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LP DAAC Science Advisory Panel Meeting

February 7 – 9, 2006   NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Building 16W

The Land Processes DAAC Science Advisory Panel met February 7 – 9, 2006 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The meeting marked significant changes in panel composition and leadership. John Dwyer (the longstanding LP DAAC Project Scientist and panel co-chair) is currently transitioning out of the DAAC to support the Landsat Data Continuity Mission. John’s duties are being transferred to the new DAAC Scientist, Tom Maiersperger. Tom, who arrived at the DAAC on January 30th, was in attendance to meet the group and facilitate the transition. In addition, Jim Irons (NASA/GSFC) announced that he was stepping down from the other co-chair position, but will continue serving as a panel member. His co-chairmanship duties will be assumed by Kevin Gallo (NOAA/NESDIS). Recent member Warren Cohen (USFS/PNW) has given notice that he will be unable to maintain his panel commitment. Current panel membership is shown below. During this meeting, the sitting panel generated and prioritized a list of candidates to fill this and one other open position. Final panel composition will be announced as soon as confirmed.

Current Panel Membership

  • Mike Abrams (NASA/JPL)
  • Bob Brakenridge (Dartmouth College)
  • Brian Curtiss (Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc.)
  • Tom Farr (NASA/JPL)
  • Kevin Gallo (NOAA/NESDIS)*
  • Jim Irons (NASA/GSFC)
  • Tom Maiersperger (SAIC/USGS EROS)*
  • John Melack (U.C. Santa Barbara)
  • Doug Stow (San Diego State University)
  • Woody Turner (NASA HQ)
  • Jenn Willems (USGS/EROS)
  • Robert Wolfe (NASA/GSFC)

* Panel Co-Chair

Tom Farr did not attend. Dan Tarpley (NOAA/NESDIS) represented Kevin Gallo who was not in attendance except via telecom for a portion of the meeting. In addition to the panel members listed above (and including John Dwyer), the attendees listed below were present for all or parts of the meeting to lend information and guidance to the panel.


  • Tom Kalvelage (USGS/EROS)
  • R.J. Thompson (USGS/EROS)
  • Tom Holm (USGS/EROS)
  • Martha Maiden (NASA HQ)
  • John Bates (NOAA) (via telecon)
  • Jeanne Behnke (NASA/ESDIS)
  • Medora Macie (NASA/ESDIS)
  • Ken McDonald (NASA/ESDIS)
  • John Moses (NASA/ESDIS)

A number of presentations were given which characterized the status of (and changes in) the organizations, instruments, science, and systems central to the LP DAAC and NASA EOSDIS missions. These presentations may be accessed by following the links from the meeting agenda below.

Tuesday, February 7
8:30 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Welcome and Review of AgendaJ. Dwyer/J. Irons
9:30   LP DAAC Status
              Where we were, where we are going
              Charges to organization and management
              Changes to services ASTER on-demand processing
J. Willems
10:00 ESDIS DirectionsJ. Behnke
10:30  Break
10:45  Earth Science Data System Evolution J. Willems
11:30  MODIS Land Collection 5 Status at MODAPSR. Wolfe
12:00  Lunch
1:00   LDCM Status Report
              OSTP Landsat Memo
J. Irons
1:30   Data Distribution Summaries - Beginning of Mission to Date
              Product Suite Summaries
              EDGraph interactive queries
J. Dwyer
2:00   Panel BusinessCo-chair positions
              Existing charter, future direction
              Membership composition
              Any other business
J. Dwyer/J. Irons
4:45   Adjourn
6:30   Group Dinner – Location TBD
Wednesday, February 8
8:30  Continental Breakfast
9:00  Welcome and Review of AgendaJ. Dwyer/J. Irons
9:15  Data Distribution History and User CharacterizationJ. Dwyer
10:00 ASTER Science UpdateM. Abrams
10:15 MODIS Science UpdateR. Wolfe
10:30 Break
10:45 Transition of EOS Land Data to the Long Term Archive
              Current Status at LP DAAC
J. Willems
11:00 NASA Land Products ReviewM. Maiden
11:30 USGS and Archive Advisory Committee PerspectiveT. Holm
12:00 Lunch
1:00   NOAA Strategy for CLASSJ. Bates
1:30   ASTER Science Team – products and levels of serviceM. Abrams
2:00   MODIS Science Team – products and levels of serviceR. Wolfe
2:30   Discussion
3:00   Break
3:15   Actions for LTA ProgressT. Kalvelage/K. McDonald
4:00   Summary – Next steps to move forwardJ. Dwyer/J. Irons
4:45   Adjourn
Thursday, February 9
9:00  Conclude Panel Business (as needed)
10:00 Summarize Actions and RecommendationT. Maiersperger/J. Dwyer/J. Irons
11:00 Any other BusinessPanel
11:30 Adjourn

Actions and Recommendations

A number of actions and recommendations were captured from interactions between the panel members and attendees. These items fell under three major themes: 1) LP DAAC user characterization, services, and outreach, 2) NASA EOSDIS Evolution, and 3) Long term archiving plans.

User characterization, services, and outreach

As EOS missions have matured, an increased emphasis has been placed on characterizing the user community and enhancing services. While the LP DAAC has a strong record of user support, developments across a number of fronts (e.g., new tools and data distribution systems, upcoming EOSDIS product reviews) indicated a need for action in this domain. The LP DAAC should:

  • Investigate the high number of user inquiries regarding data distribution
  • Investigate the lack of user inquiries regarding applications of the data
  • Understand issues associated with locating and accessing product documentation
  • Consider methods (e.g., a questionnaire) to identify potential improvements in data access and delivery services
  • Reach out to the research and applications communities to signal a willingness and interest to collaborate on future opportunities (e.g., ROSES)
  • Develop a system for tracking and reporting metrics on the use of new tools (e.g., HEG) and data delivery mechanisms (e.g., GLOVIS, data pool)
  • Increase the awareness of new tools and data delivery mechanisms within the user community

EOSDIS Evolution

Evolution is an emerging EOSDIS paradigm for the future of EOS data processing, archiving, and distribution. The panel was informed of the concepts and early implementation steps associated with Evolution via materials provided by NASA. Given the early stage of Evolution (and associated uncertainties of future direction and impact), the panel requested that NASA and the LP DAAC should:

  • Keep the panel informed of EOSDIS Evolution and changing responsibilities of the LP DAAC
  • Keep the panel informed of the EOSDIS data product review process

Long Term Archive

Given the anticipated mission arc, planning for the long term archiving of EOS data has become an increasingly relevant topic. Tom Kalvelage (USGS/EROS) and Ken McDonald (NASA/ESDIS) have been collaborating on this front. Actions for long term archive progress were captured from panel discussions led by Tom and Ken as follows:

  • Work with NASA and USGS leadership to review agreements and develop strategies
  • Initiate a pilot project at EROS to build capability with the following components: 1) S4PM on demand processing, 2) MODIS level 2 or higher product generation, 3) GLOVIS or Earth Explorer distribution
  • Investigate options for the LTA user model
  • Consider options for the LTA product suite (as informed by the EOSDIS data product review and LTA data sieve processes)
  • Interface with the USGS Archive Advisory Committee

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/landdaac/presentations_03-06.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
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