USAID from the American People/Dominican Republic






USAID/Dominican Republic Background


Image of a dominican farmer On January 11, 1962, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, Alvarez Aybar, jointly with the then U.S. Ambassador, John Calvin Hill, signed the General Convention for the Economical, Technical and Similar Purposes that served as a base for the initiation of American foreign assistance in the Dominican Republic.

USAID was established as an official agency of the U. S. Government when the Foreign Assistance Act was signed by President John F. Kennedy on September 4, 1961 in Washington, D.C. With this event, a new era in U. S. Government foreign assistance programs was initiated.

USAID's main objective is that of administrating economic aid programs that achieve the improvement of the quality of life of people in developing countries. USAID works to help these countries achieve their potential through the promotion of open and democratic societies, the dynamism of free trade, and initiative that support social progress.

Programs are located in countries where assistance is most necessary, and where there is a clear commitment to wide, democratic-based growth and a marked interest in a sustained development.

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