USGS - science for a changing world

Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Interactive maps > Data download > Catalog > Topics > Natural resources > Mineral resources
Metallic ores
Resources from which ductile, malleable, opaque,and reflective metals that are also good heat and electricity conductors can be extracted.
This category is also used for ore deposits (metallic).
Gold ores (2 items)
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Results 1 - 14 of 14 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
1998 Assessment of undiscovered deposits of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in the United States [New Window]
Estimates of the tonnages and amounts of contained metal in undiscovered deposits, mineral deposit types.
Chromite deposits in central part of the Stillwater Complex, Sweet Grass County, Montana: A digital database for the geologic map of the east slope of Iron Mountain [New Window]
Geologic map digitized from a paper copy of plate 10 from USGS Bulletin 1015-D (Howland, 1955)
Data base for undiscovered deposits of base and precious metals [New Window]
Probabilistic estimates of the amounts of undiscovered gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in conventional types of mineral deposits in the United States.
Environmental processes that affect mineral deposits in the eastern United States [New Window]
General explanation of the processes that affect the availability, transport, and fixation of metals and the generation of acidic waters from mineral deposits
Geology and nonfuel mineral deposits of Asia and the Pacific [New Window]
Report on known and undiscovered nonfuel mineral deposits and resources of the Asia and Pacific region. Includes the age and type of rocks that contain the deposits, and regional exploration history.
Geology, geochemistry and geophysics of sedimentary rock-hosted Au deposits in P.R. China [New Window]
Includes data on mineral deposit locations and geochemical analyses
Porphyry copper deposits of the world; database and grade and tonnage models, 2008 [New Window]
Revised and updated information about mineral deposit models for porphyry copper deposits to facilitate assessment of undiscovered resources
Potential for new nickel-copper sulfide deposits in the Lake Superior region [New Window]
Explains what these deposits are, where the occur and why, and why they are likely to be important
Quantitative mineral resource assessment of copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in the Andes Mountains of South America [New Window]
Regional tracts of land where the geology is permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered porphyry copper deposits, with probabilistic estimates of undiscovered resources, along with tables of discovered deposits and prospects.
PDF Reviews of the geology and nonfuel mineral deposits of the world [New Window]
These regional reports are designed to inform the non-earth scientist about the regional locations and general geologic setting of known deposits of major nonfuel mineral commodities.
Stratabound copper-silver deposits of the Mesoproterozoic Revett Formation, Montana and Idaho with a section on databases and spatial-data files for the geology and mineral deposits of the Revett Formation [New Window]
Includes deposits, occurrences, and prospects; drill core logs and measured sections; and spatial databases for geologic maps, untested exploration areas, and permissive tracts for undiscovered mineral deposits.
Geochemical data for stream-sediment, surface-water, rock, and vegetation samples from Red Mountain (Dry Creek), an unmined volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in the Bonnifield district, Alaska Range, east-central Alaska [New Window]
Geochemical data for stream sediment, surface-water, rock, precipitate, and vegetation samples from Red Mountain
PDF Geologic maps and block diagrams of the Barite Hill gold-silver deposit and vicinity, South Carolina and Georgia [New Window]
The Barite Hill deposit was mined from 1990 to 1994, and, during this time, approximately 1,835,000 grams of gold and 3,390,280 grams of silver were produced.
World copper smelters [New Window]
Locations and characteristics of the copper smelters throughout the world.

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Page Last modified: 17:38 on 08-Aug-2008