The Northern Rockies Fire Behavior Workshop was held on February 5-7, 2008, in the Missouri River room of the Northern Rockies Training Center, Missoula, MT.
Fire behavior specialists from across the Northern Rockies region presented talks and participated in discussions on a variety of weather and fire-behavior related topics.

A free FIREWISE workshop for science, math, and language educators was held on June 26-28, 2007, at the Firelab in Missoula, MT.
This workshop featured hands-on experience for teachers on the science of wildland fire. Future workshops are availablefor groups by contacting or calling 406-829-6894. For information on what this workshop covers, visit the FIREWISE workshop information link.

The FIREMON team hosted our latest Training Workshop at the University of Montana, Lubrecht Forest, Oct. 3 – 5, 2006.
We had 43 participants from the U.S. Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Parks Canada and the province of Alberta. Students received two days of indoor presentations regarding the philosophy of FIREMON, developing a sampling design, explanation of the sampling methods, and an overview of the FIREMON software including, data entry, reports and statistical analysis. The third day students were split into small groups in the field and given the opportunity to learn and collect data with each of the sampling methods. Each participant received a copy of the FIREMON publication on CD. This was our first training held completely at the Lubrecht Forest and participants reported favorably.




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Fire Modeling Institute
Last modified: Oct. 30, 2008

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