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Industry Data > Economic Data: Financial & Statistical Reports

Annual Reports R-1 Selected Schedules & Complete Annual Reports
Annual Reports R-1 Selected Schedules are available for 2004 and prior years. As of 2005, the complete Class I Railroad Annual Report (Form R-1) is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format for each Class I U.S. railroad. For more information, please contact Scott Decker at (202) 245-0330 or at

R-1 Schedule 250
R-1 Schedule 250 is used to develop return on investment for consolidated railroad systems for use in revenue adequacy determinations. For more information, please contact Scott Decker at (202) 245-0330 or at

Annual QCS
This annual report, derived from the Quarterly Commodity Statistics report, gives car loadings and total revenues by commodity code for each commodity that was transported on a particular railroad during the reporting period. It is based on information contained in Waybills used by railroads in the ordinary course of business. The report is not verified by the Surface Transportation Board (STB). For more information, please contact Scott Decker at (202) 245-0330 or at

Form STB-54 - Annual Report of Cars Loaded and Cars Terminated
All Class I railroads are required to submit to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) an Annual Report of Cars Loaded and Cars Terminated (Form STB-54). Form STB-54 requires Class I railroads to report the number of cars loaded and terminated, by car type, during each calendar year and is due 90 days after the end of the reporting year (March 31). The data are required to support the Uniform Railroad Costing System (URCS). URCS is the STB's general purpose railroad costing system which is used to develop estimates of Class I railroad costs for a variety of STB functions. For more information, please contact Scott Decker at (202) 245-0330 or at

Statistics of Class I Freight Railroads in the United States
Statistics of Class I Freight Railroads in the United States are available for 2004 and prior years. As of 2005, the complete Class I Railroad Annual Report (Form R-1) is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format for each Class I U.S. railroad.

Annual Compilation of Wage Statistics of Class I Railroads in the United States
Annual Compilation of Wage Statistics of Class I Railroads in the United States is a compilation of the number of employees, service hours, compensation, and mileage run of Class I railroads is available online.

Quarterly Selected Earnings Report
The Selected Earnings Data report is compiled quarterly from Class I railroad quarterly reports (Form RE&I and Form CBS) and compiles earnings data on both a quarterly and year-to-date basis for all Class I railroads and is available on line. This information consists of railway operating revenues, net railway operating income and net income obtained from the "Quarterly Report of Revenues, Expenses & Income - Railroads" (Form RE & I). The report also displays revenue ton miles of freight obtained from the "Quarterly Condensed Balance Sheet - Railroads" (Quarterly Selected Earnings).

Quarterly Revenue, Expense and Income (RE&I)
This is a report of railroad operating revenues, operating expenses and income items. This report discloses net railway operating income on a quarterly and year-to-date basis for the current and prior year. The report is not verified by the STB.

Quarterly Condensed Balance Sheet (CBS)
This shows the balance at the end of each quarter for the current and prior year of the railroad's assets and liabilities; gross capital expenditures on quarterly and cumulative bases for the current and prior year; and revenue tons on quarterly and cumulative bases for the current and prior year. This report is not verified by the STB.

Quarterly Commodity Statistics (QCS)
This reports car loadings and total revenues by commodity code for each commodity transported by a particular railroad during the reporting period. It is based on information contained in Waybills used by railroads in the ordinary course of business. The report is not verified by the STB.

Quarterly Wage Form A & B
This shows the number of employees, service hours and compensation, by employee group (executive, professional, maintenance-of-way, equipment and transportation) of reporting railroads. This report is not verified by the STB.

Employment Data - Monthly Report of Employees
This shows, for each reporting railroad, the average number of employees at mid-month in the six job classification groups (executive, professional, maintenance-of-way, equipment and transportation/train and engine and transportation/other than train and engine), encompassing all railroad employees, and is available "Employment Data". This report is not verified by the STB.

Commodity Revenue Stratification Report
This report shows the revenue and URCS variable costs by two-digit STCC code for each of three Revenue-to-Variable Cost (RVC) Ratio categories. This report has historically been created as part of Ex Parte 347 (Sub-No. 2) – Rate Guidelines – Non-Coal Proceedings and its calculation of the “Revenue Shortfall Allocation Method” (RSAM) percentage and the “Average Revenue-to-Variable Cost > 180” (R/VC>180) percentage. Those reports are available here for 2002 and later.

Quarterly Report of Rail Fuel Surcharges

This quarterly report is designed to provide an overall picture of the use of fuel
surcharges by Class I railroads. It is due 30 days after the end of each quarterly reporting period. This report is available here beginning with the quarter ending December 31, 2007.