . u k . r e s e a r c h . a t t . c o n ~ ~ ~ c / J Remote J Free tool Virtual Network Computing Description VNC allows m t e access to most types of hosts including mstjlawrs of L b w Unix and wind on:^ C.5. Scanning and Enumeration Tools Capabilities Tool DUMPSec Llescription Dunqx'jec is a security audting progrmi for hlicmJ u'incbws It &ps the pm.mioltr (WACO) and mrdt settings Linux Win32 Cost I I Free (SACL$&r thi?file systm, registty, printers andshares in a concise, readnbk listbarfinnat, so that holes it7 gistem secu- rity are redly apparent. h i p k aim dimips user, p u p , mdreplication inji3nnatioii. Firewall filter rule h~://~~~~~~.packetfacton;.net/firewalk/ J J Free Description Firewalking is a tecloliyue that employs trucemute-like techniques to m a b e It' packet reqxmses to &tennine g d e w q ACLjiltem andmap networkx Firewalk the twl mplcys the technique to determine theplter rules in place on a packet finvwdng &ice. $ Website Windows enumera- httr,://~~i~'M..s?-.stenitoo1s.coni tion tool Network enumera- l~ttp://E~i~~E~.solan~inds.net/ tion Firewalk Nmap Description Solminds Description 41 DRAFT GUIDE TO NETWORK SELF-TEST J hnp://\\~~w.foundstotic.com/ Superscan Free Port scanner, 0s detection, and Banner enumeration Description A G Ul network mapper It will rapidy scan laqe netwonkr to abtemine what hosts are available on the network was services they are offering the version of these services and the type artd version of the operating system Will akope$om reverse DNS lookup. Website ~ ! I C.6. Vdnerabilii Scaming T d s Capabilities 1 ner cybercop scan- ner Vulnerability scan- http ://ww. urn .cotn/products/ Nessus ! Vulnerability scan- httr,://~~~~~~-arc.com/sam/ ner Internet Vulnerability scan- http:I/\\nw .iss.net/ ner ~~ Description ISS Iniemet Scanner is a network-based vuhrabili@scmiuzg tool that i&nt$es secunty hdix on network hats. Vulnerability scan- I httdl\ww.ncssus.or~l ner hltn://\l~\~~.iish.com/satan/ Vulnerability scan- Win32 Cost $ J I J (cli- I Free I Free Free Lmux I Description CybeKop Scmmer is a network-basedwbzembility~canning tool that i&n@es secu@y holcs on network hosa I J Description i l f i e w m network-bad vulnerability-scamzing tool thd i&n@es security holes mi network hosts I Description SUNT is an updafedamienhanced version of SATM, LY daigned to asem the security of wrnputer netwoh. J Sara iY ufi.eeware network-based vulnt.rability-scanning tool thai ihh$es seam& holes on network hosa J I /1_1 Description 1 Descrqtion ner 42 DRAFTGUIDE TO NE-KSELF-TEST Website hap :/lwww. sandstorm.net/ httr, :/Iwwv. secureloc~.condteles~~.eeusec~ue/ C.7. War Dialing Tools THC Tool PhoneSweep Telesweep Description ToneLoc Capabilities War Dialer War Dialer War Dialer Freeware Dos based war dialing program. War Dialer Linuar win32 Cost J J J $ Description A commercial wardialing program that supports multiple modems and attempts automated penetra- tion. J 1 % Descn>tion A commercial war dialing application that supports multiple modems and attempts to automated penetration. Free Free httD :/lpacketstorm.deccuticons.ordwardialers/ httl, :/lwww. hackersclub.con&ndfded Descnptiofi Freeware DOS based war dialing program. 43 Version 3.23 May 29, 2003 Copyright 0 2001-2003, The SANS Institute The Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities (Updated) N The Experts' Consensus Questions / comments may be directed to tOp20@Sans.Org. www.sans.org www.nipc.gov www.fbi.gov -----Jump To Index of Top 20 Threats ----- Printer Friendly Version (PDF) >> US/UK/CA Top 20 Press Release Tools that Test for the Top Twenty (Updated June 18, 03) Testing for the Top 20 Staying Current: Wtical nitoring All New Vulnerabili every Tbursday, free) GISRA Scanning Requirements and NASA Case Study Top 20 List 10/01 I Top 10 List 7/00 Air Force CIO John Gilligan's remarks a t 2001 Top 20 Announcement London, U.K. 2003-06-23 Dallas, TX 2003-06-26 Washington, DC 2003-07-14 Washington, DC 2003-07-21 Tysons Corner, VA 2003-07-24 Austin, TX 2003-07126 Melbourne, AUS 2003-07-28 Ottawa, ON 2003-08-11 Denver, CO 2003-08-14 Virginia Beach, VA 2003-08-24 Madrid, ES 2003-09-08 Boston, MA 2003-09-15 Los Angeles, CA 2003-09-29 New York, NY 2003-10-09 Raleigh, NC 2003-10-13 Amsterdam, NL 2003-10-27 Online Training Instructor Led Online Training Local Mentor Program SQL Server 2000 Security Guidelines SCORE: Web Applications - Complete Update To Section W .3 EXHIBIT 2 Introduction The majority of the successful attacks on operating systems come from only a few software vulnerabilities. This can be attributed to the fact that attackers are opportunistic, take the easiest and most convenient route, and exploit the best-known flaws with the most effective and widely available attack tools. They count on organizations not fixing the problems, and they often attack indiscriminately, scanning the Internet for any vulnerable systems. System compromises in the Solar Sunrise Pentagon hacking incident, for example, and the easy and rapid spread of the Code Red and NIMDA worms can be traced to exploitation of unpatched vulnerabilities. Two years ago, the SANS Institute and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) released a document summarizing the Ten Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities. Thousands of organizations used that list, and the expanded Top Twenty, which followed a year later, to prioritize their efforts so they could close the most dangerous holes first. The vulnerabilities that led to all three examples above - the Solar Sunrise Pentagon incident, and the Code Red and NIMDA worms - are on that list. This updated SANS/FBI Top Twenty is actually two Top Ten lists: the ten most commonly exploited vulnerable services in Windows, and the ten most commonly exploited vulnerable services in Unix. Although there are thousands of security incidents each year affecting these operating systems, the overwhelming majority of successful attacks target one or more of these twenty services. While experienced security administrators will find the Top Twenty to be a valuable resource in their arsenal, the list is especially intended for those organizations that lack the resources to train, or those without technically- advanced security administrators. The individuals with responsibility networks in those organizations often report that they have not corrected many of these flaws because they simply do not know which vulnerabilities are most dangerous, they are too busy to correct them all, or they do not know how to correct them safely. Traditionally, auditors and security managers have used vulnerability scanners to search for five hundred or a thousand or even two thousand very specific vulnerabilities, blunting the ~3.23 - 5/29/03 - Sections U8.1 & U8.3 ~3.21- 10/29/02 ~3.22 - 3/3/03 - Sections W9.1 & W9.3 added Windows ME - Section U4.1/U4.5 - General Edits Defs' Submission5 Regarding Reconnection ot Computcr Systems focus administrators need to ensure that all systems are protected against the most common attacks. When a system administrator receives a report showing thousands of vulnerabilities across hundreds of machines, he is often paralyzed. The Top Twenty is a prioritized list of vulnerabilities that require immediate remediation. The list is sorted by service because in many cases a single remedy -- disabling the service, upgrading to the most recent version, applying a cumulative patch -- can quickly solve dozens of specific software flaws, which might show up on a scanner. This list is designed to help alleviate that problem by combining the knowledge of dozens of leading security experts. They come from the most security- conscious federal agencies, the leading security software vendors and consulting firms, the top university-based security programs, and CERT/CC and the SANS Institute. A list of participants may be found at the end of this document. Notes For Readers: CVE Numbers You'll find references to CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) numbers accompanying each vulnerability. You may also see CAN numbers. CAN numbers are candidates for CVE entries that have not yet been fully verified. For more data on the award-winning CVE project, see http://cve.mitre.org. The CVE and CAN numbers reflect the top priority vulnerabilities that should be checked for each item. Each CVE vulnerability reference is linked to the associated vulnerability entry in the National Institute of Standards and Technology's ICAT Vulnerability indexing service (http://icat,nist.gov). ICAT provides a short description of each vulnerability, a list of the characteristics of each vulnerability (e.g. associated attack range and damage potential), a list of the vulnerable software names and version numbers, and links to vulnerability advisory and patch information. Ports to Block at the Firewall At the end of the document, you'll find an extra section offering a list of the ports used by commonly probed and attacked services. By blocking traffic to these ports at the firewall or other network perimeter protection devices, you add an extra layer of defense that helps protect you from configuration mistakes. Note, however, that using a firewall to block network traffic directed to a port does not protect the port from disgruntled co-workers who are already inside your perimeter, or from hackers who may have penetrated your perimeter using other means. Top Vulnerabilities t o Windows Systems a W 1 Internet Information Services (11s) W2 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) -- Remote Data Services W3 Microsoft SQL Server W4 NETBIOS -- Unprotected Windows Networking Shares W5 Anonymous Logon -- Null Sessions W6 LAN Manager Authentication -- Weak LM Hashing W7 General Windows Authentication -- Accounts with No Passwords or Weak Passwords - Section W3 - Cumulative patch for SQL Server v.3.0 SQL - 10/01/02 Server Italian The SANS/FBI Top Twenty is a living document. It includes step-by-step instructions and pointers t o additional information useful for correcting the security flaws. We will update the list and the instructions as more critical threats and more current or convenient methods are identified, and we welcome your input along the way. This is a community consensus document -- your experience in fighting attackers and in eliminating the vulnerabilities can help others who come after you. Please send suggestions via e-mail to info@sans.org with the subject "Top Twenty Comments." CVE/CAN listings - Section W3 - Cumulative patch for ~3.1 - 10/07/02 - New Version Posted ~3.2 - 10/17/02 - Sections WS, U1, U2, U4, U5, U8, U9 - - Section U9.5 - General Edits - Section U4.1/U4.5 - General Edits Back to Top A a W8 Internet Explorer a W9 Remote Registry Access a W10 Windows Scripting Host a 6ack to TOD A Top Vulnerabilities to Unix Systems a a a a a a a U1 Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) U2 Apache Web Server U3 Secure Shell (SSH) U4 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) US File Transfer Protocol (FTP) U6 R-Services -- Trust Relationships U7 Line Printer Daemon (LPD) U8 Sendmail U9 BIND/DNS U10 General Unix Authentication -- Accounts with No Passwords or Weak Passwords W l . 1 Description 11s is prone to vulnerabilities in three major classes: failure to handle unanticipated requests, buffer overflows, and sample applications. Each will be addressed briefly here. Failure to Handle Unanticipated Requests. Many 11s vulnerabilities involve a failure t o handle improperly (or just deviously) formed H l T P requests. A well-known example is the Unicode directory traversal vulnerability, which was exploited by the Code Blue worm. By crafting a request to exploit one of these vulnerabilities, a remote attacker may: o View the source code of scripted applications. o View files outside of the Web document root. o View files the Web server has been instructed not t o serve. o Execute arbitrary commands on the server (resulting in, for example, deletion of critical files or installation of a backdoor). Buffer Overflows. Many ISAPI extensions (including the ASP, HTR, IDQ, PRINTER, and SSI extensions) are vulnerable to buffer overflows. A well-known example is the .idq ISAPI extension vulnerability, which was exploited by the Code Red and Code Red I 1 worms. A carefully crafted request from a remote attacker may result in: o Denial of service. o Execution of arbitrary code andlor commands in the Web server's user context (ens., as the I US R-serve rna me o r I WAM-serve rna m e user). Sample Applications. Sample applications are generally designed t o demonstrate the functionality of a server environment, not t o withstand attacks, and are not intended to serve as production applications. Combined with the facts that their default location is readily known and their source code is readily available for scrutiny, this makes them prime exploit targets. The consequences of such exploits can be severe; for example: o A sample application, newdsn.exe, allowed the remote attacker to create o r overwrite arbitrary files on the server. o A number of such applications allow remote viewing of arbitrary files, which may be used to gather information such as database userids and passwords. o An iisadmin application, ism.dll, allows remote access to sensitive server information including the Administrator's password. W1.2 Operating Systems Affected CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I declare under penalty of perjury that, on August 27, 2003 I served the foregoing Interior Defendants ' Submission Pursuant to the July 28, 2003 Preliminary Injunction Regarding Reconnection of Computer Systems by facsimile in accordance with their written request of October 3 1,200 1 upon: Keith Harper, Esq. Native American Rights Fund 1712 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-2976 (202) 822-0068 Per the Court's Order of April 17,2003, by facsimile and by U.S. Mail upon: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Black feet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 594 17 (406) 338-7530 Dennis M Gingold, Esq. Mark Kester Brown, Esq. 607 - 14th Street, NW, Box 6 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 318-2372 By U.S. Mail upon: Elliott Levitas, Esq 1 100 Peachtree Street, Suite 2800 Atlanta, GA 30309-4530