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USAID Weekly

ISSUE IX • September 18

Top Story

USAID Assistant Administrator Hess Travels to Southern Africa

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today announced that Michael E. Hess, assistant administrator of the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, is traveling to Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, and Madagascar from September 16-30. As part of his portfolio Hess oversees the USAID offices of Food for Peace, the U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, and Democracy and Governance.

Hess's regional trip will focus on humanitarian and governance issues. In addition to meeting with U.S. officials and USAID partners in the region, Hess will meet with local government officials in South Africa, Lesotho, and Madagascar.

USAID has provided 225,000 metric tons of food assistance to southern Africa in Fiscal Year 2007, worth an estimated $214 million. This assistance has been primarily directed to Zimbabwe, which received over $170 million worth of food assistance…

Top Story

USAID Provides Flood Assistance to Uganda

The U.S. Government, through USAID, is providing $100,000 to facilitate relief assistance to flood-affected populations in Eastern Uganda. Late last week, U.S. Ambassador Steven A. Browning declared a disaster due to the impact of flooding in Uganda.

Since May 2007, heavy rains have led to flooding in Uganda's Teso Region, particularly affecting Katakwi and Amuria districts, where subsistence farming families have suffered crop losses and damage to huts. From September 4 to 7, a USAID team conducted a humanitarian assessment of affected areas and estimated that 45,000 people remain at risk. The cumulative effects of the rainfall have begun to compromise the structural integrity of many dirt homes, contaminate wells, inundate latrines, and wash away seeds and cassava cuttings. The USAID team also reported significant crop loss, minimal food reserves, and a lack of planting material for the upcoming agricultural season. (source)

USAID World News
Map of Central America, with Paraguay highlighted

USAID Provides Wildfire Assistance to Paraguay USAID is providing $100,000 for firefighting equipment to the Government of Paraguay to assist those affected by the wildfires in that country…

Photo: Emmy Award.

Macedonian Film Studio Credits USAID Support for Emmy Nomination
FX3X, was nominated for a 2007 Emmy award by the American Academy for Television Arts and Sciences in recognition of the special visual effects the company produced for a television mini-series broadcast on ABC. The company credits assistance from USAID with laying the groundwork for its success…

Photo: Map of Indonesia.

USAID Provides Earthquake Assistance to Indonesia
USAID will provide an initial $100,000 in emergency earthquake assistance to the people of Sumatra in Indonesia…

Photo: Girls in a Senegal classroom.  Photo: R. Nyberg, USAID.

Africa Education Initiative (AEI)
Education in most of Africa is adversely affected by limited funds and lack of adequate numbers of teachers, classrooms, and learning materials.…

In The News

USAID Signs Agreement with India Infrastructure Initiative to Develop Urban Water and Sanitation Systems
USAID and the India Infrastructure Initiative (III) signed a formal agreement of cooperation today for promoting development of new water and sanitation systems in cities across India through public-private partnerships…(more)

USAID Provides Flood Assistance to Liberia
USAID is providing $35,000 to the Liberian Red Cross Society (LRCS) for the purchase and distribution of emergency relief supplies, such as plastic sheeting, blankets, sleeping mats, water containers, and soap to affected families in and around Monrovia, Liberia… (more)

Telling Our Story

Businesswoman Opens Doors

Vjosa Mullatahiri (center back), director of the Community Business Development Center in Gjakova/Djakovica.
Photo: USAID/Dina Cernobregu

“As a woman in business I thought many doors would be closed to me, but once I was there I opened them,” said Vjosa Mullatahiri (center back), director of the Community Business Development Center in Gjakova/Djakovica, Kosovo.

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Thu, 20 Sep 2007 16:45:26 -0500