Join DGAC Today!
The benefits of being a DGAC Member
are countless, and we've only listed ten of those here. We invite you to browse our membership listing and discover the types of companies and vendors that have joined us. Link space on our website is exclusively for our members, yet another benefit.

Training by DGAC

Hear what our students have to say:

"If you want to have the clearest understanding concerning the shipping of hazardous materials, DGAC is #1 and worth the effort and money!"

Carol A. Clark
Tulsa Glass Paint

"Vaughn was great at presenting the material in a way that was not confusing. I have attended two other hazmat classes with other companies. This was ten times better and I will highly recommend it to my co-workers and peers."

Beth Orr
Senior Transportation
10 Reasons Why You Should Join DGAC

  1. DGAC Staff. Nowhere else can you find the powerhouse of knowledge that DGAC harbors. With Michael Morrissette as President, Al Roberts as Vice President, Frits Wybenga as Technical Director and Andy Altemos as Staff Associate, DGAC can offer its members nearly 200 years of transportation compliance leadership at the highest levels. This valuable experience is accessible to members to help answer your questions.
  2. Reliable updates and valuable commentary on Hazmat/Dangerous Goods Transportation Regulations. The key to doing your job is not just keeping up with changing regulations - but understanding how they apply to you. As a DGAC member, you will have access to flash e-mails, regulation summaries and other commentary that not only keep you updated on regulations and their implementation, but provide useful information on how they will affect your operations.
  3. As a DGAC member, you can become actively involved in the development of national and international regulations. DGAC fosters regulatory development through accredited participation in a number of national and international rulemaking bodies - as the only North-American-based organization with official observer status at the United Nations Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the Globally Harmonized System, advisory status at the International Civil Aviation Organization and consultative status at the International Maritime Organization.
  4. Training courses. DGAC offers an extensive training program that complies with the requirements of the dangerous goods/hazardous materials transportation industry. Whether you ship by air, ground or water - or need a specialty or multi-modal course - DGAC has a class for you in a convenient location within the U.S. See how some students reviewed our courses:
    "Great course. It really shed some light on the daily requirements to get our chemicals to our customers."
    Jack Stanek, Akzo-Nobel Inc.

    "The course was recommended by others in my industry and I can see why. Very well presented and good coverage of information."
    Steve Noble, Photo Marketing Association

  5. Vaughn Arthur. As Director of Training and Education for 16 years, Mr. Arthur is one of the most experienced and enthusiastic instructors in the dangerous goods/hazardous materials transportation training field. His courses are interesting and informative, and his thorough knowledge of Transportation Regulations makes him an instructor you can rely on for accurate and reliable training.
  6. DGAC's Conferences. Our Annual and Global Conferences bring together many of the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals to discuss the industry's most current topics concerning the transportation of dangerous goods/hazardous materials. At DGAC's Annual Conference, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Exposition provides an opportunity for companies and individuals to showcase their products and to become aware of new trends and products that are on the market. DGAC's Global Conference provides an atmosphere in which international officials can meet to discuss current global transportation topics.
  7. Discounted member rates. As a DGAC Member you will be eligible for special rates on training course registrations and conference registrations. These rates can save you hundreds of dollars on courses and conferences that are valuable assets to making your company a more effective and educated member of the dangerous goods/hazardous materials transportation industry.
  8. Networking opportunities. If you are one of a few people in your company responsible for dangerous goods/hazardous materials transportation, knowledgeable contacts can be a valuable asset to you. DGAC brings the opportunity for contact with peers and other experienced contacts in the industry through our conferences, training classes, and another helpful resource:
  9. The Membership Directory. This is a quick reference tool for useful telephone numbers, and addresses, and contact information for DGAC members in all fields on the dangerous goods/hazardous materials transportation industry. The membership directory is a convenient resource for contacting other DGAC members when you need advice or have a question or concern to discuss.
  10. Communication and Information Services. DGAC provides you with current information through several sources:
    Members Only Web Page - You will find documents submitted to international meetings, interactive bulletin boards, the online membership directory, coverage of DGAC's committee activities and more.

    Federal Register Extract Service or FRES - Quick access to the full text of hazardous materials transportation notices published in the Federal Register, saves you time, significantly improves your knowledge of newly adopted regulations and gives you a chance to comment on those under consideration.

    Docket Board - The DGAC Docket Board tracks agency actions and decisions related to hazardous materials transportation rules and regulations.

    Access to Board of Directors and Committee Meetings - Participation in these meetings allows you to have a voice in the Dangerous Goods Advisory Council and influence important decisions that affect you as a member.

Don't delay!
Click here to join now!

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Dangerous Goods Advisory Council  |  1100 H. Street N.W.  |  Suite 740  |  Washington, DC 20005  |  202/289-4550  |  202/289-4074 fax  |

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© 2008 Dangerous Goods Advisory Council