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USAID: From The American People USAID Weekly Technical staff review audit findings related to possible corruption charges in Paraguay. As members of a Forensic Audit Unit in the Controller General's Office, they have been key in more effectively addressing public corruption - Click to read this story
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Sudan: Disaster Response Updates

Sudanese man drinking water WASHINGTON - In 2007, Sudan continues to cope with the effects of conflict, displacement, and insecurity countrywide. During more than two decades of conflict between the former Government of Sudan (GOS) and the southern-based Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), fighting, famine, and disease have killed more than 2 million people, forced an estimated 600,000 to seek refuge in neighboring countries, and displaced 4 million others within Sudan.

The former GOS and the SPLM signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and formed the joint Government of National Unity (GNU) in 2005, officially ending the North-South conflict.
(Source [pdf, ])

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USAID Provides Assistance to Help Fight Wildfires in Albania and Macedonia

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing $100,000 to assist the Governments of Albania and Macedonia in combating recent wildfires.

U.S. Chargé d'Affaires Stephen Cristina declared a disaster in Albania on July 27 and U.S. Ambassador Gillian Milovanovic declared a disaster in Macedonia on July 25, both due to loss of property and livelihoods as a result of the wildfires that have swept through the respective countries.

In Albania, wildfires are active in 21 of the country's 36 districts, and the flames have destroyed 15 homes, consumed 4 fire trucks, and ravaged 4,942 acres of forest land. In addition, widespread smoke is causing health issues, particularly for women and children.

USAID World News
Photo: Bolivian entrepreneur

USAID Fosters Public Sector Programs in Bolivia
With USAID’s support, local governments help small entrepreneurs gain more business through procurement of services and products …

Photo: Map of Russia

Russian Government Awards Grants to USAID-supported NGO
The National Foundation for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NFPCC) has won three grants to improve child welfare services…

Photo: Certification ceremony at Baghdad Small Business Development Center

Community Leaders and Entrepreneurs Gain Business Skills at Baghdad Center
In July, the first graduates of a business-skills pro-gram developed in partnership between a local district council and the Baghdad Small Business Development Center (SBDC) received certificates marking their completion of “How to Start Up or Improve a Business.”…

Photo: Sprayers launch their activities in the village of Keur Moussa. The campaign will help protect 500,000 Senegalese against malaria. Photo: R. Nyberg, USAID

Large-Scale Spraying Campaign for Malaria Under Way in Senegal
The U.S. Government launched two new activities under the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) in Senegal yesterday with the start of the first large-scale community-based spraying campaign in Senegal…

In The News

USAID Provides Assistance to the Government of Nepal Following Monsoon Flooding
USAID is providing assistance to the Government of Nepal following monsoon rains that have caused flooding and landslides…

USAID Mission Director to Democratic Republic of Congo Sworn In
USAID swore in Stephen Haykin as its new Mission Director to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)…

Telling Our Story

Coffee Growers Get Fair Trade Status

Members of the El Gorrión coffee cooperative in Yalí, Nicaragua, watch a demonstration of how the cooperative’s new wet mill works.
Photo: USAID/Jan Howard

The El Gorrión coffee cooperative achieves Fair Trade status, increasing income and market potential.

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Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:58:00 -0500