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Location: Soil Plant Nutrient Research (SPNR)

2006 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter?
Currently there is an incomplete mechanistic understanding of the effects of soil management (e.g. irrigation, tillage, cropping system) and its interactions with soil properties, soil biology, and climate. Tillage, crop rotation, fertilization, legume inoculation, and water affect soil C dynamics, N cycling and leaching, productivity, GHG's, and environmental quality. Soil microbial and rhizosphere processes play a vital role in soil productivity by performing essential functions, including N-fixation, nutrient cycling, pathogen suppression, and soil aggregate stabilization. Producers and policy makers need guidelines on crop residue management to prevent loss of SOM and productivity when biomass energy is produced. Management of N for its most efficient use and to minimize leaching requires both experimental research and computer modeling. Impact of management on soil C sequestration and GHG emissions requires research to understand microbial and organic C interactions. Remediation, especially bioremediation, from effects of pesticides or other chemicals to restore and improve soil and water quality has a broad customer base from both farmers and others who might contaminate soils and aquifers. This overall research focuses on biological processes and management practices that influence SOC, microbial and rhizosphere biology, pesticide/contaminant removal, and NUE. These problems and issues are being addressed through the following research objectives: 1. Elucidate management practices and techniques to improve soil properties whereby soil organic matter (SOM), biology and ecology, and rhizosphere processes are maintained or enhanced; movement of soil contaminants are minimized; and presence of soil borne pathogens and pests are minimized. 2. Develop sustainable irrigated crop, tillage, and nutrient management practices and tools that lead to improved water and nutrient use efficiencies (NUE) with sustainable crop yields and enhanced crop quality compared with conventional practices; and reduced NO3-N leaching potential. 3. Develop crop and soil management strategies and tools to maintain or increase soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, reduce fossil energy use, and reduce/mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural production systems.

Objective 1 consists of field and laboratory studies examining the effect of management practices on individual soil properties, such as soil organic matter (SOM), soil contaminants, and microbial populations. Objective 2 focuses on development of sustainable irrigated crop, tillage, and nutrient management practices and tools. Field and laboratory studies will compare water and nutrient use efficiencies and nitrate leaching potential under alternative management strategies and conventional practices. Objective 3 focuses on management effects on soil carbon storage. Studies will determine land management and climate effects on size and dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC), fossil energy use, and potential to reduce and/or mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from agricultural production systems.

Contribution to National Program: This research contributes directly to the ARS National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program and its following problem areas: Soil Biology and Ecology (Focus Area 1: products 1a and 1b); Soil Carbon Dynamics, Management, and Measurement Tools (Focus Area 2 and 3 products and the Cross-Location Project GRACEnet); Nutrient Management for Crop Production and Environmental Protection (Focus Area 1: product 1 and 2; Focus Area 2: product 5a); Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Systems (Focus Area 1: products 1b and 2a; Focus Area 2: product 1a); Residue Removal for Biofuel Production (products 1, 2 and 3); this is a multi-location CRIS on Biofuels); Managing Pesticides In Soils (product 1); Remediation of Degraded Soils (product 2); and GRACEnet CLR (multi-location CRIS on GHG emissions from agricultural systems).

Relevancy: The research is relevant to action agencies (NRCS, DOE), farmers, extension services, other researchers, commodity groups, industry, and the public.

Potential impact: This research will provide managers with tools to manage soils, harmful chemicals, nutrients, and soil C for sustainable agricultural production, soil conservation, delivery of ecological services, and soil quality.

2.List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress)
Objective 1. Elucidate management practices and techniques to improve soil properties whereby soil organic matter, biology and ecology, and rhizosphere processes are maintained or enhanced; movement of soil contaminants are minimized; and presence of soil borne pathogens and pests are minimized. Hypothesis 1B: Soil aggregate formation and stability are intimately associated with SOC sequestration and protection of sequestered SOC. FY2006: Field plots and treatments in place FY2007: Soil samples collected. FY2008: Laboratory Analyses completed. FY2009: Publication being written FY2010: Complete publication.

Hypothesis 1C: Primer specificity, PCR efficiency, and fragment length do not differ between fungal species. FY2006: Equipment acquisition. FY2007: Laboratory analyses completed. Identify collaborators for inter-laboratory comparison. FY2008: Publication being written. Sample collection and distribution to labs. FY2009: Analysis of shared sample set. FY2010: Synthesis of inter-laboratory analysis.

Hypothesis 1D: Plant root-exudates directly influence soil microbial communities. FY2006: No activity. FY2007: Set-up experiment. FY2008: Data collection and analysis. FY2009: Laboratory analyses completed. FY2010: Publication being written.

Hypothesis 1E: Cover crops significantly reduce soil-borne pathogens and pests. FY2006: No activity. FY2007: Set-up experiment. FY2008: Data collection and analysis. FY2009: Laboratory analyses completed. FY2010: Publication being written.

Hypothesis 1F: Remediation tools, such as permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) can facilitate the destruction of harmful chemicals in groundwater and deep soil horizons. FY2006: Initiate new studies and continue ongoing studies. FY2007: Evaluation of PRBs for the removal of selenate from groundwater. FY2008: Isolation, identification and characterization of bacteria that sequester selenium. FY2009: Studies on effect of detergents on distribution of vegetable oils in soil. FY2010: Studies on the ability of PRBs to function in the unsaturated zone.

Hypothesis 1G: Native inoculants (rhizobia) required for N fixation by rangeland legumes are not as effective as commercial inoculants. FY2006: No activity. FY2007: No activity. FY2008: Finalize study plans. FY2009: Site selection and collection of soil samples. FY2010: Studies and data collection.

Objective 2. Develop sustainable irrigated crop, tillage, and nutrient management practices and tools that lead to improved water and nutrient use efficiencies (NUE) with sustainable crop yields and enhanced crop quality compared with conventional practices; and reduced NO3-N leaching potential. Hypothesis 2A. A new N-index algorithm (NI), capable of integrating soil hydrological properties, the water cycle, N management and cropping systems, can be developed for use as a ‘tier one tool’ to assess potential N losses from different cropping systems. FY2006: Assemble databases. FY2007: Assemble databases. FY2008: Develop the new N index. FY2009: Test N index with new data sets. FY2010: A series of guidelines or synthesis paper will be prepared.

Hypothesis 2B. Development of 'stand-alone' Windows XP compatible NLEAP and NLEAP-GIS computer models will enhance model usability to predict amounts of nitrate N available for leaching and it's use as a 'tier two tool' to integrate hydrology, water cycle, N management, and cropping systems to evaluate best management practices at field or regional scales. FY2006: NLEAP XP-GIS coding completed. FY2007: Assemble databases to test NLEAP DOS and NLEAP XP-GIS. FY2008: NLEAP XP-GIS calibration. FY2009: NLEAP XP-GIS validation. FY2010: A series of guidelines or synthesis paper will be prepared.

Hypothesis 2C. Potato cultivars and grain varieties differ in their yield and quality (e.g. uptake of macro and micro nutrients) response to nutrient fertilization. FY2006: Small grain and potato field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2007: Small grain and potato field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2008: Small grain and potato field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2009: Small grain and potato field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2010: A series of guidelines or synthesis paper will be prepared.

Hypothesis 2D. Potato yield and quality (e.g. uptake of macro and micro nutrients) are influenced by the preceding cover crops (CC). FY2006: Cover crop field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2007: Potato field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2008: Cover crop field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2009: Potato field studies and laboratory analysis. FY2010: A series of guidelines or synthesis paper will be prepared.

Hypothesis 2E. Deep-rooted crops, such as corn, in rotation with vegetable crops will increase NUE, reduce residual soil N, and decrease NO3-N leaching potential. FY2006: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2007: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2008: Conduct additional field studies if needed and lab analysis; prepare data for publication. FY2009: Evaluate need for further field study. Complete lab analyses; prepare data for publication. FY2010: Complete publications and begin development of management recommendations.

Hypothesis 2F. Sustainable conservation tillage systems using crop rotations, reduced tillage, and N management can be developed for irrigated agriculture that efficiently use water and N. FY2006: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2007: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2008: Conduct field studies and lab analysis; prepare data for publication. FY2009: Conduct field studies and lab analysis; manuscript preparation. FY2010: Conduct field studies and lab analysis; manuscript preparation.

Objective 3. Develop crop and soil management strategies and tools to maintain or increase soil organic carbon sequestration, reduce fossil energy use, and reduce/mitigate greenhouse gas emission from agricultural production systems. Hypothesis 3A. Management of irrigated cropping systems affect soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this hypothesis contributes to the GRACEnet cross-location project efforts. FY2006: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2007: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2008: Conduct field studies and lab analysis. FY2009: Conduct field studies and lab analysis; prepare data for publication. FY2010: Manuscript preparation.

Hypothesis 3B. Development of synthesis publications outlining region-specific management strategies and the economic and social benefits of soil carbon management will enhance carbon sequestration and soil carbon management in the U.S. FY2006: Identify authors. FY2007: Have author chapters reviewed. FY2008: Publication.

Hypothesis 3C. Development of a Windows XP compatible CQESTR computer model will enhance model usability for prediction and management for SOC sequestration. FY2006: Coordination with other ARS locations. FY2007: Coding complete and data base identified. FY2008: Calibration and validation complete. FY2009: Model released.

4a.List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006.
Reducing Global Warming Potential in Irrigated Production Systems. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Soil Carbon Dynamics, Management, and Measurement Tools (Focus area 3: Effects of Management on Soil Carbon). The impact of management on global warming potential (GWP), crop production, and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) in irrigated agriculture is not well documented. A complete greenhouse gas accounting of GWP and GHGI was made in irrigated cropping systems. Fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured within conventional-till continuous corn (CT-CC), no-till continuous corn (NT-CC) and no-till corn-soybean rotation (NT-CB) plots with nitrogen fertilizer rates ranging from 0 to 224 kg N/ha. Methane fluxes were small and did not differ between tillage systems. Nitrous oxide fluxes increased linearly with increasing N fertilizer rate similarly in each cropping system, but varied with years. Carbon dioxide efflux tended to be greater in CT compared to NT systems. Based on soil respiration and residue C inputs, NT soils were larger net sinks of GWP when adequate fertilizer was added to maintain crop production than CT soils. Based on soil C sequestration, only NT soils were net sinks for GWP. The results suggest that economic viability and environmental conservation can be achieved by minimizing tillage and utilizing appropriate levels of fertilizer

4b.List other significant research accomplishment(s), if any.
Objective 1.

Groundwater remediation. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area 9: Remediation of Degraded Soils (Focus Area 2). Food and water that are free of harmful chemicals are needed to assure that human and animal health is not at risk, that industries are not burdened with excess pretreatment costs, and that clean irrigation water is available. We investigated the use of vegetable oil based in-situ permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) as a method for removing excess nutrients and hazardous chemicals from soils and groundwaters. Vegoil is unique because it is a non-aqueous phase liquid substrate that can be injected into contaminated soils and aquifers to greatly reduce the cost associated with the construction of PRBs. FY06 research showed that these PRBs were highly effective at removing the heavy metal selenate (or selenate plus nitrate) from flowing groundwater. A significant aspect of the heavy metal work is that this same technology could be useful for the remediation of soils and waters that may become contaminated by acts of war or by terrorist activities.

Objective 2.

Nitrogen Management Using the NLEAP Computer Simulation Model. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Nutrient Management for Crop Production and Environmental Protection (Focus Area 1: product 1). Due to the high cost of nitrogen fertilizer sources, potential water quality and other environmental needs for improved N management, a new a new updated Microsoft Windows XP stand-alone version of the USDA nitrogen computer simulation model - Nitrogen Loss and Environmental Assessment Package (NLEAP) computer model was released as part of a four hour workshop at the July, 2006 National/International meetings of the Soil and Water Conservation Society in Keystone, CO. Included in the model are applications dealing with nitrogen best management practices, applications for nitrogen rate, timing, form, and application alternatives. Students became familiar with the model and in a hand-on class with the beta version of the model various livestock farm case scenarios were demonstrated, building alternative scenarios to reduce nitrogen losses. Participants ran the NLEAP model on their own laptops. A copy of the computer simulation model was provided to participants. The completed model is expected to be released later in 2006 and will be included in a new book on Advances in Nitrogen Management that will have chapters written by several national/internationally recognized scientists.

Potential Use of a New Nitrogen Index to Assess Nitrogen Management Practices. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Nutrient Management for Crop Production and Environmental Protection (Focus Area 1: product 1 and 2). There is the need to develop a nitrogen index tool to help assess nutrient management practices. A "new" N-Index Tier-1 tool (NIT-1) which is qualitative in rankings was developed. However, it is based on annual quantitative N and water balances conducted in a Windows Excel environment to keep track of inputs and outputs and facilitate a connection to the new Windows NLEAP version and established P-Indexes. The N-Index Tier-1 version 1.1 is "new" due to three modifications:.
1)expanded and combined information,.
2)the ability for international input, and.
3)the ease of use while connecting to P-indexes and N simulation models. The NIT-1 has a series of algorithms that assess N transformations and losses via leaching, surface transport and atmospheric losses to assess the effects of N management practices on NO3-N dynamics and transport.

Potential Use of Cover Crops to Improve crop yields and quality and environmental conservation. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Systems (Focus Area 1: products 1b). There is the need to develop sustainable system for shallow rooted vegetable crops such as potatoes that leave small amount of crop residue to reduce erosion and leaching of nutrients. We found that heavily fertilized crops with shallow roots, such as potatoes, are susceptible to nitrate leaching. However, nitrogen recovery can be significantly improved and nitrate leaching minimized by following a shallow-rooted crop with a deep-rooted winter cover crop like winter rye, malting barley, or winter wheat. We found for south-central Colorado a yield increase of at least 2,500 pounds of potatoes per acre (12% increase in yield), which generated additional income of $60 to $100 per acre and an increase in the quality of the tubers with a larger size of potatoes. We found for the Pacific Northwest about 29 % of the N in the cover crop was cycled and absorbed by the following potato crop showing that the mustard cover crop can contribute about 30 to 40 kg N ha-1 towards the N requirement of a subsequent potato crop ($15 to $20 per acre current fertilizer prices). These findings were transferred to USDA-NRCS at a national level.

Potential to use Precision Conservation in North America. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Nutrient Management for Crop Production and Environmental Protection (Focus Area 1: product 1 and 2). There is the need to have new tools to assess effects of Best Management Practices on the environment. Experimenting with cutting-edge technology and using innovations like geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems, modeling, and remote sensing helped us to contribute to define the term Precision Conservation used to evaluate various farming and conservation techniques, enabling farmers and producers to assess which practices use nitrogen most efficiently. We used the Nitrate Leaching and Economic Analysis Package (NLEAP) model to evaluate the potential of N fertilization prescriptions based on site-specific management zones to reduce NO3-N leaching losses and found that productivity zones are an important spatial factor in determining NO3-N leaching potential. We conducted long term assessment with simulations and found that by using a Site Specific Management Zone, we cut NO3-N leaching losses by 25 percent during the first year after the implementation of a site-specific management zones nutrient management plan (study in cooperation with Colorado State University).

Irrigated, No-Till Production Systems Have Potential to Replace Conventional Till Systems. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Adoption and Implementation of Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Systems (Focus Area 1: Better knowledge and technologies to expand the use and development of new conservation systems). Irrigated, no-till (NT) production systems can potentially reduce soil erosion, fossil fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions compared with conventional till (CT) systems. Nitrogen fertilization effects on irrigated, corn and soybean yields in CT and NT continuous corn and NT corn-soybean plots were evaluated to determine the viability of irrigated NT systems and N needs for optimum crop yield. Corn grain yields increased similarly with increasing N rate in all systems, but soybean grain yields did not respond to N fertilization. Corn grain yields were near maximum with an available N (AN) (soil + fertilizer + irrigation water N) level of 257 kg N/ha in the corn soybean rotation, and 276 and 268 kg N/ha in the CT and NT continuous corn systems. Corn grain yields in the NT corn-soybean rotation exceeded those of CT and NT continuous corn. Corn residue increased with increasing N rate similarly in all cropping systems, but soybean residue was constant across N rates. Excellent irrigated, NT corn yields were obtained in the corn-soybean rotation for northern Colorado, but soybean yields were only marginally acceptable. Improved soybean cultivars are needed for this area to make a corn-soybean rotation a viable production system. Irrigated, NT production systems have potential to replace irrigated CT systems.

Objective 3. Management of Greenhouse Gases in Agricultural Regions of North America. Contribution to National Program 202 - Soil Resource Management Program problem area: Soil Carbon Dynamics, Management, and Measurement Tools (Focus Area 2. Soil Carbon Dynamics; and Focus area 3: Effects of Management on Soil Carbon). A special publication on "Greenhouse gas contributions and mitigation potential in agricultural regions of North America" was published in 2005 Soil and Tillage Research. This Special North American GRACEnet Issue includes 10 peer-reviewed articles synthesis publications outlining region-specific management strategies and the economic and social benefits of management to enhance carbon sequestration. Our goals were (1) to assemble a database on agricultural management effects on soil C sequestration and greenhouse gas emission, (2) synthesize what is known and unknown about the effects of agricultural management on greenhouse gas emission and mitigation potential, and (3) determine major ecoregion differences in how agricultural management might mitigate and contribute to greenhouse gas emission. This document of how agriculture might contribute to and mitigate greenhouse gas emission in North America is viewed as a necessary initial step to eventually conduct a more targeted research approach. Although a great deal of scientific investigation has been conducted during the past 100 years of agricultural research in North America, there remain significant knowledge gaps about how management can simultaneously (1) satisfy economic livelihoods of farmers, (2) reduce threats to the environment, and (3) improve the quality of the land for generations to come. The summarized information and extensive citations in this special issue should serve as a platform to organize new research aimed at (1) quantifying the effects of a wide range of agricultural management systems on soil organic C sequestration and greenhouse gas emission, (2) developing robust recommendations for improving soil, water, and air quality in North America, and (3) developing novel approaches and unique perspectives in managing agricultural land to achieve both production and environmental goals.

4c.List significant activities that support special target populations.
Objective 1. None to report. Objective 2. Transfer of nitrogen management technologies to Hispanic serving institutions, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR: On February 17, 2006 a seminar "Potential Nitrogen Management Tools for Tropical Systems: NLEAP-GIS & Nitrogen Index" was presented at the Hispanic Serving Institution (HIS) University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Agronomy and Soils Department, attended by 25 students and professors. A HIS scientist coauthored a paper about the new technologies--A New Nitrogen Index. These seminars were in cooperation with Professors from University of Puerto Rico and the Universidad del Este. SPNR is also cooperating in studies to calibrate the NLEAP and New N Index tools in tropical soils with professors and students from these institutions. Objective 3. None to report.

4d.Progress report.
Objective 2. Subordinate Project number 5402-12130-008-02S: Specific-Cooperative Agreement (#58-5402-4-0391) was established with Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins in FY2004 to provide Scientific and programmer assistance to ARS to develop, test, and/or calibrate nutrient management computer modeling based upon the MS XP NLEAP Computer Model to evaluate and determine the effects on nitrogen (N), cropping systems, irrigation and other best management practices to decrease residual soil nitrate and nitrate leaching, improve nutrient use efficiency, and water quality. Programming and debugging is completed for a ‘stand-alone’ version of MS XP NLEAP, which was released as a beta version in a training session at the national/international meetings of the Soil and Water Conservation Society in July with another more-complete version to be presented in a second training/release session at the International/National meetings of the Soil Science Society of America in November 2006. Acceptance of this model in its DOS version as a water quality protection tool by the Natural Resources Conservation Service occurred previously. The current Microsoft Word XP version is expected to greatly facilitate its wide use by both government and private entities. Future activities, besides training and release, are the publication of a book to support the science of N management and further development of additional features including for GIS applications.

Objective 2. Subordinate Project number 5402-12130-008-01S. This report serves to document research conducted under Specific Cooperative Agreement No. 58-5402-3-0308 between ARS (CRIS 5402-12130-008-00D) and Colorado State University entitled “Winter Cover Crop and Small Grain-Potato Rotations Practices.” Cover crops and potato studies are being conducted in cooperation with Colorado State University (Cooperators: Dr. Samuel Essah, Dr. David Holm, Mr. Merlin Dillon, and Dr. Russell E. Ingham from Oregon State University). New studies were initiated looking at the macro- and micronutrient content of tubers and small grains and how this relates to nutrient-use efficiency. This joint cooperation found that cover crops can be used for biocontrol. For example, without any nematicides, sudangrass provided best suppression of nematodes (CRKN) eliminating the external symptoms of nematode damage in potato tubers.

5.Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact.
This research contributes directly to the ARS 202 Soil Resource Management Program, Problem Areas: 1. Understanding and Managing Soil Biology and Rhizosphere Ecology (Focus Area 1: Improved Understanding of Soil Biology and Rhizosphere Ecology); 3. Soil Carbon Dynamics, Management, and Measurement Tools (Focus Area 2. Soil Carbon Dynamics; and Focus area 3: Effects of Management on Soil Carbon); 4. Nutrient Management for Crop Production and Environmental Protection (Focus area 1: Decision Support tools for improved Nutrient Management; Focus area 2: Management practices and strategies for increasing nutrient use efficiency); 5. Adoption and Implementation of Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Systems (Focus Area 1: Better knowledge and technologies to expand the use and development of new conservation systems; Focus Area 2: Decision tools to assess benefits and enhance adoption of conservation practices and systems); 6. Impact on soil of Residue Removal for Biofuel Production (This is a cross-location "Renewable Energy Assessment Project" (REAP) that will be reviewed separately); 7. Managing Pesticides in Soils; and 9. Remediation of Degraded Soils.

Accomplishments from Objective 1.

Remediation of Water Quality: The vegetable oil based PRB technology, a continuation of past research, continues to attract the interests of commercial remediation firms. This interest has led to the development of three or four commercial products that utilize modifications of this ARS technology. In the past, the technology was applied to soils and waters contaminated with trichloroethylene (used in dry cleaning, as an industrial degreaser, and as an agricultural soil sterilant). More recently, it has been employed for the in situ remediation of perchlorate contaminated groundwater. This technology has not only provided a more effective and efficient method for remediating contaminated soils and groundwaters but has also provided a new market for an agricultural product. In FY06, technology transfer occurred via phone conversations, e-mail and published papers.

Accomplishments from Objective 2. New CRIS project (May 2006) so none to report.

Accomplishments from Objective 3. New CRIS project (May 2006) so none to report.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
Special issue about Precision Conservation in North America published in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, November-December, 2005. Precision Conservation is defined as "a set of spatial technologies and procedures linked to mapped variables directed to implement conservation management practices that take into account spatial and temporal variability across natural and agricultural systems."

Technology transfer to the Swiss National Science Institute. The Institute approved the proposal "Morphological and physiological characteristics of wheat root system and their effects on nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)" to support a Post Doctoral Swiss scientist to be trained at the USDA-ARS-SPNR from February 1, 2006 until January 31, 2007.

Technology transfer with NRCS at a national level. Contributed to the technology transfer of NRCS reviewing the USDA-NRCS conservation practice standard COVER CROP CODE 340 published in January 2006. COVER CROP CODE 340. Pages 340-1 to 340-3 NRCS-NHCP, Washington D.C. January 2006.

Presentation to Fertilizer Industry representatives and scientists entitled "Irrigated Cropping System Effects on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in northern Texas." at 2006 Fluid Forum sponsored by Fluid Fertilizer Foundation in Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 12-14, 2006. Information is available to public in Fluid Forum proceedings.

Presentation to Fertilizer Industry and Agribusiness representatives, USDA-NRCS personnel, crop consultants, and University and USDA-ARS scientists located in Great Plains entitled "Onion Response to Nitrogen Fertilization Under Drip and Furrow Irrigation" at 2006 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, Denver, CO, March 7-8, 2006. Information is available to public in Conference proceedings.

On March 9th 2006, the seminar "A decade of change in nutrient management requires new tools: A New Nitrogen Index" was presented to the U.S. National Nitrogen Index group composed by ARS, NRCS, university, extension and industry personnel. Denver, Colorado.

Presentation to USDA-ARS Counterparts in Mexico on "Potential Nitrogen Management Tools Across North America and Other Regions". At INIFAP CESNID-PASPA Research Center Gomez Palacio Durango, Mexico March 23, 2006. Sponsored by INIFAP, Mexico.

Workshop to USDA-ARS Counterparts in Mexico on "Potential use of New Tools for Nitrogen Management: The Nitrogen Index and NLEAP-GIS". At INIFAP CESNID-PASPA Research Center, Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico March 23, 2006. The NLEAP Dos Version Model was distributed and the New N-Index model presented. Sponsored by INIFAP, Mexico.

Presentation to members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and other scientists "Nutrient Management in the USA" at the Shijiazhuang Institute of Agricultural Modernization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, April 17, 2006. Sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

USDA-Agricultural Research Service Magazine article: Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Profit Improving Conservation in the Potato Field USDA-ARS Magazine, May 2006, Beltsville, MD.

A 'stand-alone' version of MS XP NLEAP was released to the public in a training session at the national/international meetings of the Soil and Water Conservation Society on July 23, 2006.

Presentation and Workshop on "A New Generation of Nitrogen Leaching Index" at the Soil and Water Conservation Society 2006 Annual Conference, Keystone, Colorado, July 23, 2006. The Beta version of the N-Index was given to participants of the workshop. Sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Soil Science Society of America, USDA-ARS, and USDA-NRCS National Water Management Center.

Presentation and Workshop on "Nitrogen Management Using NLEAP Computer Simulation Model" at the Soil and Water Conservation Society 2006 Annual Conference, Keystone, Colorado, July 23, 2006, the Beta version of the XP NLEAP model was provided to participants of the workshop. Sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Soil Science Society of America, USDA-ARS, and USDA-NRCS-National Water Management Center

Presentation on "A New Generation of Nitrogen Leaching Index and Potential use for Evaluation of BMPs with NLEAP on a Regional Basis" at the Soil and Water Conservation Society 2006 Annual Conference, Keystone, Colorado, July 25, 2006 Sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Soil Science Society of America, USDA-ARS, and USDA-NRCS-National Water Management Center

The USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service approved the proposal for cooperative research between the USDA-ARS and the Mexican counterpart INIFAP "New Technologies for Water Conservation". We are transferring new technologies and cooperating with scientists in Mexico for water conservation.

Presentation to vegetable growers, extension agents, consultants, USDA-NRCS personnel, and public on N needs of onion and chile pepper at a September 7, 2006 Field Day held for the public at the CSU Arkansas Valley Research Center at Rocky Ford, CO.

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below).
Bausch, Walter C., and Ardell D. Halvorson. 2006. Evaluation of active optical sensors for assessment of plant N in irrigated corn. In Proc. of 2006 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO, March 7-8, 2006. Kansas State University, Manhattan and Potash and Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD. 11:149-154. (Log #191393). Berrada, A., A.D. Halvorson, M.E. Bartolo, and J. Valliant. 2006. The effect of manure and N rates on corn yield and salt and nitrate movement in the soil under furrow and drip irrigation in the Arkansas River Valley. In Proc. of 2006 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO, March 7-8, 2006. Kansas State University, Manhattan and Potash and Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD. 11:264-269. (Log #191348).

Halvorson, A.D., M.E. Bartolo, C.A. Reule, and A. Berrada. 2006. Onion Response to Nitrogen Fertilization Under Drip and Furrow Irrigation. In Proc. of 2006 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO, March 7-8, 2006. Kansas State University, Manhattan and Potash and Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD. 11:7-12. (Log #189722).

Halvorson, A.D., M.E. Bartolo, C.A. Reule, and A. Berrada. 2006. Drip versus furrow irrigation for onion production in the Colorado Lower Arkansas River Valley. Soil and Water Conservation Soc. Meeting Abstract. July 22-26, 2006, Keystone, CO. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 61(3):229. (Log #187946).

Halvorson, A.D., G.W. Hergert, and A.J. Schlegel. 2006. Managing for efficient use of limited irrigation water: current practices, research needs, and potential role of models. Abst., 36th Biological Systems Simulation Conference, April 11-13, 2006, Fort Collins, CO. (Log #192670).

Halvorson, A.D., C.A. Reule, and J. Poole. 2006. Irrigated Cropping System Effects on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in northern Texas. In Proc. 2006 Fluid Forum, Feb. 12-14, Scottsdale AZ, Fluid Fertilizer Foundation, Manhattan, KS. 23:126-132. Also a CD ROM Publication. (Log #189815). Hunter, W. J. 2006. Removing Selenate from Contaminated Water with Barriers Containing Soybean Oil: Laboratory Evaluation. Paper E-27 in: B.C. Alleman and M.E. Kelley (Conference Chairs), In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation—2005. Proceedings of the Eighth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. ISBN 1-57477-152-3, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. (Log #176476). Shaffer, M.J., R.F. Follett, and J. Wallace. 2006. Estimating N losses from agricultural fields (NLEAP). SSSA (Division S-6), Agron. Abst., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. CD-Rom publication. (Log #196964).

Review Publications
Delgado, J.A. 2006. Chemical processes in soils. Soil Science Society of America Special Publication Book Chapter. 70:709-710.

Delgado, J.A., Shaffer, M.J., Hu, C., Lavado, R., Wong, J.C., Joosse, P., Li, X., Rimski-Korsakov, H., Follett, R.F., Colon, W., Sotomayor, D. 2006. A decade if cgange in nutrient management: a new nitrogen index. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. J. Soil and Water Conservation. 61:62!-71A.

Halvorson, A.D., Mosier, A.R., Reule, C.A., Bausch, W.C. 2006. Nitrogen and tillage effects on irrigated continuous corn yields. Agronomy Journal. 98:63-71.

Liu, X.J., Mosier, A.R., Halvorson, A.D., Zhang, F.S. 2006. The impact of nitrogen placement and tillage on NO, N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from a clay loam soil. Plant and Soil Journal 280 (1-2): 177-188.

Manter, D.K., Reese, P.W., Stone, J. 2005. A climate based model for predicting geographic variation in Swiss needle cast severity in the Oregon coastal range. Phytopathology. 95:1256-1265.

Mosier, A.R., Halvorson, A.D., Reule, C.A., Liu, X. 2006. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in irrigated cropping systems in northeastern Colorado. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35:1584-1598.


Project Team
Halvorson, Ardell
Hunter, William
Follett, Ronald - Ron
Manter, Daniel
Delgado, Jorge
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
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  Soil Resource Management (202)
  Global Change (204)
  Water Availability and Water Management (211)
Last Modified: 10/14/2008
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