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Ambient Water Quality Criteria
For Dissolved Oxygen, Water Clarity and Chlorophyll a for Chesapeake Bay and its Tidal Tributaries

The Chesapeake 2000 agreement Exit committed its signatories (the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia; the District of Columbia; the Chesapeake Bay Commission and the EPA) to, "by 2001, define the water quality conditions necessary to protect aquatic living resources." New York, Delaware and West Virginia agreed to the same commitment through a separate six-state memorandum of understanding [PDF, 2 pages, 94K, about pdf] with the EPA. Accordingly, the EPA has defined the water quality conditions through the Chesapeake Bay-specific water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and chlorophyll a Exit published in the Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen Water Clarity and Chlorophyll a for the Chesapeake Bay and Its Tributaries (Regional Criteria Guidance) below. The EPA has identified and described five habitats (or designated uses) Exit that provide the context in which EPA Region III derived adequately protective Chesapeake Bay water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and chlorophyll a. Collectively, the three water quality conditions provide the best and most direct measures of the effects of too much nutrient and sediment pollution on the Bay's aquatic living resourcesfish, crabs, oysters, their prey species and underwater bay grasses. These criteria are being developed as part of a larger effort to restore Chesapeake Bay water quality.Exit

EPA has also conducted a Biological Evaluation [PDF, 61 pages, 1.6M, about pdf] to assess the potential effects of the Regional Criteria Guidance on federally listed species found in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. The Biological Evaluation provides findings and conclusions that will be evaluated by the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service under the authority of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.

The Technical Support Document for the Identification of Chesapeake Bay Designated Uses and Attainability, describing the development and geographical extent of the designated use to which the criteria may apply, will be published in June 2003.

The following are PDF Files [ about pdf].
Download the entire document   [343 pages, 4.2M] or separate sections below.

Executive Summary

Cover Page [1 page, 65K]

Title Page [1 page, 19K]

Foreword [1 page, 78K]

Executive summary [10 pages, 211K]

Notices [1 page, 30K]

Acknowledgments  [3 pages, 71K]

Table of Contents  [4 pages, 42K]


Chapter I: Introduction [4 pages, 81K]

Chapter II: Chesapeake Bay Nutrient and Sediment Enrichment Criteria [2 pages, 27K]

Chapter III: Dissolved Oxygen Criteria  [73 pages, 469K]

Chapter IV: Water Clarity Criteria  [19 pages, 174K]

Chapter V: Chlorophyll a Criteria  [44 pages, 504K]

Chapter VI: Recommended Implementation Procedures  [58 pages, 879K]

Chapter VII: Diagnostic Procedures for Natural Processes and Criteria Nonattaiment  [19 pages, 335K]

Glossary [7 pages, 45K]

Acronyms [1 page, 19K]


Appendix A: Refined Designated Uses for Chesapeake Bay and Tidal Tributary Waters  [7 pages, 51K]
Appendix B: Sensitivity to Low Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations for Northern and Southern Atlantic Coast Populations of Selected Test Species  [5 pages, 75K]
Appendix C: Summary of Literature on the Tolerance of Macrobenthic Species Found in the Chesapeake Bay to Low Oxygen Conditions  [6 pages, 56K]
Appendix D: Narrative, Numerical, and Method-Based Chlorophyll a Criteria Adopted as Water Quality Standards by States Across the US  [12 pages, 117K]
Appendix E: 1950s-1990s Chesapeake Bay and Tidal Tributary Chlorophyll a Concentrations by Chesapeake Bay Program Segment  [21 pages, 106K]
Appendix F: Phytoplankton Reference Community Data Analysis [8 pages, 94K]
Appendix G: Data Supporting the Determination of Impairment Thresholds for Potentially Harmful Algal Bloom Species   [6 pages, 49K]
Appendix H: Derivation of Cumulative Frequency Distribution Criteria Attainment Curves [23 pages, 573K]
Appendix I: Analytical Approaches for Assessing Short-Duration Dissolved Oxygen Criteria [8 pages, 99K]
Appendix J: Development of Chesapeake Bay Percent Light-at-the-Leaf Diagnostic Requirements [5 pages, 78K]


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