UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., ) 1 Plaintiffs, 1 1 \.' . 1 Case No. 1:96CV01285 1 (Judge Lamberth) ) GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., 1 1 Defendants . 1 DEFENDANTS' REPLY IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF MOTION AND SUPPORTING MEMORANDUM TO STRIKE PLAINTIFFS' "NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' RENEWED REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY STATUS CONFERENCE REGARDING THE SECURITY OF ELECTRONIC TRUST RECORDS (FILED JANUARY 4,2005) AND CONTINUING VIOLATION OF DECEMBER 17,2001 CONSENT ORDER" AND TO REQUIRE RETURN OF PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT In opposing Defendants' motion to strike Plaintiffs' filing of a privileged document, Plaintiffs make a series of false assertions about the circumstances surrounding the memorandum and its meaning, incorrectly construe the Court's rulings on attorney-client privilege, and - by their silence - admit that they received the memorandum from an unauthorized source. As a result, the Court should strike the filing and order Plaintiffs to return the privileged memorandum to Defendants. DISCUSSION First, Plaintiffs repeat their false claim, originally made in their Notice, that the memorandum shows that Interior reconnected BIA systems to the Internet. Plaintiffs' Opposition at 2-5 (Feb. 18, 2005). Plaintiffs state that Defendants "do not even purport to contest this fact in their Motion to Strike." Opposition at 2 . Yet, as Defendants pointed out in the Motion, the memorandum establishes on its face that the "remote dial-up" does not involve Internet connectivity. Motion at 2-3. Moreover, despite Plaintiffs' claim that "there is not a shred of evidence that Plaintiffs' Notice constitutes 'false representations,"' Opposition at 3, the memorandum is unrebutted in concluding that the dial-up to Lotus Notes docs not violate the Court's orders barring reconnection of BIA systems to the Internet. Plaintiffs' Notice and Opposition arc evidence of nothing but Plaintiffs' uninformed pronouncements about Internet connectivity. Thus, Defendants have no reason to offer or cite to evidence other than the memorandum. Second, Plaintiffs misconstrue the Court's opinions concerning attorney-client privilege and the fiduciary exception to the privilege. See Opposition at 4-5. Plaintiffs argue that Interior sought advice related to trust administration and therefore to fiduciary matters. Opposition at 4. To the contrary, as the memorandum unequivocally reveals, Interior sought advice solely concerning whether the dial-up connection would expose Interior to civil or criminal liability resulting from a potential violation of the Court's orders. Such communications concern "non-fiduciary" matters and are therefore not subject to the fiduciary exception as defined by this Court. Cobell v. Norton, 212 F.R.D. 24,31 (1I.D.C. 2002).' Also contrary to PlaintifTs' contention, Defendants have met their "burden of demonstrating that the document[] at issue solely concern[s] nonfiduciary matters." Cobell v. Norton, 212 F.R.D. 24, 30, quoted in Opposition at 5 . The memorandum identifies who was involved in seeking and providing the advice, the subject matter of the advice, and the legal issue examined. This information fulfills the ' While Interior Defendants respectfully disagree with the Court's formulation of the fiduciary exception as first set forth in Cobell v. Norton, 212 F.R.D. at 26-32, even under that formulation, the memorandum is privileged. -L- elements of attomey-client privilege, as recently restated by this Court. Memorandum Opinion at 36- 37 (Feb. 8, 2005). Specifically, the memorandum, together with the Motion and Defendants' January 14, 2005, letter to Plaintiffs' counsel (Motion Exhibit 2) establish that Defendants have met their burden: (1) that the Department of the Interior is the holder of the privilege and a client of the Department of Justice; (2) the communication was made (a) to a Justice Department attorney who is a member of the bar of this Court and (b) was acting as a lawyer in connection with this communication; (3) the communication relates to facts related to the attorney (a) by her client, (b) without the knowledge of individuals outside of Interior or the Justice Department, (c) 1.0 secure primarily an opinion of law and/or assistance in a legal proceeding, (d) and not for the purpose of committing a crime or tort; and (4) Defendants have (a) claimed the privilege and (b) not waived the privilege. See Memorandum Opinion at 37 (quoting Alexander v. FBI, 193 F.R.D. 1,4 (D.D.C. 2000)). Thus, the memorandum provides the evidence to support Defendants' claim of privilege.2 Finally, by their continued silence, Plaintiffs implicitly admit that they received the memorandum from an unauthorized source. See Motion at 2 & n.2. Their improper acquisition and unjustified publication of this privileged document requires that it be returned to Defendants and removed from Plaintiffs' website. Plaintiffs also attempt to reserve an argument by stating they possess "evidence that may implicate the crime-fraud exception" to the attorney-client privilege. Opposition at 5 n.8. However, Plaintiffs have already waived the right to make such an argument because they failed to seek in camera review of the document before disclosing it. See United States v. Zolin, 491 U.S. 554, 572 (1989); United States v. Chen, 99 F.3d 1495, 1502 (9th Cir. 1996). Moreover, Plaintiffs would first have been required to submit evidence - other than the memorandum itself - of crime or fraud before the Court could agree to review the memorandum in camera. Zolin, 491 U.S. at 574-75. -3 - CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Defendants respectfully request that the Court issue an Order striking Plaintiffs' Notice, directing Plaintiffs to remove all copies of the Notice from the Internet and any other public media in which it may have been disclosed, and directing Plaintiffs to retui-n the subject memorandum and all copies thereof to Defendants. Dated: March 3, 2005 Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. McCALLUM, JR. Associate Attorney General PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFE:R UHFUSTOPHER KOHN Director D.C. Bar No. 212357 JOHN T. STEMPLEA'ICZ Senior Trial Counsel Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 (202) 514-7194 -4- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on March 3,2005 the foregoing Defendants' Reply in Further Support of Motion and Supporting Memorandum To Strike Plaintqfs' "Notice of Supplemental Information in Support of Plaintiffs' Renewed Request For Emergency Status Conference Regarding the Security of Electronic Trust Records (Filed January 4, 2005) and Continuing Violation of December 17, 2001 Consent Order" and to Require Return of Privileged Document was served by Electronic Case Filing, and on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by facsimile: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 Fax (406) 338-7530 District of Columbia live database h~ps://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/Dispatch.pl?295 19665409948 Oppositions and Replies 1:96-cv-01285-RCL COBELL, et a1 v. NORTON, et a1 U.S. District Court District of Columbia Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was received from Kohn, J. entered on 3/3/2005 at 5:08 PM EDT and filed on 3/3/2005 Case Name: COBELL, et a1 v. NORTON, et a1 Filer: ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS Document N u m b e r : U Case Number: 1 :96-~~-1285 Docket Text: REPLY to opposition to motion re [2832] Defendants' Reply in Further Support of Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Strike Plaintgs' "Notice of Supplemental Information in Support oJPlaintgs' Renewed Request for Emergency Status Conference Regarding the Security of Electronic Trust Records (Filed January 4, 2005) and Continuing Violation of December 17, 2001 Consent Order" and to Require Return of Privileged Document filed by ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS. (Kohn, J.) The following document(s) are associated with this transaction: Document descripti0n:Main Document Original filename: J:\C-Financial\Cobell\Current Filing\OO-Reply-96cv 1285-03032005 .pdf Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP dcecfStamp_ID=973800458 [Date=3/3/2005] [FileNumber=690052-01 [ 944ed375e7e23cf5ab 134286d7cbeea490ca9fl2eb50c622f4046ad6eOdafb 1 e468270 2fb5eOa33a82465c44179a350e64dcd85a7405beOf2ecf87cc4730bc9e]] 1:96-cv-1285 Notice will be electronically mailed to: Cynthia L. Alexander cynthia.alexander@usdoj.gov, Donald Michael Barnes dbarnes@porterwright.com, Alan I. Baron Alan.Baron@hklaw.com Howard Christopher Bartolomucci hcbartoIomucci@hhlaw.com, Michael James Bearman mbearman@mckennalong.com, David Booth Beers dbeers@sheagardner.com, Steven F. Benz sbenz@khhte.com, 1 of8 Kenneth Lee Blalack , I1 lblalack@omm.com, 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.govlcgi-biniDispatch.pl?295 19665409948 L. 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Goodstein mdg@reslawgrp.com, Jill Elise Grant jgrant@,nordhauslaw.com, dgrove@nordhauslaw.com;sj oshi@nordhauslaw. com;kdunlop@nordhauslaw.com Richard A. Guest Keith M. Harper harper@narf.org, hargrow@narf.0rg;apaige@narf.org Andrew Dewald Herman ahermanabrand-frulla.com, jcohenabrand-frulla.com Tracy Lyle Hilmer tracy.hilmer@usdoj .gov, Charles Allen Hobbs chobbs@hsdwdc.com, judan@hsdwdc.com timothy. curley @,usdoj . gov, phil.fox@sablaw.com richardg@narf. org , j eremy @narf. org 2 of8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-binlDispatch.pl?295 19665409948 John F. Hundley jhundley@troutcacheris.com Douglas B. Huron huron@hellerhuron.com, Michael X. Imbroscio mimbroscio@cov.com, Amy Berman Jackson abj@troutrichards.com, Daniel Gordon Jarcho djarcho@mckennalong.com, Julie B. Kaplan julie.kaplan@reslawgrp.com, Fredrick Ryan Keith frkeith@crowell.com Lisa Bondareff Kemler lisa@zwerlingkemler.com, J. Christopher Kohn chris.kohn@usdoj .gov, David Sidney Krakoff dkrakoff@mayerbrownrowe.com, John R. Kresse john.kresse@usdoj.gov, Elliott H Levitas elevitas@kilpatrickstockton.com, Bradley S. Lui blui@mofo.com, Robert D. Luskin rluskin@pattonboggs.com, Christopher B. Mead cinead@londonandmead.com, Mark E. Nagle mnagle@sheppardmullin.com, Larry Allen Nathans nathans@nathanslaw.com Jonathan Brian New jonathan.new@usdoj.gov, Anne Doris Noto anoto@sonosky.com, Nathaniel D. Owens wwlwms@aol.com, Terry M. Petrie terry.petrie@usdoj.gov, Brian Michael Privor bprivor@morganlewis.com Michael John Quinn michael.quinn3@usdoj .gov, B. Michael Rauh rauh@blankrome.com John T. Richards , Jr jtr@troutrichards.com, Marc Evan Rindner mrindner@rdblaw.com, 3 of8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-binlDispatch.pl?295 19665409948 Jennifer R. 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Ward sward@cwlaw.com, lspears@cwlaw.com John Warshawsky john.warshawsky@usdoj.gov, john.o'connor2@usdoj .gov Dodge Wells dodge.wells@usdoj .gov, Judith Lynne Wheat judith.wheat@verizon.net, Emily M. Yinger emyinger@hhlaw.com Roger Eric Zuckerman rzuckennan@zuckennan.com, John Kenneth Zwerling jz@zwerlingkemler.com, 1:96-cv-1285 Notice will be delivered by other means to: Jason B. Aamodt WRIGHTSMAN MANSION 4 o f 8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database https:llecf.dcd.uscourts.govlcgi-biniDispatch.pl?295 1 9665409948 1645 South Cheyenne Avenue Tulsa, OK 74 1 19 Henry A. Azar , Jr U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Programs Branch 901 E Street, NW Suite 1056 Washington, DC 20530 ALBERT LEE BYNUM 504 Brewton Street Gadsden, AL 35903-3804 492-2948 Bruce Allen Baird COVINGTON & BURLING 120 1 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004-240 1 E. Lawrence Barcella , Jr PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & WALKER, L.L.P. 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20004-2400 Robert W. Biddle BENNETT & NATHANS, L.L.P. 120 East Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 2 1202 Edith R. Blackwell 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Michael R. Bromwich FRIED, FRANK, HARRlS, SHRIVER & JACOBSON 100 1 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20004 Stephen M. Byers CROWELL & MORING, L.L.P. 100 1 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004-2595 Tom C. Clark U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Land & Natural Resources Division Ben Franklin Station P.O. Box 761 1 Washington, DC 20044-1420 5of8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/Dispatch.p1?295 I9665409948 Andrew M. Eschen U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ENRD, Ben Franklin Station P.O. Box 663 Washington, DC 20044-0663 Brian L. Ferrell U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ENRD, Ben Franklin Station P.O. Box 663 Washington, DC 20044-0663 Charles Walter Findlay , 111 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 663 Ben Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044 Timothy Patrick Garren U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Civil Rights Division 1425 New York Avenue, NW Room 8 128 Washington, DC 20035 Sarah D. Himmelhoch UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 663 Washington, DC 20044 Sydney Jean Hoffmann THE LAW OFFICES OF PLAT0 CACHERIS 1 100 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 730 Washington, DC 20036 George Joseph Hughes HUGHES & BENTZEN, PLLC 1667 K Street, NW Suite 520 Washington, DC 20006 EDDIE JACOBS P.O. Box 2322 Oklahoma City, OK 73 10 1 Amalia D. Kessler US. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Commercial Litigation Branch 6of8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database h~ps://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-binlDispatch.p1?295 19665409948 P.O. Box 875 Washington, DC 20044-0875 Leslie B. Kiernan ZUCKERMAN SPAEDER, LLP 120 1 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Erik Lloyd Kitchen STEPTOE & JOHNSON, L.L.P 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Robert Craig Lawrence U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Judiciary Center Building 555 Fourth Street, NW Room 10-417 Washington, DC 20530 Christopher J. Lovrien JONES DAY 555 West Fifth Street Suite 4600 Los Angeles, CA 900 13- I 025 Pamela J. Marple CHADBOURNE & PARKE 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Marshall L. Matz OLSSON, FRANK & WEEDA, P.C. 1400 16th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036-2220 Melissa Heitmann McNiven BAACH, ROBINSON & LEWIS PLLC 1201 F Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 Nicole Jo Moss COVINGTON & BURLING 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004-240 1 EARL OLD PERSON P.O. Box 486 Browning, MT 59486 7 o f 8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM District of Columbia live database https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/Dispatch.pl?295 19665409948 Jeffrey D. Robinson BAACH ROBINSON & LEWIS PLLC 120 1 F Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 Neil James Ruther - 29 West Susquehanna Avenue Suite 6 10 Towson, MD 2 1204 Sandra Marguerite Schraibman US. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Programs Branch 901 E Street, NW Suite 916 Washington, DC 20530 Seth Brandon Shapiro U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Civil DivisiordBen Franklin Station P.O. Box 875 Washington, DC 20044 Geoffrey D. Strommer HOBBS, SRAUS, DEAN & WALKER 85 1 South West Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Kathleen Elizabeth Voelker 1 10 1 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Lawrence H. Wechsler JANIS, SCHUELKE & WECHSLER 1728 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Thomas Edward Wilson BERLINER, CORCORAN & ROWE, L.L.P. 1101 17th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036-4798 Laura C. Zimmitti ROSS, DIXON & BELL, LLP 2001 K Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-2688 8 o f 8 03/03/2005 5:08 PM