) ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al___., ) 1 GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of ) the Interior, et al_____., ) DEFENDANTS' NOTICE OF FILING THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR'S FIDUCIARY TRUST MODEL AND "TO-BE" MODEL Ivl J J.VJk_,,I_tltI_*JIf.J.LLIO. LltltlIt Jkl['.../lll ]t'_._hDhD k._ VVltl]tllllt,,_l, k.l_l,.,*,,,clf.dWt L I. LAtL._L_.*_,_ _t_,.Jlk .U1dtlll_llkc˘.l.ll ]LIItI.Atlf.I.IlkhD L*_J Chris Kohn, Department of Justice (March 1, 2005); (July 31, 2004). that the government complete its "To-Be Plan. ''_ Cobell v. Norton, 392 F.3d 461,465,474-75,478 (D.C. Cir. 2004). As stated in the Swimmer memorandum, the To-Be Model "became the FTM." By Although Interior uses the term "To-Be Model," the Court of Appeals referred to the To-Be Model as the "To-Be Plan." See e.g., 392 F.3d at 474. Dated: March 15, 2005 Respectfully submitted, Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFER t_t istant r,,Atto r_y neral_......._ JOHN T. STEMPLEWICZ Senior Trial Attorney Commercial Litigation Branch leleplaone: (,202) 314-/430 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on March 15, 2005 the foregoing Defendants' Notice of Filing The Department of the Interior's Fiduciary Trust Model and "To-Be" Model was served by Electronic Case Filing, and; on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by per paid First Class U.S. Mail to: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 A Notice of the ECF filing of the brief and a copy of the exhibits was servecl upon: Dennis M Gingold, Esq. Mark Brown, Esq. Elliot Levitas, Esq 607 - 14th Street, NW, 9 th Flr. Washington, D.C. 20005 evin P. Kingsto] District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/Dispatch.pl?7606636172 U.S. District Court The tollowmg transaction was received trom Kolm, J. entered on 3/13/2003 at 1 :U3 IJM El) l and bled on 3/15/2005 Case Name: COBELL, et al v. NORTON, et al Case Number: 1:96-cv-1285 DocKet I ext: NOTICE Defendants' Notice of Filing the Department of the Interior's Fiduciary Trust Model and "To-Be" Model by ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS (Attachments: # (1) Attachment 1 - Letter# (2) Attachment 2 - Fiduciary Trust Model# (3) Attachment 3 - Notice Regarding Exhibit Attachment)(Kohn, J.) Original filename:J:\C-Financial\Cobell\Current Filing\00_Notice_96cv 1285_03152005.pdf Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP dcecfStamp_ID=973800458 [Date=3/15/2005] [FileNumber=701378-0] [_Rd_RgeOflQRRR,J.?_?He.Refct 1211Re_? 8eO4Rea499f_(16_c 1 eh_OdnR_Sa67b_71 af _ectromc uOCUlllrll[ O[alllp; [STAMP dcecfStamp_ID=973800458 [Date=3/15/2005][FileNumber=701378-1] [la0cc660990e5flcbeec83b463232ff127eb7cd17951f033fd3202d29281379ee690a 629a6d78f4_dfdlbe4_6398b5f05c55d3c0e4a5dd9f0da64b7bbea39a]] [ 1034b 11 e00a208a36366c9316df2dl 9b20a2d62192b989a03eeal feab376dbb6827a2 d3bfc62 fd3029576fd82bf44a63d69e5ae3bddeab4a066956539b 17fb 18]] Document description: Attachment 3 - Notice Regarding Exhibit Attachment Original filename:J:\C-Financial\Cobell\Current Filine\03 Notice Re_ardin_ Exhibit Attachment.Ddf t/._ • • ,,_,lz., I u, wl.w"t, u_.,o.,,_ra'-v x _.,t/owv.c.,u / ol. _,_,..., uz..uua._,_, J.._.l._u-'r 1,,_, _,lt/u i / l jj 1:96-cv-1285 Notice will be electronically mailed to: i_Ull.e /.)U Washington, DC 20036 George Joseph Hughes HUGHES & BENTZEN, PLLC 1667 K Street, NW Suite 520 Washington, DC 20006 EDDIE JACOBS P.O. Box 2322 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 Amalia D. Kessler U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Commercial Litigation Branch P.O. Box 875 Washington, DC 20044-0875 Leslie B. Kiernan ZUCKERMAN SPAEDER, LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Erik Lloyd Kitchen STEPTOE & JOHNSON, L.L.P. 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Robert Craig Lawrence U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Judiciary Center Building 555 Fourth Street, NW Room 10-417 Washington, DC 20530 Christopher J. Lovrien JONES DAY 555 West Fifth Street Suite 4600 Los Angeles, CA 90013-1025 Pamela J. Marple CHADBOURNE & PARKE 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Marshall L. Matz 7 of 9 03/15/2005 1:0 OLSSON, FRANK & WEEDA, P.C. 1400 16th Street, NW Suite 400 1201 F Street, N W Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 EARL OLD PERSON P.O. Box 486 Rrc_1rnincT ]_/IT qQ/IR_ I/_.UI E' _LI_t3L:, JN VV Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 Towson, MD 21204 Sandra Marguerite Schraibman U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ** _OaLXiI_LV.I_ Seth Brandon Shapiro U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Geottrey 19. btrommer HOBBS, SRAUS, DEAN & WALKER 851 South West Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 8 of 9 03/15/2005 1:0 District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/Dispatch.pl?7606636172 1728 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Thomas Edward Wilson BERLINER, CORCORAN & ROWE, L.L.P. 1101 17th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036-4798 Laura C. Zimmitti ROSS, DIXON & BELL, LLP 2001 K Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-2688 9 of 9 03/15/2005 1:0 Office ot the _peclal i rustee for/_mur=c;a...u==,_=, _..=_.._ , _: Washington, D.C. 20240 _.__'q_, ir ,q T/_KI[ IPRtl;)Ł mNAMERi,_.A. Memorandum To: Chris Kohn Subject: To-Be and Fiduciary Trust Model L pages of detailed information which led to Secretarial approval and is now referred to as the FTM. ._t_ ,, A _ t.,, _,..A., ._ .... A,,,4,.,,-, ("V 9g_Cl:l wn˘ the red,nit of numerous meetings held throughout Personnel from these oliices were trom all levels oi meir orgamzauoub, _utu ,nvv_ v,_,., mt.,. administration of the fiduciary trust. In addition, tribes were represented by individuals selected by Tribal leadership during a previous consultation process. The purpose of the "As-Is" study and outcome was to document how fiduciary trust business processes were being conducted and, iŁ1eas oii/lOw i.itc titlut_iaiy uuot t)t,o_,_L.,oo l,,,.,_.,., .......................... delivery of trust services. This process was called the "To-Be" effort and resulted in the "To- Be" Model. The "To-Be" Model contains a very detailed analysis of each business process, various options for proposed changes and recommendation for implementation of a particular The FTM is a business process redesign activity and documents the flow of trust business processes for five major business processes: D'-'^_n_,lc,,_,^˘":.... y o,,,._,_1 ,_,,.,._,_";.... h;_.e r_ .... 1 ...... t ._ Management; Financial Operations; Ownership; Land and Natural Resources Planning; and Land and Natural Resources Use and Management. Implementation of the FTM will complete the trust reform initiative of the Department, and ensure that the Department is meeting its statutory trust obligations to beneficiaries. Due to the highly fractionated nature of the trust land, it is essential that revised business processes are effective and efficient. To achieve this they must work in tandem with the development of information technology applications and systems. Reconnection to the Interact is also a requirement to achieve the productivity necessary to perform many of the processes. processes and other locations will soon follow. Attachment