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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 4. Teachers in elementary and secondary schools, and instructional staff in degree- granting institutions, by control of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 to fall 2014
[In thousands]

         |      All levels     |     Elementary and  | Degree-granting institutions
Year     |                     |secondary teachers\1\|    instructional staff\2\
         | Total|Public|Private| Total|Public|Private|     Total|  Public| Private
1        |    2 |    3 |     4 |    5 |    6 |     7 |        8 |      9 |     10
1970 ....| 2,766| 2,373|    393| 2,292| 2,059|    233|       474|     314|     160
1975 ....| 3,081| 2,641|    440| 2,453| 2,198|\3\ 255|       628|     443|     185
1980 ....| 3,171| 2,679|    492| 2,485| 2,184|    301| \3\   686| \3\ 495| \3\ 191
1981 ....| 3,145| 2,636|    509| 2,440| 2,127|\3\ 313|       705|     509|     196
1982 ....| 3,168| 2,639|    529| 2,458| 2,133|\3\ 325| \3\   710| \3\ 506| \3\ 204
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1983 ....| 3,200| 2,651|    549| 2,476| 2,139|    337|       724|     512|     212
1984 ....| 3,225| 2,673|    552| 2,508| 2,168|\3\ 340| \3\   717| \3\ 505| \3\ 212
1985 ....| 3,264| 2,709|    555| 2,549| 2,206|    343| \3\   715| \3\ 503| \3\ 212
1986 ....| 3,314| 2,754|    560| 2,592| 2,244|\3\ 348| \3\   722| \3\ 510| \3\ 212
1987 ....| 3,424| 2,831|    592| 2,631| 2,279|\3\ 352| \4\   793| \4\ 553| \4\ 240
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1988 ....| 3,472| 2,882|    590| 2,668| 2,323|\3\ 345|\3,4\  804|\3,4\559|\3,4\245
1989 ....| 3,558| 2,934|    624| 2,734| 2,357|\3\ 377| \4\   824| \4\ 577| \4\ 247
1990 ....| 3,570| 2,972|    599| 2,753| 2,398|\3\ 355|\3,4\  817|\3,4\574|\3,4\244
1991 ....| 3,613| 3,013|    600| 2,787| 2,432|\3\ 355| \4\   826| \4\ 581| \4\ 245
1992 ....| 3,699| 3,080|    620| 2,822| 2,459|\3\ 363|\3,4\  877|\3,4\621|\3,4\257
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1993 ....| 3,785| 3,154|    631| 2,870| 2,504|\3\ 366| \4\   915| \4\ 650| \4\ 265
1994 ....| 3,849| 3,205|    644| 2,926| 2,552|\3\ 374|\3,4\  923|\3,4\653|\3,4\270
1995 ....| 3,910| 3,255|    655| 2,978| 2,598|\3\ 380| \4\   932| \4\ 657| \4\ 275
1996 ....| 4,009| 3,339|    669| 3,054| 2,667|\3\ 387|\3,4\  954|\3,4\672|\3,4\282
1997 ....| 4,124| 3,441|    683| 3,134| 2,746|    388| \4\   990| \4\ 695| \4\ 295
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1998 ....| 4,221| 3,527|    694| 3,221| 2,830|\3\ 391|\3,4\  999|\3,4\697|\3,4\303
1999 ....| 4,334| 3,624|    710| 3,306| 2,911|    395| \4\ 1,028| \4\ 713| \4\ 315
2000 ....| 4,398| 3,682|    716| 3,331| 2,941|\3\ 390|\3,4\1,067|\3,4\741|\3,4\326
2001 ....| 4,503| 3,771|    732| 3,390| 3,000|    390| \4\ 1,113| \4\ 771| \4\ 342
2002\3\ .| 4,585| 3,826|    759| 3,428| 3,034|    394|\3,4\1,157|\3,4\792|\3,4\365
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
2003\5\ .| 4,647| 3,866|    781| 3,472| 3,074|    399| \4\ 1,175| \4\ 793| \4\ 382
2004\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,501| 3,100|    401|      --- |     ---|     ---
2005\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,526| 3,122|    404|      --- |     ---|     ---
2006\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,570| 3,161|    409|      --- |     ---|     ---
2007\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,601| 3,188|    413|      --- |     ---|     ---
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
2008\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,625| 3,209|    416|      --- |     ---|     ---
2009\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,650| 3,230|    420|      --- |     ---|     ---
2010\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,680| 3,256|    424|      --- |     ---|     ---
2011\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,718| 3,288|    430|      --- |     ---|     ---
2012\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,769| 3,333|    436|      --- |     ---|     ---
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
2013\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,825| 3,382|    443|      --- |     ---|     ---
2014\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,887| 3,437|    451|      --- |     ---|     ---

---Not available.
\1\Includes teachers in local public school systems and in most private schools (religiously affiliated and nonsectarian). Teachers are reported in terms of full-time equivalents.
\2\Beginning in 1996-97, data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions are 2-year and 4-year institutions that were eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Includes full-time and part-time faculty with the rank of instructor or above in colleges, universities, professional schools, and 2-year colleges. Excludes teaching assistants.
\4\Definitional coverage of data for 1987 and later years is not consistent with figures prior to 1987.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Headcounts are used to report data for degree-granting institutions instructional staff.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Day Schools, 1970 and 1975; The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 1980 through 2002; Projections of Education Statistics to 2014; Higher Education General Information Survey, (HEGIS), "Fall Staff" survey, 1970 and 1975; 1987 through 2003 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff Survey" (IPEDS-S:87-99), and Winter 2001-02 and Winter 2003-04; and U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEO-6), 1981 and 1983; and unpublished data. (This table was prepared March 2005.)

2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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