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Learning First Alliance: Strengthening public schools for every child
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The Learning First Alliance is a permanent partnership of 18 leading education associations with more than 10 million members dedicated to improving student learning in America's public schools. We share examples of success, encourage collaboration at every level, and work toward the continual and long-term improvement of public education based on solid research.

Our Goals
  • Public education is vital to America's democratic future and economic well-being
  • American public education must be strengthened to educate more children to higher levels than ever before in our history. Every child must have access to a public school that prepares students to participate in our democracy, as well as to lead satisfying and productive lives.
  • As those with the most significant roles in carrying out public education, LFA members can provide visionary leadership to shape its future.
In The Spotlight

NEW Public School Insights








Press Release








NEW Public School Insights Interview



9/17/08--E.D. Hirsch on Elementary Reading Instruction

Core Knowledge founder E.D. Hirsch tells Public School Insights about a new K-2 reading program that focuses on both phonics and content knowledge. Children cannot develop strong reading skills if they lack content knowledge, Hirsch argues. Read more....



9/9/08--Public School Insights Blog Offers Catalog of Successful School Models

Presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke today about education and teacher quality, and the Learning First Alliance is pleased to hear a national leader highlighting the importance of public school success. Read more....


8/29/08--Language for your Back-to-School Communications

Welcome back to schoo! The Learning First Alliance has just released language you can use in your back-to-school outreach efforts.

Our sample language outlines an emerging vision for 21st century public schools, a vision that is already taking shape in schools from coast to coast. It reaffirms the extraordinary mission of our public schools and encourages strong partnerships among public schools, citizens and communities. Read more....



8/19/08--Curriculum Revolution: An Interview with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Harvard Professor and cultural critic Henry Louis Gates, Jr. captured some 25 million viewers with his riveting PBS documentary series, African American Lives. Using genealogical research and cutting-edge DNA science, the documentaries trace the family history of famous African Americans, creating a rich and moving account of the African American experience.

Gates recently told Public School Insights about his plans for using genealogy and DNA research to reinvigorate the way we teach history and science to African American students: “My idea is to use the fascination with one's collective self, one's familial self, to seduce people back into learning.” Read More....