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Figure 14. Sample Mesa School Survey Report

Mesa Public Schools Quality Service Survey
Quality Service Ratings 2003
Parents Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Observed Valid # of Responses
1. I feel welcome at my child's school. 90% 9 1 172
2. This school is preparing my child for the future. 85 14 1 173
3. The staff has my child's best interests at heart. 82 16 3 174
4. The school staff treats my child with respect. 78 21 1 173
5. This school provides a positive learning environment. 83 14 2 169
6. The staff listens to the issues or concerns I raise. 74 20 4 2 163
7. The school encourages my child to learn. 89 9 2 173
  A B C D F    
8. Please grade the overall quality of your child's school: 91% 9 1   173
5th Grade Students Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree   Valid # of Responses
1. I'm proud of my school. 52% 36 10 2   42
2. My teachers care about me. 80 15 4   46
3. My principal cares about me. 76 20 2 2   46
4. Office staff is helpful. 67 15 7 11   46
5. I'm getting a good education at this school. 52% 36 10 2   42
  A B C D F    
6. In general, what kind of grade would you give your school? 89 7 2 2   46

5 Year Historical Report (1999-2003)
Overall Grade A B C D F
Spring 2003 91% 9 1
Spring 2002 85 15
Spring 2001 90 9 0
Spring 2000 87 13
Spring 1999

Parents Sum of A's & B's in a bar chart.  Spring of 2003=99%, Spring of 2002=100%, Spring of 2001=100%, Spring of 2000=100%, and nothing for Spring of 1999. Number of returned vs. enrollment.  99 = 0, 00 = 161 with an approximate enrollment of 250, 01 = 226 with an approximate enrollment of 400, 02 = 216 with an approximate enrollment of 270, and 03 = 174 with an approximate enrollment of 260.

5th Grade Students
Overall Grade A B C D F
Spring 2003 72% 24 4
Spring 2002 47 33 14 3 3
Spring 2001 51 31 10 3 5
Spring 2000 50 40 3 8
Spring 1999

5th grade students sum of A's & B's.  Spring of 2003 = 96%, Spring of 2002 = 81%, Spring of 2001=82%, Spring of 2000=90%, and nothing for Spring of 1999. 5th grade composite. Spring 2003=98%, Spring 2002=94%, Spring 2001=95%, Spring 2000 = 97%, and nothing for Spring of 1999.

Research and Evaluation June 19, 2003

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