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Rural and Small Urban Transit

Low Volume Roads

The low-volume roads research program is designed to make a positive contribution to rural transportation through user-based research. There are four general focus areas of research:

  • Designing and maintaining an efficient low-volume seasonal surface transportation system
  • Financing an extensive network of low-volume roads, highways, and bridges that provide for cost effective movement of people and goods
  • Enhancing rural and non-metropolitan transportation safety
  • Understanding design considerations unique to the region that take into account soils, materials, topography, and climate, and emphasize its rural nature.

For more information about this program, please e-mail

Rural Transit

The overall objective of the rural transit program is to promote the efficient and effective movement of people in non-metropolitan regions. There are four general focus areas in which research is conducted:

  • Planning and operating viable transit systems in a sparsely populated region
  • Transportation of economically disadvantaged and aging rural residents
  • Using Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies for rural public transit
  • Promoting connectivity between small towns and urban centers and the region's metropolitan centers

For more information about this program, please e-mail

Photo: Mitch Hoffart
© 2008 Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
an independent research and education center at North Dakota State University.