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USAID HIV/AIDS E-Newsletter - May 2005

The Synergy Project, implemented by Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., published this E-Newsletter on behalf of USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS.

This E-Newsletter ended in 2005, but access past editions in the archive section.

The U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of HIV/AIDS is proud to be a partner in The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. This e-newsletter is a regular update from USAID and its partners on programs that prevent and mitigate HIV/AIDS across the developing world.

We encourage you to circulate this publication to colleagues.

Table of Contents

  • A. New Partner Spotlight
    • Adventist Development and Relief Agency Encourages Behavior Change for Youth

  • B. News
    • Radio Programs Focus on HIV/AIDS Education in Nepal and India
    • Girls’ Soccer Programs in Guinea Promote Prevention
    • Small Grants Support Participation in Anti-Stigma Global Poster Campaign
    • New Partners to Implement HIV Livelihood Approaches in Malawi
    • GHAIN Launches Antiretroviral Treatment Programs in Nigeria
    • Kenyan Radio Station Helps Reverse Dangerous Misperceptions about HIV/AIDS

  • C. Recent Events
    • Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Integration Working Group Holds Second Meeting

  • D. Publications
    • Integrated HIV/TB Treatment and AIDS Action Framework Explored
    • Paper Evaluates Prevention Campaign Using Global Media to Reach Youth
    • Guides on Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children Adapted in Hindi and Khmer
    • Manual and Checklist Make Food Aid Programming More Relevant to HIV/AIDS Context
    • Indicator Guides Focus on Food Insecurity and Household Food Access
    • Newsletter Focuses on Youth Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention
    • Newsletter Highlights Emergency Plan Efforts

  • E. Online Resources
    • Accessibility of Monitoring and Evaluation Resources Improved
    • The Synergy HIV/AIDS Resource Center Highlights What’s New

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A. New Partner Spotlight

  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency Encourages Behavior Change for Youth
    The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) provides community development and disaster relief in more than 120 countries worldwide. As part of the Emergency Plan, ADRA’s Abstinence and Behavioral Change for Youth program will expand ADRA’s current activities in Kenya and Tanzania, reaching more than one million youth ages 10-24 with abstinence and be faithful messages by September 2009.

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B. News

  • Radio Programs Focus on HIV/AIDS Education in Nepal and India
    Family Health International/Nepal recently launched two innovative radio programs that integrate entertainment with HIV/AIDS education. “Ek Apas Ka Kura” (“Talking to Each Other”) weaves messages to reduce stigma and discrimination into its scripts, while “Desh Paradesh” (“Country and Abroad”) targets mobile populations in Mumbai, India. Nepal’s National Centre for AIDS and STD Control coordinates the broadcasts.

  • Girls’ Soccer Programs in Guinea Promote Prevention
    A girls’ soccer program in Upper Guinea promoting prevention of HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancies proved so successful that UNICEF and Guinea’s Ministry of Youth decided to replicate the program for young adults in Middle Guinea. Supported by USAID, the project is led by Management Sciences for Health in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs.

  • Small Grants Support Participation in Anti-Stigma Global Poster Campaign
    With support from the CORE Initiative, Church World Service provided small seed grants to enhance national and community participation in the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance Global Poster Campaign against HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. The final report outlines the process and successes with seed grants in six countries.

  • New Partners to Implement HIV Livelihood Approaches in Malawi
    Ten community and faith-based organizations will soon begin implementing new projects in the Lilongwe District of Malawi with funding from the CORE Initiative Small Grants Program. The new partners will implement community projects using locally appropriate livelihood responses to HIV/AIDS. A capacity-building workshop kicked off implementation in April 2005.

  • GHAIN Launches Antiretroviral Treatment Programs in Nigeria
    In April, the Global HIV/AIDS Initiative Nigeria, a partnership managed by Family Health International, launched the first of several antiretroviral treatment programs based at health facilities throughout Nigeria. The programs, which offer the medications free of charge, will scale up to meet a five-year treatment goal of 30,000 patients by the Emergency Plan.

  • Kenyan Radio Station Helps Reverse Dangerous Misperceptions about HIV/AIDS
    Internews’ Local Voices project in Kenya, which is funded by USAID, assisted a Kenyan radio station with its reporting on a college incident and managed to help reverse dangerous misperceptions about HIV infection. A law student at Moi University in Eldoret had posted a list on a college notice board with 118 names of people she claimed to have infected with HIV. This triggered a media frenzy of sensational reports that were countered only by solid, effective journalism from Kenyan Broadcasting Corporation’s weekly HIV/AIDS program, “A Stitch in Time.”

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C. Recent Events

  • Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Integration Working Group Holds Second Meeting
    USAID and Family Health International co-hosted the second biannual meeting of the Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Integration Working Group on April 6-7, in Washington, D.C. Attended by representatives of 36 organizations, the meeting aimed to increase understanding of how integration is being operationalized in the field and to identify opportunities for collaboration among working group members. The group also discussed key issues such as fertility desires of HIV-infected women, benefits and costs of integration from the perspectives of both family planning and HIV/AIDS advocates, and reproductive rights of women receiving antiretroviral therapy. For more information, write to Abigail Haydon, Family Health International, 2224 E NC Hwy. 54, Durham, NC 27713 USA.

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D. Publications

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E. Online Resources

  • Accessibility of Monitoring and Evaluation Resources Improved
    The MEASURE Evaluation website features an improved search engine for navigating nearly 300 publications, 70 of which relate to monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS in countries served by USAID. Most of the publications are available as downloadable PDF files. The website also sports an enhanced system for ordering print copies of many publications and allows users to make customized CD-ROMs.

  • The Synergy HIV/AIDS Resource Center Highlights What’s New
    The Synergy HIV/AIDS Resource Center, implemented by Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., currently contains more than 3,700 documents on HIV/AIDS project management, research, and reproductive health issues, most of which are available for download. Users can refer to “What’s New in the Synergy Resource Center,” which provides links to new publications, or search the entire online database.

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Tue, 25 Apr 2006 12:46:26 -0500