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More Facts
About Energy

  • Bangladesh has one of the lowest levels of per capita consumption of commercial energy in South Asia, equal to 160 kg of oil. Per capita electricity consumption is 144 kWh.

  • Demand for energy is growing at a rate of 10% annually.

  • Since 1976, USAID has contributed approximately $210 million to rural electrification.

  • Rural electrification programs have created 70 rural cooperatives. They provide electricity to more than 40 million people with more than 2,000 new connections each day.1

  • 96% of rural electric cooperative customers pay their bills. Bill payments total $277 million annually.

  • Legislation establishing Bangladesh's national independent Energy Regulatory Commission was approved in the parliament on March 10, 2003.

  1"REB Management
  Information Report".

Supporting Document
(This link will open in a new window.)

U.S. Department of Energy Information Administration Bangladesh Country Study

USAID's Response: Energy

USAID aims to:

  • Strengthen energy institutions, particularly the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission and Rural Electric Power Boards;
  • Encourage stability in Rural Electric Power Boards;
  • Build the energy market to improve the efficiency of the energy industry;
  • Promote balanced public discussion on reform of Bangladesh's energy industry; and
  • Improve the legal, regulatory, and investment environment to promote private investment and development of the energy industry.

Rural Electrification
USAID's most significant contribution to the energy sector in Bangladesh ($210 million to date) is in rural electrification. Working with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), USAID pioneered the Rural Electrification Program. It now brings electricity to more than 40 million people across rural Bangladesh. This program helped establish the Rural Electrification Board as a semi-autonomous agency under the Government of Bangladesh. Rural electric cooperatives deliver the services.

With electricity, 120,000 electric irrigation pumps can now provide low-cost irrigation to farmers during the dry season. As a result, farmers can increase their production, providing more food for themselves and their families. Additional benefits of electricity have included higher literacy rates and incomes and better family planning.

Renewable Energy
The Bangladeshi NGO, Grameen Shakti, provides solar power systems to households in remote rural areas, where there will be no electric connections in the near future. USAID has helped Grameen Shakti to install more than 60,000 solar household systems to date. To read more about USAID's solar energy activites,click here.

Independent Regulatory Commission
USAID works closely with other donors to promote a truly independent Energy Regulatory Commission. USAID also works with other donors on transparency and accountability in rural electrification. This includes using energy markets to discourage corruption.

South Asia Regional Initiative on Energy
Complementing these activities is USAID's South Asia Regional Energy Initiative. This initiative brings together governments and businesses to facilitate cross-border cooperation on energy issues. The program also brings in private investment, technology and managerial expertise.


Program Successes

United States Agency for International Development / Bangladesh
Madani Avenue, Dhaka Bangladesh
Phone: (880-2) 885-5500 Fax: (880-2) 882-3648

   Site created and maintained by the United States Agency for International Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Links to documents on other WWW sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

last modified:  September 11, 2007