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View Stormwater NOIs

Please note that any paper forms submitted to the EPA's NOI Processing Center from January 20, 2008 through today will not appear until after June 2, 2008. Please contact the NOI Processing Center at 1-866-352-7755 or if you need assistance or to verify receipt and the status of your form.

You can use the search features below to view stormwater notices of intent (NOIs) for construction projects or industrial facilities seeking coverage under EPA's Construction General Permit or Multi-Sector General Permit.

Using the search features below, you can find information in a number of different ways on construction projects or industrial facilities that have applied for permit coverage. You can search for a particular company by entering information about the owner/operator. You can search for a specific construction site or industrial facility by entering information about the site/facility location, such as name, city, county, state, or zip code. You can also search by status, region, and date. See below for descriptions of the four status types.

Search for NOIs

Owner/Operator Information
Name (contains):
City:    State:    Zip Code:   
Site/Facility Information
Name (contains):
City:    State:    County:    Zip Code:
Application Information
Status: Region:
Date Type: Between  And  (format e.g.: xx/xx/xxxx)
Permit Type:   Tracking Number:
Sector Code (used for Industrial permit only):

There are four major status types:

  • Waiting - A complete NOI has been received. EPA's Construction General Permit and Multi-Sector General Permit both require a waiting period from the time an NOI is posted on EPA's website until coverage under the permit begins. There is a 7-day waiting period for the Construction General Permit and 2-day waiting period for the Multi-Sector General Permit. During this time, NOIs can be reviewed by EPA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
  • Active - A complete NOI has been received. The waiting period has been completed and no additional issues have been identified. Coverage under the EPA permit began on the date indicated.
  • On Hold - A complete NOI has been received, however, it has been placed on hold by EPA. This project or facility is ineligible for coverage under the EPA permit until identified issues are resolved.
  • Terminated - A Notice of Termination (NOT) has been submitted for this project. This project is no longer covered by the EPA permit.


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Last updated on May 23, 2008 10:16 PM